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修订 1.1 | 2013-09-29 | crl |
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现在已放到google code中的crifanLib中的crifanLib.py,并且以后会同步保持最新版本的。
from datetime import datetime,timedelta; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get current time's timestamp def getCurTimestamp() : return datetimeToTimestamp(datetime.now()); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # convert datetime value to timestamp # from "2006-06-01 00:00:00" to 1149091200 def datetimeToTimestamp(datetimeVal) : return int(time.mktime(datetimeVal.timetuple()));
from datetime import datetime,timedelta; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # convert timestamp to datetime value # from 1149091200 to "2006-06-01 00:00:00" def timestampToDatetime(timestamp) : #print "type(timestamp)=",type(timestamp); #print "timestamp=",timestamp; #timestamp = int(timestamp); timestamp = float(timestamp); return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp);
例 2.2. timestampToDatetime使用范例
createtimeFloat = float(createtimeMillisecond)/1000; localTime = timestampToDatetime(createtimeFloat);
import time; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #init for calculate elapsed time def calcTimeStart(uniqueKey) : global gVal gVal['calTimeKeyDict'][uniqueKey] = time.time(); return #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # to get elapsed time, before call this, should use calcTimeStart to init def calcTimeEnd(uniqueKey) : global gVal return time.time() - gVal['calTimeKeyDict'][uniqueKey];
例 2.3. calcTimeStart和calcTimeEnd的使用范例
calcTimeStart("export_head"); exportHead(blogInfoDic); gVal['statInfoDict']['exportHeadTime'] = calcTimeEnd("export_head");
from datetime import datetime,timedelta; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # convert local GMT8 to GMT time # note: input should be 'datetime' type, not 'time' type def convertLocalToGmt(localTime) : return localTime - timedelta(hours=8);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # got python script self file name # extract out xxx from: # D:\yyy\zzz\xxx.py # xxx.py def extractFilename(inputStr) : argv0List = inputStr.split("\\"); scriptName = argv0List[len(argv0List) - 1]; # get script file name self possibleSuf = scriptName[-3:]; if possibleSuf == ".py" : scriptName = scriptName[0:-3]; # remove ".py" return scriptName;
例 2.5. extractFilename的使用范例
if __name__=="__main__": # for : python xxx.py -s yyy # -> sys.argv[0]=xxx.py # for : xxx.py -s yyy # -> sys.argv[0]=D:\yyy\zzz\xxx.py scriptSelfName = extractFilename(sys.argv[0]);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # replace the &#N; (N is digit number, N > 1) to unicode char # eg: replace "'" with "'" in "Creepin' up on you" def repUniNumEntToChar(text): unicodeP = re.compile('&#[0-9]+;'); def transToUniChr(match): # translate the matched string to unicode char numStr = match.group(0)[2:-1]; # remove '&#' and ';' num = int(numStr); unicodeChar = unichr(num); return unicodeChar; return unicodeP.sub(transToUniChr, text);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # generate the full url, which include the main url plus the parameter list # Note: # normally just use urllib.urlencode is OK. # only use this if you do NOT want urllib.urlencode convert some special chars($,:,{,},...) into %XX def genFullUrl(mainUrl, paraDict) : fullUrl = mainUrl; fullUrl += '?'; for i, para in enumerate(paraDict.keys()) : if(i == 0): # first para no '&' fullUrl += str(para) + '=' + str(paraDict[para]); else : fullUrl += '&' + str(para) + '=' + str(paraDict[para]); return fullUrl;
例 2.7. genFullUrl的使用范例
# Note: here not use urllib.urlencode to encode para, # for the encoded result will convert some special chars($,:,{,},...) into %XX paraDict = { 'asyn' : '1', 'thread_id_enc' : '', 'start' : '', 'count' : '', 'orderby_type' : '0', }; paraDict['thread_id_enc'] = str(threadIdEnc); paraDict['start'] = str(startCmtIdx); paraDict['count'] = str(reqCmtNum); paraDict['t'] = str(cmtReqTime); mainUrl = "http://hi.baidu.com/cmt/spcmt/get_thread"; getCmtUrl = genFullUrl(mainUrl, paraDict);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check whether two url is similar # note: input two url both should be str type def urlIsSimilar(url1, url2) : isSim = False; url1 = str(url1); url2 = str(url2); slashList1 = url1.split('/'); slashList2 = url2.split('/'); lenS1 = len(slashList1); lenS2 = len(slashList2); # all should have same structure if lenS1 != lenS2 : # not same sturcture -> must not similar isSim = False; else : sufPos1 = url1.rfind('.'); sufPos2 = url2.rfind('.'); suf1 = url1[(sufPos1 + 1) : ]; suf2 = url2[(sufPos2 + 1) : ]; # at least, suffix should same if (suf1 == suf2) : lastSlashPos1 = url1.rfind('/'); lastSlashPos2 = url2.rfind('/'); exceptName1 = url1[:lastSlashPos1]; exceptName2 = url2[:lastSlashPos2]; # except name, all other part should same if (exceptName1 == exceptName2) : isSim = True; else : # except name, other part is not same -> not similar isSim = False; else : # suffix not same -> must not similar isSim = False; return isSim;
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # found whether the url is similar in urlList # if found, return True, similarSrcUrl # if not found, return False, '' def findSimilarUrl(url, urlList) : (isSimilar, similarSrcUrl) = (False, ''); for srcUrl in urlList : if urlIsSimilar(url, srcUrl) : isSimilar = True; similarSrcUrl = srcUrl; break; return (isSimilar, similarSrcUrl);
例 2.9. findSimilarUrl的使用范例
# to check is similar, only when need check and the list it not empty if ((gCfg['omitSimErrUrl'] == 'yes') and gVal['errorUrlList']): (isSimilar, simSrcUrl) = findSimilarUrl(curUrl, gVal['errorUrlList']); if isSimilar : logging.warning(" Omit process %s for similar with previous error url", curUrl); logging.warning(" %s", simSrcUrl); continue;
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # remove non-word char == only retian alphanumeric character (char+number) and underscore # eg: # from againinput4@yeah to againinput4yeah # from green-waste to greenwaste def removeNonWordChar(inputString) : return re.sub(r"[^\w]", "", inputString); # non [a-zA-Z0-9_]
例 2.10. removeNonWordChar的使用范例
wxrValidUsername = removeNonWordChar(gVal['blogUser']); wxrValidUsername = wxrValidUsername.replace("_", ""); logging.info("Generated WXR safe username is %s", wxrValidUsername);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # remove control character from input string # otherwise will cause wordpress importer import failed # for wordpress importer, if contains contrl char, will fail to import wxr # eg: # 1. http://againinput4.blog.163.com/blog/static/172799491201110111145259/ # content contains some invalid ascii control chars # 2. http://hi.baidu.com/notebookrelated/blog/item/8bd88e351d449789a71e12c2.html # 165th comment contains invalid control char: ETX # 3. http://green-waste.blog.163.com/blog/static/32677678200879111913911/ # title contains control char:DC1, BS, DLE, DLE, DLE, DC1 def removeCtlChr(inputString) : validContent = ''; for c in inputString : asciiVal = ord(c); validChrList = [ 9, # 9=\t=tab 10, # 10=\n=LF=Line Feed=换行 13, # 13=\r=CR=回车 ]; # filter out others ASCII control character, and DEL=delete isValidChr = True; if (asciiVal == 0x7F) : isValidChr = False; elif ((asciiVal < 32) and (asciiVal not in validChrList)) : isValidChr = False; if(isValidChr) : validContent += c; return validContent;
例 2.11. removeCtlChr的使用范例
# remove the control char in title: # eg; # http://green-waste.blog.163.com/blog/static/32677678200879111913911/ # title contains control char:DC1, BS, DLE, DLE, DLE, DC1 infoDict['title'] = removeCtlChr(infoDict['title']);
![]() |
关于控制字符 |
如果不了解什么是控制字符,请参考:ASCII字符集中的功能/控制字符 |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # convert the string entity to unicode unmber entity # refer: http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html # TODO: need later use this htmlentitydefs instead following def replaceStrEntToNumEnt(text) : strToNumEntDict = { # Latin-1 Entities " " : " ", "¡" : "¡", "¢" : "¢", "£" : "£", "¤" : "¤", "¥" : "¥", "¦" : "¦", "§" : "§", "¨" : "¨", "©" : "©", "ª" : "ª", "«" : "«", "¬" : "¬", "­" : "­", "®" : "®", "¯" : "¯", "°" : "°", "±" : "±", "²" : "²", "³" : "³", "´" : "´", "µ" : "µ", "¶" : "¶", "·" : "·", "¸" : "¸", "¹" : "¹", "º" : "º", "»" : "»", "¼" : "¼", "½" : "½", "¾" : "¾", "¿" : "¿", "À" : "À", "Á" : "Á", "Â" : "Â", "Ã" : "Ã", "Ä" : "Ä", "Å" : "Å", "Æ" : "Æ", "Ç" : "Ç", "È" : "È", "É" : "É", "Ê" : "Ê", "Ë" : "Ë", "Ì" : "Ì", "Í" : "Í", "Î" : "Î", "Ï" : "Ï", "Ð" : "Ð", "Ñ" : "Ñ", "Ò" : "Ò", "Ó" : "Ó", "Ô" : "Ô", "Õ" : "Õ", "Ö" : "Ö", "×" : "×", "Ø" : "Ø", "Ù" : "Ù", "Ú" : "Ú", "Û" : "Û", "Ü" : "Ü", "Ý" : "Ý", "Þ" : "Þ", "ß" : "ß", "à" : "à", "á" : "á", "â" : "â", "ã" : "ã", "ä" : "ä", "å" : "å", "æ" : "æ", "ç" : "ç", "è" : "è", "é" : "é", "ê" : "ê", "ë" : "ë", "ì" : "ì", "í" : "í", "î" : "î", "ï" : "ï", "ð" : "ð", "ñ" : "ñ", "ò" : "ò", "ó" : "ó", "ô" : "ô", "õ" : "õ", "ö" : "ö", "÷" : "÷", "ø" : "ø", "ù" : "ù", "ú" : "ú", "û" : "û", "ü" : "ü", "ý" : "ý", "þ" : "þ", "ÿ" : "ÿ", # http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/special.html # Special Entities """ : """, "&" : "&", "<" : "<", ">" : ">", "Œ" : "Œ", "œ" : "œ", "Š" : "Š", "š" : "š", "Ÿ" : "Ÿ", "ˆ" : "ˆ", "˜" : "˜", " " : " ", " " : " ", " " : " ", "‌" : "‌", "‍" : "‍", "‎" : "‎", "‏" : "‏", "–" : "–", "—" : "—", "‘" : "‘", "’" : "’", "‚" : "‚", "“" : "“", "”" : "”", "„" : "„", "†" : "†", "‡" : "‡", "‰" : "‰", "‹" : "‹", "›" : "›", "€" : "€", } replacedText = text; for key in strToNumEntDict.keys() : replacedText = re.compile(key).sub(strToNumEntDict[key], replacedText); return replacedText;
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # convert the xxx=yyy into tuple('xxx', yyy), then return the tuple value # [makesure input string] # (1) is not include whitespace # (2) include '=' # (3) last is no ';' # [possible input string] # blogUserName="againinput4" # publisherEmail="" # synchMiniBlog=false # publishTime=1322129849397 # publisherName=null # publisherNickname="\u957F\u5927\u662F\u70E6\u607C" def convertToTupleVal(equationStr) : (key, value) = ('', None); try : # Note: # here should not use split with '=', for maybe input string contains string like this: # http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/hmZoNQaqzZALvVp0rE7faA==/0.jpg # so use find('=') instead firstEqualPos = equationStr.find("="); key = equationStr[0:firstEqualPos]; valuePart = equationStr[(firstEqualPos + 1):]; # string type valLen = len(valuePart); if valLen >= 2 : # maybe string if valuePart[0] == '"' and valuePart[-1] == '"' : # is string type value = str(valuePart[1:-1]); elif (valuePart.lower() == 'null'): value = None; elif (valuePart.lower() == 'false'): value = False; elif (valuePart.lower() == 'true') : value = True; else : # must int value value = int(valuePart); else : # len=1 -> must be value value = int(valuePart); #print "Convert %s to [%s]=%s"%(equationStr, key, value); except : (key, value) = ('', None); print "Fail of convert the equal string %s to value"%(equationStr); return (key, value);
例 2.13. convertToTupleVal的使用范例
# (4) convert to value for equation in equationList : (key, value) = convertToTupleVal(equation);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # remove the empty ones in list def removeEmptyInList(list) : newList = []; for val in list : if val : newList.append(val); return newList;
例 2.14. removeEmptyInList的使用范例
# Note: some list contain [u''], so is not meaningful, remove it here # for only [] is empty, [u''] is not empty -> error while exporting to WXR infoDict['tags'] = removeEmptyInList(infoDict['tags']);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # remove overlapped item in the list def uniqueList(old_list): newList = [] for x in old_list: if x not in newList : newList.append(x) return newList
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # for listToFilter, remove the ones which is in listToCompare # also return the ones which is already exist in listToCompare def filterList(listToFilter, listToCompare) : filteredList = []; existedList = []; for singleOne in listToFilter : # remove processed if (not(singleOne in listToCompare)) : # omit the ones in listToCompare filteredList.append(singleOne); else : # record the already exist ones existedList.append(singleOne); return (filteredList, existedList);
例 2.16. filterList的使用范例
# remove processed and got ones that has been processed (filteredPicList, existedList) = filterList(nonOverlapList, gVal['processedUrlList']);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # generated the random digits number string # max digit number is 12 def randDigitsStr(digitNum = 12) : if(digitNum > 12): digitNum = 12; randVal = random.random(); #print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235 randVal = str(randVal); #print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235 randVal = randVal.replace("0.", ""); #print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235 # if last is 0, append that 0 if(len(randVal)==11): randVal = randVal + "0"; #print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235 #randVal = randVal.replace("e+11", ""); #randVal = randVal.replace(".", ""); #print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235 randVal = randVal[0 : digitNum]; #print "randVal=",randVal; #randVal= 0.134248340235 return randVal;
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # convert tuple list to dict value # [(u'type', u'text/javascript'), (u'src', u'http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js')] # { u'type':u'text/javascript', u'src':u'http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js' } def tupleListToDict(tupleList): convertedDict = {}; for eachTuple in tupleList: (key, value) = eachTuple; convertedDict[key] = value; return convertedDict;
例 2.18. tupleListToDict 的使用范例
#singleContent: name=script, attrMap=None, attrs=[(u'type', u'text/javascript'), (u'src', u'http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js')] attrsDict = tupleListToDict(singleContent.attrs);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # save binary data into file def saveBinDataToFile(binaryData, fileToSave): saveOK = False; try: savedBinFile = open(fileToSave, "wb"); # open a file, if not exist, create it #print "savedBinFile=",savedBinFile; savedBinFile.write(binaryData); savedBinFile.close(); saveOK = True; except : saveOK = False; return saveOK;
例 2.19. saveBinDataToFile的使用范例
# if url is invalid, then add timeout can avoid dead respHtml = getUrlRespHtml(realUrl, useGzip=False, timeout=gConst['defaultTimeout']); isDownOK = saveBinDataToFile(respHtml, fileToSave);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check file validation: # open file url to check return info is match or not # with exception support # note: should handle while the file url is redirect # eg : # http://publish.it168.com/2007/0627/images/500754.jpg -> # http://img.publish.it168.com/2007/0627/images/500754.jpg # other special one: # sina pic url: # http://s14.sinaimg.cn/middle/3d55a9b7g9522d474a84d&690 # http://s14.sinaimg.cn/orignal/3d55a9b7g9522d474a84d # the real url is same with above url def isFileValid(fileUrl) : fileIsValid = False; errReason = "Unknown error"; try : #print "original fileUrl=",fileUrl; origFileName = fileUrl.split('/')[-1]; #print "origFileName=",origFileName; #old: https://ie2zeq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1mo7UWr-TrmqbBhkw52I0ii__WE6l2UtMRSTZHSky66-uDxnCdKPr3bdqVrpUcQHcoJLedlFXa43bvCp_O0zEGF3JdG_yZ4wRT-c2AQmJ_TNcWvVZIXfBDgGerouWyx19WpA4I0XQR1syRJXjDNpwAbQ/IMG_5214_thumb[1].jpg #new: https://kxoqva.bay.livefilestore.com/y1mQlGjwNAYiHKoH5Aw6TMNhsCmX2YDR3vPKnP86snuqQEtnZgy3dHkwUvZ61Ah8zU3AGiS4whmm_ADrvxdufEAfMGo56KjLdhIbosn9F34olQ/IMG_5214_thumb%5b1%5d.jpg unquotedOrigFilenname = urllib.unquote(origFileName); #print "unquotedOrigFilenname=",unquotedOrigFilenname lowUnquotedOrigFilename = unquotedOrigFilenname.lower(); #print "lowUnquotedOrigFilename=",lowUnquotedOrigFilename; resp = urllib2.urlopen(fileUrl, timeout=gConst['defaultTimeout']); # note: Python 2.6 has added timeout support. #print "resp=",resp; realUrl = resp.geturl(); #print "realUrl=",realUrl; newFilename = realUrl.split('/')[-1]; #print "newFilename=",newFilename; #http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_696e50390100ntxs.html unquotedNewFilename = urllib.unquote(newFilename); #print "unquotedNewFilename=",unquotedNewFilename; unquotedLowNewFilename = unquotedNewFilename.lower(); #print "unquotedLowNewFilename=",unquotedLowNewFilename; respInfo = resp.info(); #print "respInfo=",respInfo; respCode = resp.getcode(); #print "respCode=",respCode; # special: # http://116.img.pp.sohu.com/images/blog/2007/5/24/17/24/11355bf42a9.jpg # return no content-length #contentLen = respInfo['Content-Length']; # for redirect, if returned size>0 and filename is same, also should be considered valid #if (origFileName == newFilename) and (contentLen > 0): # for redirect, if returned response code is 200(OK) and filename is same, also should be considered valid #if (origFileName == newFilename) and (respCode == 200): if (lowUnquotedOrigFilename == unquotedLowNewFilename) and (respCode == 200): fileIsValid = True; else : fileIsValid = False; # eg: Content-Type= image/gif, ContentTypes : audio/mpeg # more ContentTypes can refer: http://kenya.bokee.com/3200033.html contentType = respInfo['Content-Type']; errReason = "file url returned info: type=%s, len=%d, realUrl=%s"%(contentType, contentLen, realUrl); except urllib2.URLError,reason : fileIsValid = False; errReason = reason; except urllib2.HTTPError,code : fileIsValid = False; errReason = code; except : fileIsValid = False; errReason = "Unknown error"; # here type(errReason)= <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'>, so just convert it to str errReason = str(errReason); return (fileIsValid, errReason);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # download from fileUrl then save to fileToSave # with exception support # note: the caller should make sure the fileUrl is a valid internet resource/file def downloadFile(fileUrl, fileToSave, needReport = False) : isDownOK = False; downloadingFile = ''; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # note: totalFileSize -> may be -1 on older FTP servers which do not return a file size in response to a retrieval request def reportHook(copiedBlocks, blockSize, totalFileSize) : #global downloadingFile if copiedBlocks == 0 : # 1st call : once on establishment of the network connection print 'Begin to download %s, total size=%d'%(downloadingFile, totalFileSize); else : # rest call : once after each block read thereafter print 'Downloaded bytes: %d' % ( blockSize * copiedBlocks); return; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- try : if fileUrl : downloadingFile = fileUrl; if needReport : urllib.urlretrieve(fileUrl, fileToSave, reportHook); else : urllib.urlretrieve(fileUrl, fileToSave); isDownOK = True; else : print "Input download file url is NULL"; except urllib.ContentTooShortError(msg) : isDownOK = False; except : isDownOK = False; return isDownOK;
例 2.21. downloadFile的使用范例
if dstPicFile and downloadFile(curUrl, dstPicFile) : # replace old url with new url
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # manually download fileUrl then save to fileToSave def manuallyDownloadFile(fileUrl, fileToSave) : isDownOK = False; downloadingFile = ''; try : if fileUrl : # 1. find real address #print "fileUrl=",fileUrl; resp = urllib2.urlopen(fileUrl, timeout=gConst['defaultTimeout']); #print "resp=",resp; realUrl = resp.geturl(); # not same with original file url if redirect # if url is invalid, then add timeout can avoid dead respHtml = getUrlRespHtml(realUrl, useGzip=False, timeout=gConst['defaultTimeout']); isDownOK = saveBinDataToFile(respHtml, fileToSave); else : print "Input download file url is NULL"; except urllib.ContentTooShortError(msg) : isDownOK = False; except : isDownOK = False; return isDownOK;
例 2.22. manuallyDownloadFile的使用范例
#if dstPicFile and downloadFile(curUrl, dstPicFile) : # urlretrieve in downloadFile is too slow while download QQ Space Picture # so here use manuallyDownloadFile instead if dstPicFile and manuallyDownloadFile(curUrl, dstPicFile) : # replace old url with new url
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get response from url # note: if you have already used cookiejar, then here will automatically use it # while using rllib2.Request def getUrlResponse(url, postDict={}, headerDict={}, timeout=0, useGzip=False) : # makesure url is string, not unicode, otherwise urllib2.urlopen will error url = str(url); if (postDict) : postData = urllib.urlencode(postDict); req = urllib2.Request(url, postData); req.add_header('Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); else : req = urllib2.Request(url); if(headerDict) : #print "added header:",headerDict; for key in headerDict.keys() : req.add_header(key, headerDict[key]); defHeaderDict = { 'User-Agent' : gConst['userAgentIE9'], 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache', 'Accept' : '*/*', 'Connection' : 'Keep-Alive', }; # add default headers firstly for eachDefHd in defHeaderDict.keys() : #print "add default header: %s=%s"%(eachDefHd,defHeaderDict[eachDefHd]); req.add_header(eachDefHd, defHeaderDict[eachDefHd]); if(useGzip) : #print "use gzip for",url; req.add_header('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate'); # add customized header later -> allow overwrite default header if(headerDict) : #print "added header:",headerDict; for key in headerDict.keys() : req.add_header(key, headerDict[key]); if(timeout > 0) : # set timeout value if necessary resp = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=timeout); else : resp = urllib2.urlopen(req); return resp;
例 2.23. getUrlResponse的使用范例
resp = getUrlResponse(url, postDict, headerDict, timeout, useGzip); respHtml = resp.read();
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get response html==body from url #def getUrlRespHtml(url, postDict={}, headerDict={}, timeout=0, useGzip=False) : def getUrlRespHtml(url, postDict={}, headerDict={}, timeout=0, useGzip=True) : resp = getUrlResponse(url, postDict, headerDict, timeout, useGzip); respHtml = resp.read(); if(useGzip) : #print "---before unzip, len(respHtml)=",len(respHtml); respInfo = resp.info(); # Server: nginx/1.0.8 # Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 12:30:35 GMT # Content-Type: text/html # Transfer-Encoding: chunked # Connection: close # Vary: Accept-Encoding # ... # Content-Encoding: gzip # sometime, the request use gzip,deflate, but actually returned is un-gzip html # -> response info not include above "Content-Encoding: gzip" # eg: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/comment_730793bf010144j7_3.html # -> so here only decode when it is indeed is gziped data if( ("Content-Encoding" in respInfo) and (respInfo['Content-Encoding'] == "gzip")) : respHtml = zlib.decompress(respHtml, 16+zlib.MAX_WBITS); #print "+++ after unzip, len(respHtml)=",len(respHtml); return respHtml;
例 2.25. getUrlRespHtml的使用范例:带额外参数
modifyUrl = gVal['blogEntryUrl'] + "/blog/submit/modifyblog"; #logging.debug("Modify Url is %s", modifyUrl); #http://hi.baidu.com/wwwhaseecom/blog/item/79188d1b4fa36f068718bf79.html foundSpBlogID = re.search(r"blog/item/(?P<spBlogID>\w+?).html", url); if(foundSpBlogID) : spBlogID = foundSpBlogID.group("spBlogID"); logging.debug("Extracted spBlogID=%s", spBlogID); else : modifyOk = False; errInfo = "Can't extract post spBlogID !"; return (modifyOk, errInfo); newPostContentGb18030 = newPostContentUni.encode("GB18030"); categoryGb18030 = infoDict['category'].encode("GB18030"); titleGb18030 = infoDict['title'].encode("GB18030"); postDict = { "bdstoken" : gVal['spToken'], "ct" : "1", "mms_flag" : "0", "cm" : "2", "spBlogID" : spBlogID, "spBlogCatName_o": categoryGb18030, # old catagory "edithid" : "", "previewImg" : "", "spBlogTitle" : titleGb18030, "spBlogText" : newPostContentGb18030, "spBlogCatName" : categoryGb18030, # new catagory "spBlogPower" : "0", "spIsCmtAllow" : "1", "spShareNotAllow":"0", "spVcode" : "", "spVerifyKey" : "", } headerDict = { # 如果不添加Referer,则返回的html则会出现错误:"数据添加的一般错误" "Referer" : gVal['blogEntryUrl'] + "/blog/modify/" + spBlogID, } respHtml = getUrlRespHtml(modifyUrl, postDict, headerDict);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check all cookies in cookiesDict is exist in cookieJar or not def checkAllCookiesExist(cookieNameList, cookieJar) : cookiesDict = {}; for eachCookieName in cookieNameList : cookiesDict[eachCookieName] = False; allCookieFound = True; for cookie in cookieJar : if(cookie.name in cookiesDict) : cookiesDict[cookie.name] = True; for eachCookie in cookiesDict.keys() : if(not cookiesDict[eachCookie]) : allCookieFound = False; break; return allCookieFound;
例 2.26. checkAllCookiesExist的使用范例
#http://www.darlingtree.com/wordpress/archives/242 gVal['cj'] = cookielib.CookieJar(); opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(gVal['cj'])); urllib2.install_opener(opener); resp = urllib2.urlopen(baiduSpaceEntryUrl); loginBaiduUrl = "https://passport.baidu.com/?login"; #username=%D0%C4%C7%E9%C6%DC%CF%A2%B5%D8&password=xxx&mem_pass=on postDict = { 'username' : username, 'password' : password, 'mem_pass' : 'on', }; resp = getUrlResponse(loginBaiduUrl, postDict); # check whether the cookie is OK cookieNameList = ["USERID", "PTOKEN", "STOKEN"]; loginOk = checkAllCookiesExist(cookieNameList, gVal['cj']); if (not loginOk) : logging.error("Login fail for not all expected cookies exist !"); return loginOk;
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # depend on chardet # check whether the strToDect is ASCII string def strIsAscii(strToDect) : isAscii = False; encInfo = chardet.detect(strToDect); if (encInfo['confidence'] > 0.9) and (encInfo['encoding'] == 'ascii') : isAscii = True; return isAscii;
例 2.27. strIsAscii的使用范例
if(not strIsAscii(extractedBlogUser)) : # if is: http://hi.baidu.com/资料收集 # then should quote it, otherwise later output to WXR will fail ! extractedBlogUser = urllib.quote(extractedBlogUser);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get the possible(possiblility > 0.5) charset of input string def getStrPossibleCharset(inputStr) : possibleCharset = "ascii"; #possibleCharset = "UTF-8"; encInfo = chardet.detect(inputStr); #print "encInfo=",encInfo; if (encInfo['confidence'] > 0.5): possibleCharset = encInfo['encoding']; return possibleCharset; #return encInfo['encoding'];
例 2.28. getStrPossibleCharset的使用范例
validCharset = getStrPossibleCharset(dataJsonStr); logging.debug("Now try use the detected charset %s to decode it again", validCharset);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # depend on BeautifulSoup # translate strToTranslate from fromLanguage to toLanguage # return the translated unicode string # some frequently used language abbrv: # Chinese Simplified: zh-CN # Chinese Traditional: zh-TW # English: en # German: de # Japanese: ja # Korean: ko # French: fr # more can be found at: # http://code.google.com/intl/ru/apis/language/translate/v2/using_rest.html#language-params def translateString(strToTranslate, fromLanguage="zh-CN", toLanguage="en"): transOK = False; translatedStr = strToTranslate; transErr = ''; try : # following refer: http://python.u85.us/viewnews-335.html postDict = {'hl':'zh-CN', 'ie':'UTF-8', 'text':strToTranslate, 'langpair':"%s|%s"%(fromLanguage, toLanguage)}; googleTranslateUrl = 'http://translate.google.cn/translate_t'; resp = getUrlRespHtml(googleTranslateUrl, postDict); #logging.debug("---------------google translate resp html:\n%s", resp); except urllib2.URLError,reason : transOK = False; transErr = reason; except urllib2.HTTPError,code : transOK = False; transErr = code; else : soup = BeautifulSoup(resp); resultBoxSpan = soup.find(id='result_box'); if resultBoxSpan and resultBoxSpan.span and resultBoxSpan.span.string : transOK = True; #translatedStr = resultBoxSpan.span.string.encode('utf-8'); googleRetTransStr = resultBoxSpan.span.string; translatedStr = unicode(googleRetTransStr); # just record some special one: # from: #【转载】[SEP4020 u-boot] start.s 注释 # to: # The 【reserved] [the SEP4020 u-boot] start.s comment else : transOK = False; transErr = "can not extract translated string from returned result"; transErr = str(transErr); if transOK : return (transOK, translatedStr); else : return (transOK, transErr);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # translate the Chinese Simplified(Zh-cn) string to English(en) def transZhcnToEn(strToTrans) : translatedStr = strToTrans; transOK = False; transErr = ''; if strIsAscii(strToTrans) : transOK = True; translatedStr = strToTrans; else : (transOK, translatedStr) = translateString(strToTrans, "zh-CN", "en"); return (transOK, translatedStr);
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #remove specific tag[key]=value in soup contents (list of BeautifulSoup.Tag/BeautifulSoup.NavigableString) # eg: # (1) # removeSoupContentsTagAttr(soupContents, "p", "class", "cc-lisence") # to remove <p class="cc-lisence" style="line-height:180%;">......</p>, from # [ # u'\n', # <p class="cc-lisence" style="line-height:180%;">......</p>, # u'\u5bf9......\u3002', # <p>跑题了。......我争取。</p>, # <br />, # u'\n', # <div class="clear"></div>, # ] # (2) #contents = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(contents, "div", "class", "addfav", True); # remove <div class="addfav">.....</div> from: # [u'\n', # <div class="postFooter">......</div>, # <div style="padding-left:2em"> # ... # <div class="addfav">......</div> # ... # </div>, # u'\n'] def removeSoupContentsTagAttr(soupContents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal="", recursive=False) : global gVal; #print "in removeSoupContentsClass"; #print "[",gVal['currentLevel'],"] input tagName=",tagName," tagAttrKey=",tagAttrKey," tagAttrVal=",tagAttrVal; #logging.debug("[%d] input, %s[%s]=%s, soupContents:%s", gVal['currentLevel'],tagName,tagAttrKey,tagAttrVal, soupContents); #logging.debug("[%d] input, %s[%s]=%s", gVal['currentLevel'],tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal); filtedContents = []; for singleContent in soupContents: #logging.debug("current singleContent=%s",singleContent); #logging.info("singleContent=%s", singleContent); #print "type(singleContent)=",type(singleContent); #print "singleContent.__class__=",singleContent.__class__; #if(isinstance(singleContent, BeautifulSoup)): #if(BeautifulSoup.Tag == singleContent.__class__): #if(isinstance(singleContent, instance)): #if(isinstance(singleContent, BeautifulSoup.Tag)): if(isinstance(singleContent, Tag)): #print "isinstance true"; #logging.debug("singleContent: name=%s, attrMap=%s, attrs=%s",singleContent.name, singleContent.attrMap, singleContent.attrs); # if( (singleContent.name == tagName) # and (singleContent.attrMap) # and (tagAttrKey in singleContent.attrMap) # and ( (tagAttrVal and (singleContent.attrMap[tagAttrKey]==tagAttrVal)) or (not tagAttrVal) ) ): # print "++++++++found tag:",tagName,"[",tagAttrKey,"]=",tagAttrVal,"\n in:",singleContent; # #print "dir(singleContent)=",dir(singleContent); # logging.debug("found %s[%s]=%s in %s", tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, singleContent.attrMap); # above using attrMap, but attrMap has bug for: #singleContent: name=script, attrMap=None, attrs=[(u'type', u'text/javascript'), (u'src', u'http://partner.googleadservices.com/gampad/google_service.js')] # so use attrs here #logging.debug("singleContent: name=%s, attrs=%s", singleContent.name, singleContent.attrs); attrsDict = tupleListToDict(singleContent.attrs); if( (singleContent.name == tagName) and (singleContent.attrs) and (tagAttrKey in attrsDict) and ( (tagAttrVal and (attrsDict[tagAttrKey]==tagAttrVal)) or (not tagAttrVal) ) ): #print "++++++++found tag:",tagName,"[",tagAttrKey,"]=",tagAttrVal,"\n in:",singleContent; #print "dir(singleContent)=",dir(singleContent); logging.debug("found %s[%s]=%s in %s", tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, attrsDict); else: if(recursive): #print "-----sub call"; gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1; #logging.debug("[%d] now will filter %s[%s=]%s, for singleContent.contents=%s", gVal['currentLevel'], tagName,tagAttrKey,tagAttrVal, singleContent.contents); #logging.debug("[%d] now will filter %s[%s=]%s", gVal['currentLevel'], tagName,tagAttrKey,tagAttrVal); filteredSingleContent = singleContent; filteredSubContentList = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(filteredSingleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive); gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1; filteredSingleContent.contents = filteredSubContentList; #logging.debug("[%d] after filter, sub contents=%s", gVal['currentLevel'], filteredSingleContent); #logging.debug("[%d] after filter contents", gVal['currentLevel']); filtedContents.append(filteredSingleContent); else: #logging.debug("not recursive, append:%s", singleContent); #logging.debug("not recursive, now append singleContent"); filtedContents.append(singleContent); # name = singleContent.name; # if(name == tagName): # print "name is equal, name=",name; # attrMap = singleContent.attrMap; # print "attrMap=",attrMap; # if attrMap: # if tagAttrKey in attrMap: # print "tagAttrKey=",tagAttrKey," in attrMap"; # if(tagAttrVal and (attrMap[tagAttrKey]==tagAttrVal)) or (not tagAttrVal): # print "++++++++found tag:",tagName,"[",tagAttrKey,"]=",tagAttrVal,"\n in:",singleContent; # #print "dir(singleContent)=",dir(singleContent); # logging.debug("found tag, tagAttrVal=%s, %s[%s]=%s", tagAttrVal, tagName, tagAttrVal, attrMap[tagAttrKey]); # else: # print "key in attrMap, but value not equal"; # if(recursive): # print "-----sub call 111"; # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1; # singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive); # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1; # filtedContents.append(singleContent); # else: # print "key not in attrMap"; # if(recursive): # print "-----sub call 222"; # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1; # singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive); # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1; # filtedContents.append(singleContent); # else: # print "attrMap is None"; # if(recursive): # print "-----sub call 333"; # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1; # singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive); # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1; # filtedContents.append(singleContent); # else: # print "name not equal, name=",name," tagName=",tagName; # if(recursive): # print "-----sub call 444"; # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] + 1; # singleContent = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(singleContent.contents, tagName, tagAttrKey, tagAttrVal, recursive); # gVal['currentLevel'] = gVal['currentLevel'] -1; # filtedContents.append(singleContent); else: # is BeautifulSoup.NavigableString #print "not BeautifulSoup instance"; filtedContents.append(singleContent); #print "filterd contents=",filtedContents; #logging.debug("[%d] before return, filtedContents=%s", gVal['currentLevel'], filtedContents); return filtedContents;
例 2.31. removeSoupContentsTagAttr 的使用范例
foundPostbody = soup.find(attrs={"class":"postBody"}); contents = foundPostbody.contents; contents = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(contents, "p", "class", "cc-lisence", True); #版权声明 contents = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(contents, "div", "class", "relpost", True); #历史上的今天, 相关帖子 contents = removeSoupContentsTagAttr(contents, "div", "class", "addfav", True); #收藏到
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # find the first BeautifulSoup.NavigableString from soup contents def findFirstNavigableString(soupContents): firstString = None; for eachContent in soupContents: # note here must import NavigableString from BeautifulSoup if(isinstance(eachContent, NavigableString)): firstString = eachContent; break; return firstString;
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # convert soup contents into unicode string def soupContentsToUnicode(soupContents) : #method 1 mappedContents = map(CData, soupContents); #print "mappedContents OK"; #print "type(mappedContents)=",type(mappedContents); #type(mappedContents)= <type 'list'> contentUni = ''.join(mappedContents); #print "contentUni=",contentUni; # #method 2 # originBlogContent = ""; # logging.debug("Total %d contents for original soup contents:", len(soupContents)); # for i, content in enumerate(soupContents): # if(content): # logging.debug("[%d]=%s", i, content); # originBlogContent += unicode(content); # else : # logging.debug("[%d] is null", i); # logging.debug("---method 1: map and join---\n%s", contentUni); # logging.debug("---method 2: enumerate ---\n%s", originBlogContent); # # -->> seem that two method got same blog content #logging.debug("soup contents to unicode string OK"); return contentUni;
例 2.32. soupContentsToUnicode 的使用范例
postmetadataUni = soupContentsToUnicode(foundPostmetadata.contents);