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修订 1.0 | 2010-04-23 | crl |
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修订 1.1 | 2012-09-01 | crl |
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本文所涉及的代码,获取自[RFC PATCH 1/3] ARM: PL08X: Add a driver for the PL08x series of DMAC controllers.
相关的数据手册,可以去这里找到:第 1.1 节 “PL08X Documentation”
水平有限,难免理解有误,欢迎指正和交流:admin (at) crifan.com
/* Copyright(c) 2006 ARM Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The full GNU General Public License is iin this distribution in the * file called COPYING. * * Documentation: ARM DDI 0196G == PL080 * Documentation: ARM DDI 0218E == PL081 * */
Datasheet | |
又称数据手册,是关于硬件资源,功能等详细描述的手册,是做相关驱动开发必不可少的资料,否则,你都不知道你的硬件能做什么事情,就没法去写对应的驱动了。 |
DMA,Direct Memory Access,直接内存访问。
既然叫 直接内存访问,那么相对应地,应该就有 “间接的内存访问”。
是DMA_TO_DEVICE,然后是源地址source address是你的内存地址addr,
和目标destination address是你的dev的DATA寄存器地址,
然后要传输额transfer size是N个,每个位宽是32bit,
整理成一个结构,专有名称叫做LLI(Link List Item),把这个LLi设置到ctrl里面。
然后去enable DMA,DMA就可以按照你的要求,把数据传输过去了。
这样的DMA叫做single DMA传输,LLI中的next lli的域设置为空,表示就一个LLI要传输。
如果源地址或目标地址是多个分散的地址,叫做scatter/gather DMA,
就要将这些LLI组合一下,即将第一个LLI的next lli那个域,设置成下一个LLI的地址,
这样一个个链接起来,最后一个LLI的nex lli的域为空,这样设置好后,将第一个LLI的值写入到ctrl中,DMA就会自动地去执行第一个LLI的数据传输,传完后,发现next lli不为空,就找到next lli的位置,
/* * The AMBA DMA API is modelled on the ISA DMA API and performs * single asynchronous transfers between a device and memory * i.e. some platform fixed device address and a driver defined memory address
此AMBA DMA驱动,基于ISA DMA的API,好像应该就是那个DMA engine的架构吧,对应的,是这两个相关文件:
主要实现了异步传输,细看内部实现,就是,你设置好所有的参数之后,就提交你的请求后,然后此dma驱动会去在合适的时候帮你实现你的dma请求。因此,不保证是立刻就去执行你的请求的,此之所以称作异步。 |
正如上面的解释,常见的应用就是, 对应某个外设有某个固定的设备地址,一般都是某个FIFO的地址,或者DATA之类的寄存器,然后你的DMA请求是,从内存某个地址传输一定数据到你这个设备的FIFO或者data寄存器,即往你设备里面写数据,或者相反,从你的设备的FIFO地址中,读取一定量数据到内存某个位置,即从你设备里面读取数据。 |
* * Memory to peripheral transfer may be visualized as * Get data from memory to DMAC * Until no data left * On burst request from peripheral * Destination burst from DMAC to peripheral * Clear burst request * Raise terminal count interrupt * * For peripherals with a FIFO: * Source burst size == half the depth of the peripheral FIFO * Destination burst size == width of the peripheral FIFO
关于提交DMA传输请求的时候,对于突发传输大小(burst size)的设置,虽然此处建议对于source burst size,设置成你的FIFO大小的一半,而对于destination burst size,设置为你的FIFO大小等同,但是,实际一般是根据你的外设控制器的设置而去具体设置的 比如你的nand flash控制器有个fifo是36个word,但是,其nand flash controller中关于burst size的说明是,,DMA模式时候,当fifo中小于4个word并且将要写入数据大于32个word的时候,才会发送write burst信号给dma,要求burst传输,期望一下子传输32个word, 这样,一下子传输32个word,写入到nand flash的fifo里面,这样就比dma传输一次一个word,即single word transfer的效率高多了。 此时,你的destination burst size,就应该设置成32个word,之前,我以为也可以设置成16,8之类比32小的值,但是除了理论上理解的,没有充分利用硬件的能力、效率低之外,,实际上,驱动并不能正常工作,数据总是少不部分,就是说,硬件上人家有burst的dma请求了,就是已经准备了32个数据让你传,结果你只传输了部分,所以数据就少了一些,就乱了。 一般来说,source burst size,多数和destination burst size相等。具体,还要去看你的设备的datasheet。 |
* * (Bursts are irrelevant for mem to mem transfers - there are no burst signals) * * Details of each tranfer on a particular channel * are held in the DMA channel array * A workqueue uses those details to initiate the actual transfer * The DMAC interrupt clears the relevant transfer in the channel array * * ASSUMES only one DMAC device exists in the system * ASSUMES default (little) endianness for DMA transfers * * Only DMAC flow control is implemented * */ #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/workqueue.h> #include <linux/dmapool.h> #include <asm/dma.h> #include <asm/mach/dma.h> #include <asm/atomic.h> #include <asm/processor.h> #include <linux/amba/bus.h> #include <linux/dmaengine.h> #include <asm/cacheflush.h> #include <linux/amba/pl08x.h> int ctr_chan[2]; /* * Predeclare the DMAENGINE API functions */ static int pl08x_alloc_chan_resources(struct dma_chan *chan, struct dma_client *client); static void pl08x_free_chan_resources(struct dma_chan *chan); static struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *pl08x_prep_dma_memcpy( struct dma_chan *chan, dma_addr_t dest, dma_addr_t src, size_t len, unsigned long flags); static struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *pl08x_prep_dma_interrupt( struct dma_chan *chan, unsigned long flags); static enum dma_status pl08x_dma_is_complete(struct dma_chan *chan, dma_cookie_t cookie, dma_cookie_t *last, dma_cookie_t *used); static void pl08x_issue_pending(struct dma_chan *chan); static struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *pl08x_prep_slave_sg( struct dma_chan *chan, struct scatterlist *sgl, unsigned int sg_len, enum dma_data_direction direction, unsigned long flags); static void pl08x_terminate_all(struct dma_chan *chan); struct dma_device dmac = { .device_alloc_chan_resources = pl08x_alloc_chan_resources, .device_free_chan_resources = pl08x_free_chan_resources, .device_prep_dma_memcpy = pl08x_prep_dma_memcpy, .device_prep_dma_xor = NULL, .device_prep_dma_zero_sum = NULL, .device_prep_dma_memset = NULL, .device_prep_dma_interrupt = pl08x_prep_dma_interrupt, .device_is_tx_complete = pl08x_dma_is_complete, .device_issue_pending = pl08x_issue_pending, .device_prep_slave_sg = pl08x_prep_slave_sg, .device_terminate_all = pl08x_terminate_all, };
/* * PL08X private data structures ==== START */ struct _cctl_data{ unsigned int tsize:12; unsigned int sbsize:3; unsigned int dbsize:3; unsigned int swidth:3; unsigned int dwidth:3; unsigned int smaster:1; unsigned int dmaster:1; unsigned int si:1; unsigned int di:1; unsigned int prot:3; unsigned int intr:1; }; union _cctl{ struct _cctl_data bits; unsigned int val; };
即TransferSize,传输大小,bit0-bit11,共12位。 表示,如果当前传输是DMA控制的情况下,当前此次DMA传输要传输的个数,其中每个具体大小是几个字节,由下面的位宽决定。 在配置完dma,开始传输后,此传输大小从你设置的值,即要传输的数,一点点减少直至0.如果读取此域,得到的值,表示当前还剩下多少个要传输。 不过特殊一点是,如果当前正在进行DMA传输,由于正在传输,所以你读取到的值,并不一定是真正的还剩多少个要传输的。一般用法是,在启用DMA传输,后来又由于传输完成后或者出错等特殊情况又禁用了DMA,此时再去读此域的值,就能真正有效地表示还多少没有传输的。 如果不是DMA控制数据流的传输,(之后会提到,关于DMA数据传输方向,除了DMA_TO_DEVICE,DMA_FROM_DEVICE之外,还有MEM_TO_MEM之类的,非DMA控制数据传输的情况)那么就应该在开始配置的时候,将此域值设置成0. |
即source burst size和destination burst size,即前面提到的,当设备发送给DMA控制器一个突发传输信号之后,DMA要传输多少个数据,就由此处设置的值决定。 支持的burst size有1,4,8,。。。,128,256。 前面已经解释过了,具体此处需要设置成多少,要根据你的硬件的datasheet中描述的你的硬件的能力去决定。 Datasheet中写的DMACxBREQ信号线,就是设备的控制器,如果支持DMA,都会有此信号线接出来的,这样,接到DMA的对应的DMACxBREQ引脚上,这样,如果设备控制器,发现当前的条件,满足DMA burst传输,比如FIFO一共36个word,发现FIFO中数据&=32个word了,快满了,就会向DMA控制器PL080,通过这个信号线发送burst read请求,然后PL080就会根据你DMA传输前此处设置的值,比如是32,去你的设备的FIFO中,一次性地读取你之前设置的32个word。 其中具体满足什么条件,才会触发DMA burst读取或写入的请求信号,都是对应你的设备的控制器的datasheet中描述的,也就是你的硬件本身的能力决定的。. |
即source width和destination width。 具体支持的位宽类型有,byte(8bit),half word(16bit),word(32bit)等。 关于source和destination,解释一下, 比如,你要从你的设备读取数据,即从你设备的FIFO中读取数据到内存某个位置,那么你的设备就是source,此时你的设备的FIFO的位宽,就是source width,比如你FIFO位宽是32bit的,那么此处,根据datasheet,就应该设置为word(32bit)。 |
即source master和destination master,当你的传输由DMA控制时, 比如上面说的DMA_FROM_DEVICE,DMA从设备的FIFO中读取数据到内存中,此时,你要设置一下,你的DMA是用哪一个,即source master是谁。因为,此处的DMA的控制者有2个,可以简单理解为,有两个dma控制器,master1和master2,你具体选哪个master来控制你的DMA传输。关于master的选择,后面的代码分析中,会再次提及。 |
即source increment和destination increment,此处可翻译为,源地址递增和目标地址递增, 关于什么叫递增,为何要递增,可以从最开始提到的,DMA的常见应用情况中来解释, 因为常见的DMA传输,是从某个设备读取数据到某块内存区域,即DMA_FROM_DEVICE,以DMA模式,将数据“From从”你的设备中,读取到某块内存里面;或者将某块内存区域内数据,写入到设备里面,即DMA_TO_DEVICE。 而设备往往都是只有一个DATA寄存器(或是FIFO),此地址是固定不变的, 因此: 对于DMA_FROM_DEVICE,你传输完一个数据了,再传下一个数据的时候,此时你的Source源,还是你的设备的那个寄存器的地址,没有变化,而目标地址,往往要增加一个你的destination width,比如是一个word,32bit,4个字节,即地址要加4了,对应的就要将destination increment设置成1,表示,你的dma每次传输完,目标地址要增加的。 当然具体增加的大小,由你的设置的destination width的值决定。 相应地,如果是DMA_TO_DEVICE,那么就是DMA将数据从内存中写入到你的设备里面,每次传输完后,就是源source地址要增加,source increment要设置为1. 同理,如果是MEM_TO_MEM类型的,内存到内存,就是两者都要设置成1了,因为DMA传输完单个数据后,源地址和目标地址都要改变,要增加相应位宽的大小的。 |
即Protection,保护位,共3bit。 一般很少用到此域,我也没有完全理解,故不多解释,仅简述其义:
是否启用计数终止中断(Terminal count interrupt)。 关于此位,之前一直很迷惑,后面终于看懂了。 就是说,对于DMA的传输中的单个LLI来说,当前传输完成了,对应的寄存器中的transfer size域的值,也就是从设置的值,递减到0,也就是此计数递减到0,即结束了,即terminal count,而Terminal Count Interrupt,即传输完了,达到了terminal count时候,发送一个中断,告诉设备此次传输完成了。 如果此位被设置为0,那么传输完当前的LLI,就不会发送这个中断了,设置为1,就发送此中断。 |
此处之所以定义成union类型,就是方便,在设置好了之后,将此32位的值,直接写入对应的32位的寄存器中。 |
/* * An LLI struct - see pl08x TRM * Note that next uses bit[0] as a bus bit, * start & end do not - their bus bit info * is in cctl */ struct _lli{ dma_addr_t src; dma_addr_t dst; dma_addr_t next; union _cctl cctl; }; struct _chan_lli { dma_addr_t bus_list; void *va_list; }; struct pl08x_driver_data { void __iomem *base; struct amba_device *dmac; struct pl08x_platform_data *pd; /* * Single dma_pool for the LLIs */ struct dma_pool *pool; int pool_ctr; struct work_struct dwork; wait_queue_head_t *waitq; int max_num_llis; /* * LLI details for each DMA channel */ struct _chan_lli *chanllis; /* Wrappers for the struct dma_chan */ struct pl08x_dma_chan *chanwrap[MAX_DMA_CHANNELS]; /* List of descriptors which can be freed */ spinlock_t lock; }; /* * PL08X private data structures ==== END */
这个就是DMA里面最核心的概念,LLI,Link List Item,包括了
这四个值,会分别写入到对应的四个寄存器。 这样配置好了之后,再去启用DMA,DMA就会按照你的要求,把数据从源地址传送到目的地址。 |
next域的值,即下一个LLI的地址,其中的bit0,是bus bit,即指示当前用哪个bus。 现将datasheet中相关解释截图如下: 对应的bit[0],LM位,就表示了,当前使用哪个AHB master,而真正的LLI的地址,是存放在bit[2-31] |
LLI结构体,存放LLI的dma地址(供DMA控制器访问的) bus_list,和虚拟地址(普通的地址,CPU可以访问的地址),va_list |
记录对dma控制器硬件基地址ioremap之后的,驱动中可以直接访问的那个基地址 加上对应寄存器偏移量,就可以访问寄存器了 |
此pl08x的DMA控制也是一个amba设备 |
dma内存池,用于存放之后,每次驱动的LLI |
记录已使用内存池的数量,当达到足够大一个值的时候,做一次清理动作 |
一个工作队列,后面可以看到,挂了一个函数,作用是清理释放dma pool |
将DMA 通道相关的信息,打包在这个变量里 |
/* * Power Management. * PM support is not complete. Turn it off. */ #undef CONFIG_PM #ifdef CONFIG_PM #else # define pl08x_do_suspend NULL # define pl08x_do_resume NULL # define pl08x_suspend NULL # define pl08x_resume NULL #endif #ifdef MODULE # error "AMBA PL08X DMA CANNOT BE COMPILED AS A LOADABLE MODULE AT PRESENT" /* a) Some devices might make use of DMA during boot (esp true for DMAENGINE implementation) b) Memory allocation will need much more attention before load/unload can be supported */ #endif struct pl08x_driver_data pd; /* * PL08X specific defines */ /* Minimum period between work queue runs */ #define PL08X_WQ_PERIODMIN 20 /* Size (bytes) of each buffer allocated for one transfer */ # define PL08X_LLI_TSFR_SIZE 0x2000 /* Maximimum times we call dma_pool_alloc on this pool without freeing */ # define PL08X_MAX_ALLOCS 0x40 #define MAX_NUM_TSFR_LLIS (PL08X_LLI_TSFR_SIZE/sizeof(struct _lli)) #define PL08X_ALIGN 8 #define PL08X_ALLOC 0 /* Register offsets */ #define PL08X_OS_ISR 0x00 #define PL08X_OS_ISR_TC 0x04 #define PL08X_OS_ICLR_TC 0x08 #define PL08X_OS_ISR_ERR 0x0C #define PL08X_OS_ICLR_ERR 0x10 #define PL08X_OS_CFG 0x30 #define PL08X_OS_CCFG 0x10 #define PL08X_OS_ENCHNS 0x1C #define PL08X_OS_CHAN 0x20 #define PL08X_OS_CHAN_BASE 0x100 /* Channel registers */ #define PL08X_OS_CSRC 0x00 #define PL08X_OS_CDST 0x04 #define PL08X_OS_CLLI 0x08 #define PL08X_OS_CCTL 0x0C /* register masks */ #define PL08X_MASK_CFG 0xFFFFFFF1 #define PL08X_MASK_EN 0x00000001 #define PL08X_MASK_CLLI 0x00000002 #define PL08X_MASK_TSFR_SIZE 0x00000FFF #define PL08X_MASK_INTTC 0x00008000 #define PL08X_MASK_INTERR 0x00004000 #define PL08X_MASK_CCFG 0x00000000 #define PL08X_MASK_HALT 0x00040000 #define PL08X_MASK_ACTIVE 0x00020000 #define PL08X_MASK_CEN 0x00000001 #define PL08X_MASK_ENCHNS 0x000000FF #define PL08X_WIDTH_8BIT 0x00 #define PL08X_WIDTH_16BIT 0x01 #define PL08X_WIDTH_32BIT 0x02 /* * Transferring less than this number of bytes as bytes * is faster than calculating the required LLIs.... * (8 is the real minimum * >7 bytes must have a word alignable transfer somewhere) */ #define PL08X_BITESIZE 0x10 /* * Flow control bit masks */ #define PL08X_FCMASK_M2M_DMA 0x00000000 #define PL08X_FCMASK_M2P_DMA 0x00000800 #define PL08X_FCMASK_P2M_DMA 0x00001000 #define PL08X_FCMASK_P2P_DMA 0x00001800 #define PL08X_FCMASK_P2P_DST 0x00002000 #define PL08X_FCMASK_M2P_PER 0x00002800 #define PL08X_FCMASK_P2P_PER 0x00003000 #define PL08X_FCMASK_P2P_SRC 0x00003800 /* Max number of transfers which can be coded in the control register */ #define PL08X_MAX_TSFRS 0xFFF #define PL08X_CODING_ERR 0xFFFFFFFF
暂时没有实现Linux中PM 的支持 |
对于其他使用此DMA 的驱动中,会去提交DMA请求,此处就是指一次DMA请求中,最大所允许的传输大小,此处是0x2000= 8192 |
后面代码中会看到,对于你的驱动提交的DMA请求,此DMA驱动内部会自动帮你转换成对应的一个个LLI,此数值就是限制一次DMA请求中,最大支持多少个LLI |
一些全局的寄存器的偏移地址,这些值都是根据datasheet中定义出来的 |
DMA控制器,有很多个通道channel,每个channel都对应有自己的一些寄存器,下面就是这些寄存器的地址偏移和位域值的含义 |
下面这几个宏定义,好像没用到 |
下面这个宏定义,好像也没用到,具体的流控制flow control的设置以及宏定义,在对应头文件中: #define PL08X_CCFG_FCTL_MEM_TO_MEM (0) #define PL08X_CCFG_FCTL_MEM_TO_PERI (1) |
static unsigned int pl08x_encode_width(unsigned int unencoded) { unsigned int retval = unencoded >> 1; if (unencoded == (1 << retval)) return retval; dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - illegal width 0x%08x\n", __func__, unencoded); return PL08X_CODING_ERR; }
上述函数第 1.9 节 “pl08x_decode_widthbits”的逆过程 |
/* * - prefers destination bus if both available * - if fixed address on one bus chooses other */ void pl08x_choose_master_bus(struct pl08x_bus_data *src_bus, struct pl08x_bus_data *dst_bus, struct pl08x_bus_data **mbus, struct pl08x_bus_data **sbus, union _cctl *cctl_parm) { if (!cctl_parm->bits.di) { *mbus = src_bus; *sbus = dst_bus; } else if (!cctl_parm->bits.si) { *mbus = dst_bus; *sbus = src_bus; } else { /* TODO: ??? */ if (dst_bus->buswidth == 4) { *mbus = dst_bus; *sbus = src_bus; } else if (src_bus->buswidth == 4) { *mbus = src_bus; *sbus = dst_bus; } else if (dst_bus->buswidth == 2) { *mbus = dst_bus; *sbus = src_bus; } else if (src_bus->buswidth == 2) { *mbus = src_bus; *sbus = dst_bus; } else { /* src_bus->buswidth == 1 */ *mbus = dst_bus; *sbus = src_bus; } } }
int pl08x_fill_lli_for_desc(struct pl08x_txd *local_txd, int num_llis, int len, union _cctl *cctl, int *remainder) { struct _lli *llis_va = (struct _lli *)(local_txd->llis_va); struct _lli *llis_bus = (struct _lli *)(local_txd->llis_bus); llis_va[num_llis].cctl.val = cctl->val; llis_va[num_llis].src = local_txd->srcbus.addr; llis_va[num_llis].dst = local_txd->dstbus.addr; /* * The bus bit is added to the next lli's address */ llis_va[num_llis].next = (dma_addr_t)((unsigned int)&(llis_bus[num_llis + 1]) + pd.pd->bus_bit_lli); if (cctl->bits.si) local_txd->srcbus.addr += len; if (cctl->bits.di) local_txd->dstbus.addr += len; *remainder -= len; return num_llis + 1; }
填充对应的contrl,source, destination 三个寄存器对应的值 |
llis_bus[num_llis + 1]比较好理解,就是当前的LLI的next的值,应该赋值为下一个LLI 的地址 |
需要特殊说明的是bus_bit_lli,此变量,意思为你当前使用DMA的哪个Master。 因为pl080内部有两个Master主控器,你在使用DMA的时候,要制定你当前是使用哪一个DMA,详情参考datasheet: 其中32位的LLI的地址,由于是4对齐的,所以bit0和bit1肯定是0,正好利用第0位指示是master1 还是master2。 此变量不是此处pl08x DMA驱动赋值的,而是在你最开始去注册amba设备的时候赋值的。 |
如果是SI,那么源地址在一次LLI的DMA传输后,源地址就应该更新,为再加上对应的每次传输的长度 |
/* * Return number of bytes to fill to boundary, or len */ static int pl08x_pre_boundary(int addr, int len) { int boundary; if (len <= 0) dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - zero length\n", __func__); boundary = ((addr >> PL08X_BOUNDARY_SHIFT) + 1) << PL08X_BOUNDARY_SHIFT; if (boundary < addr + len) return boundary - addr; else return len; }
#define PL08X_BOUNDARY_SHIFT (10) /* 1KB 0x400 */ #define PL08X_BOUNDARY_SIZE (1 << PL08X_BOUNDARY_SHIFT) 此函数,目的是为了限制每次DMA传输的字节数,要保证在PL08X_BOUNDARY_SIZE即1KB范围内。 之所以做此限制,是因为datasheet中写了:“Bursts do not cross the 1KB address boundary” 突发传输,不能跨界超过1KB 的范围。 所以,如果你上层程序调用此pl08x驱动,希望每次传输2KB,那么此驱动会自动帮你限制为每次最多1KB,然后自动帮你拆分出对应的多个LLI。 |
/* * Note that we assume we never have to change the burst sizes * Return 0 for error */ int fill_LLIS_for_desc(struct pl08x_txd *local_txd, int pl08x_chan_num) { struct pl08x_clientdev_data *client = local_txd->pcd; struct pl08x_bus_data *mbus, *sbus; int remainder; int num_llis = 0; union _cctl cctl_parm; int max_bytes_per_lli; int total_bytes = 0; struct _lli *llis_va; struct _lli *llis_bus; if (!local_txd) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - no descriptor\n", __func__); return 0; } /* * Get some LLIs * This alloc can wait if the pool is used up so we need to cleanup */ local_txd->llis_va = dma_pool_alloc(pd.pool, GFP_KERNEL, &local_txd->llis_bus); if (!local_txd->llis_va) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - no llis\n", __func__); return 0; } pd.pool_ctr++; /* * Initialize bus values for this transfer * from the passed optimal values */ if (!client) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - no client\n", __func__); return 0; } cctl_parm.val = client->cctl_opt; local_txd->srcbus.maxwidth = pl08x_decode_widthbits(cctl_parm.bits.swidth); if (local_txd->srcbus.maxwidth == PL08X_CODING_ERR) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - local_txd->srcbus.maxwidth codeing error cctl_parm.bits.swidth %d\n", __func__, cctl_parm.bits.swidth); return 0; } local_txd->srcbus.buswidth = local_txd->srcbus.maxwidth; local_txd->dstbus.maxwidth = pl08x_decode_widthbits(cctl_parm.bits.dwidth); if (local_txd->dstbus.maxwidth == PL08X_CODING_ERR) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - local_txd->dstbus.maxwidth coding error - cctl_parm.bits.dwidth %d\n", __func__, cctl_parm.bits.dwidth); return 0; } local_txd->dstbus.buswidth = local_txd->dstbus.maxwidth; /* * Note bytes transferred == tsize * MIN(buswidths), not max(buswidths) */ max_bytes_per_lli = min(local_txd->srcbus.maxwidth, local_txd->dstbus.maxwidth) * cctl_parm.bits.tsize; remainder = local_txd->len; /* * Choose bus to align to * - prefers destination bus if both available * - if fixed address on one bus chooses other */ pl08x_choose_master_bus(&local_txd->srcbus, &local_txd->dstbus, &mbus, &sbus, &cctl_parm); if (local_txd->len < mbus->buswidth) { /* * Less than a bus width available * - send as single bytes */ while (remainder) { cctl_parm.bits.swidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.dwidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.tsize = 1; num_llis = pl08x_fill_lli_for_desc(local_txd, num_llis, 1, &cctl_parm, &remainder); total_bytes++; } } else { /* * Make one byte LLIs until master bus is aligned * - slave will then be aligned also */ while ((mbus->addr) % (mbus->buswidth)) { cctl_parm.bits.swidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.dwidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.tsize = 1; num_llis = pl08x_fill_lli_for_desc (local_txd, num_llis, 1, &cctl_parm, &remainder); total_bytes++; } /* * Master now aligned * - if slave is not then we must set its width down */ if (sbus->addr % sbus->buswidth) sbus->buswidth = 1; /* * Make largest possible LLIs until less than one bus width left */ while (remainder > (mbus->buswidth - 1)) { int lli_len, target_len; int tsize; int odd_bytes; /* * If enough left try to send max possible, * otherwise try to send the remainder */ target_len = remainder; if (remainder > max_bytes_per_lli) target_len = max_bytes_per_lli; /* * Set bus lengths for incrementing busses * to number of bytes which fill * to next memory boundary */ if (cctl_parm.bits.si) local_txd->srcbus.fill_bytes = pl08x_pre_boundary( local_txd->srcbus.addr, remainder); else local_txd->srcbus.fill_bytes = max_bytes_per_lli; if (cctl_parm.bits.di) local_txd->dstbus.fill_bytes = pl08x_pre_boundary( local_txd->dstbus.addr, remainder); else local_txd->dstbus.fill_bytes = max_bytes_per_lli; /* * Find the nearest */ lli_len = min(local_txd->srcbus.fill_bytes, local_txd->dstbus.fill_bytes); if (lli_len <= 0) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - lli_len is %d, <= 0\n", __func__, lli_len); return 0; } if (lli_len == target_len) { /* * Can send what we wanted */ /* * Maintain alignment */ lli_len = (lli_len/mbus->buswidth) * mbus->buswidth; odd_bytes = 0; } else { /* * So now we know how many bytes to transfer * to get to the nearest boundary * The next lli will past the boundary * - however we may be working to a boundary * on the slave bus * We need to ensure the master stays aligned */ odd_bytes = lli_len % mbus->buswidth; /* * - and that we are working in multiples * of the bus widths */ lli_len -= odd_bytes; } if (lli_len) { /* * Check against minimum bus alignment */ target_len = lli_len; tsize = lli_len/min(mbus->buswidth, sbus->buswidth); lli_len = tsize * min(mbus->buswidth, sbus->buswidth); if (target_len != lli_len) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - can't send what we want. Desired %d, sent %d in transfer of %d\n", __func__, target_len, lli_len, local_txd->len); return 0; } cctl_parm.bits.swidth = pl08x_encode_width (local_txd->srcbus.buswidth); cctl_parm.bits.dwidth = pl08x_encode_width (local_txd->dstbus.buswidth); if ((cctl_parm.bits.swidth == PL08X_CODING_ERR) || (cctl_parm.bits.dwidth == PL08X_CODING_ERR)) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - cctl_parm.bits.swidth or dwidth coding error - local_txd->dstbus.buswidth %d, local_txd->srcbus.buswidth %d\n", __func__, local_txd->dstbus.buswidth, local_txd->srcbus.buswidth ); return 0; } cctl_parm.bits.tsize = tsize; num_llis = pl08x_fill_lli_for_desc(local_txd, num_llis, lli_len, &cctl_parm, &remainder); total_bytes += lli_len; } if (odd_bytes) { /* * Creep past the boundary, * maintaining master alignment */ int j; for (j = 0; (j < mbus->buswidth) && (remainder); j++) { cctl_parm.bits.swidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.dwidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.tsize = 1; num_llis = pl08x_fill_lli_for_desc( local_txd, num_llis, 1, &cctl_parm, &remainder); total_bytes++; } } } /* * Send any odd bytes */ if (remainder < 0) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - -ve remainder 0x%08x\n", __func__, remainder); return 0; } while (remainder) { cctl_parm.bits.swidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.dwidth = pl08x_encode_width(1); cctl_parm.bits.tsize = 1; num_llis = pl08x_fill_lli_for_desc(local_txd, num_llis, 1, &cctl_parm, &remainder); total_bytes++; } } if (total_bytes != local_txd->len) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - only transferred 0x%08x from size 0x%08x\n", __func__, total_bytes, local_txd->len); return 0; } if (num_llis >= MAX_NUM_TSFR_LLIS) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - need to increase MAX_NUM_TSFR_LLIS from 0x%08x\n", __func__, MAX_NUM_TSFR_LLIS); return 0; } /* * Decide whether this is a loop or a terminated transfer */ llis_va = ((struct _lli *)local_txd->llis_va); llis_bus = ((struct _lli *)local_txd->llis_bus); if (client->circular_buffer) { llis_va[num_llis - 1].next = (dma_addr_t)((unsigned int)&(llis_bus[0]) + pd.pd->bus_bit_lli); } else { /* * Final LLI terminates */ llis_va[num_llis - 1].next = 0; /* * Final LLI interrupts */ llis_va[num_llis - 1].cctl.bits.intr = PL08X_CCTL_INTR_YES; } /* Now store the channel register values */ local_txd->csrc = llis_va[0].src; local_txd->cdst = llis_va[0].dst; if (num_llis > 1) local_txd->clli = llis_va[0].next; else local_txd->clli = 0; local_txd->cctl = llis_va[0].cctl.val; local_txd->ccfg = client->config_base; /* * TODO: Change to use /proc data */ if (pd.max_num_llis < num_llis) pd.max_num_llis = num_llis; return num_llis; }
从传入的配置中,解码出bus宽度,单位字节 |
从源总线和目的总线选出一个最小带宽,然后乘与一个传输的个数,得到单个LLI的最大允许的字节数 |
要传输的数据,比带宽还小,那简单地分成几个LLI就搞定了 |
检查数据有没有超过允许的范围,如果超过了,就用PL08X_BOUNDARY_SIZE=0x400=1KB |
如果你一次要求传输数据太多,然后拆分成了太多个LLI,那么这里会告诉你超过限制了 |
如果是循环缓存circular buffer,那么就告诉DMA传完最后一个LLI的时候,继续从最这个LLI的链表的最开始一个传,这样就周而复始地传输了,一般适用于音频流数据 |
最后一个LLI的next LLI指针的值,一定要设置为NULL,表示DMA传输完这个LLI之后,就结束了 |
最后DMA传完所有的数据了,肯定要发生中断,然后此出pl08x的irq函数会被调用,然后会再接着调用你的驱动做DMA请求时候挂载的callback函数 |
/* * Set the initial DMA register values i.e. those for the first LLI * The next lli pointer and the configuration interrupt bit have * been set when the LLIs were constructed */ void pl08x_set_cregs(struct pl08x_txd *entry, int pl08x_chan_num) { unsigned int reg; unsigned int chan_base = (unsigned int)pd.base + PL08X_OS_CHAN_BASE; chan_base += pl08x_chan_num * PL08X_OS_CHAN; /* Wait for channel inactive */ reg = readl(chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); while (reg & PL08X_MASK_ACTIVE) reg = readl(chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); writel(entry->csrc, chan_base + PL08X_OS_CSRC); writel(entry->cdst, chan_base + PL08X_OS_CDST); writel(entry->clli, chan_base + PL08X_OS_CLLI); writel(entry->cctl, chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCTL); writel(entry->ccfg, chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); mb(); }
/* * Might take too long to do all at once * if so - free some then hand it off */ void pl08x_memrelease(void) { struct pl08x_txd *local_txd, *next; unsigned long flags; int chan; for (chan = 0; chan < MAX_DMA_CHANNELS; chan++) { list_for_each_entry_safe(local_txd, next, &pd.chanwrap[chan]->release_list, txd_list) { spin_lock_irqsave(&pd.lock, flags); if (!local_txd) dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - no descriptor\n", __func__); if (local_txd->tx.callback) { ((struct pl08x_callback_param *) local_txd->tx.callback_param)->act = PL08X_RELEASE; local_txd->tx.callback( local_txd->tx.callback_param); } list_del(&local_txd->txd_list); dma_pool_free(pd.pool, local_txd->llis_va, local_txd->llis_bus); /* * p/m data not mapped - uses coherent or io mem */ if (!local_txd->slave) { dma_unmap_single(dmac.dev, local_txd->srcbus.addr, local_txd->len, local_txd->srcdir); dma_unmap_single(dmac.dev, local_txd->dstbus.addr, local_txd->len, local_txd->dstdir); } kfree(local_txd); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pd.lock, flags); } } pd.pool_ctr = 0; }
/* * Overall DMAC remains enabled always. * * Disabling individual channels could lose data. * * Disable the peripheral DMA after disabling the DMAC * in order to allow the DMAC FIFO to drain, and * hence allow the channel to show inactive * */ void pl08x_disable_dmac_chan(unsigned int ci) { unsigned int reg; unsigned int chan_base = (unsigned int)pd.base + PL08X_OS_CHAN_BASE; chan_base += ci * PL08X_OS_CHAN; /* * Ignore subsequent requests */ reg = readl(chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); reg |= PL08X_MASK_HALT; writel(reg, chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); /* Wait for channel inactive */ reg = readl(chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); while (reg & PL08X_MASK_ACTIVE) reg = readl(chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); reg = readl(chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); reg &= ~PL08X_MASK_CEN; writel(reg, chan_base + PL08X_OS_CCFG); mb(); return; }
此处对于disable一个DMA的channel的做法,是根据datasheet中的描述: “Disabling a DMA channel without losing data in the FIFO To disable a DMA channel without losing data in the FIFO:
即先设置Halt位,然后一直轮询检测对应channel,直到inactive,然后再清空对应的Channel Enable位,如果直接不做任何检测判断,上来就去清空对应的Enable位,那么就会“losing data in the FIFO ”,丢失了FIFO中的数据,是不太安全的 |
/* * Enable the DMA channel * ASSUMES All other configuration bits have been set * as desired before this code is called */ void pl08x_enable_dmac_chan(unsigned int cnum) { void __iomem *cbase = pd.base + PL08X_OS_CHAN_BASE + (cnum * PL08X_OS_CHAN); unsigned int r = 0; /* * Do not access config register until channel shows as disabled */ while ((readl(pd.base + PL08X_OS_ENCHNS) & (1 << cnum)) & PL08X_MASK_ENCHNS); /* * Do not access config register until channel shows as inactive */ r = readl(cbase + PL08X_OS_CCFG); while ((r & PL08X_MASK_ACTIVE) || (r & PL08X_MASK_CEN)) r = readl(cbase + PL08X_OS_CCFG); writel(r | PL08X_MASK_CEN, cbase + PL08X_OS_CCFG); mb(); }
/* * Function for the shared work queue * - scheduled by the interrupt handler when sufficient * list entries need releasing */ void pl08x_wqfunc(struct work_struct *work) { if (pd.pd) pl08x_memrelease(); }
static struct amba_id pl08x_ids[] = { /* PL080 */ { .id = 0x00041080, .mask = 0x000fffff, }, /* PL081 */ { .id = 0x00041081, .mask = 0x000fffff, }, { 0, 0 }, }; #define DRIVER_NAME "pl08xdmac" static int pl08x_probe(struct amba_device *amba_dev, void *id); static struct amba_driver pl08x_amba_driver = { .drv.name = "pl08xdmaapi", .id_table = pl08x_ids, .probe = pl08x_probe, };
/* * This single pool easier to manage than one pool per channel */ int pl08x_make_LLIs(void) { int ret = 0; /* * Make a pool of LLI buffers */ pd.pool = dma_pool_create(pl08x_amba_driver.drv.name, &pd.dmac->dev, PL08X_LLI_TSFR_SIZE, PL08X_ALIGN, PL08X_ALLOC); if (!pd.pool) { ret = -ENOMEM; kfree(pd.chanllis); } pd.pool_ctr = 0; return ret; }
/* * issue pending() will start the next transfer * - it only need be loaded here * CAUTION the work queue function may run during the handler * CAUTION function callbacks may have interesting side effects */ static irqreturn_t pl08x_irq(int irq, void *dev) { u32 mask = 0; u32 reg; unsigned long flags; int c; reg = readl(pd.base + PL08X_OS_ISR_ERR); mb(); if (reg) { /* * An error interrupt (on one or more channels) */ dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - Error interrupt, register value 0x%08x\n", __func__, reg); /* * Simply clear ALL PL08X error interrupts, * regardless of channel and cause */ writel(0x000000FF, pd.base + PL08X_OS_ICLR_ERR); } reg = readl(pd.base + PL08X_OS_ISR); mb(); for (c = 0; c < MAX_DMA_CHANNELS; c++) { if ((1 << c) & reg) { struct pl08x_txd *entry = NULL; struct pl08x_txd *next; spin_lock_irqsave(&pd.chanwrap[c]->lock, flags); if (pd.chanwrap[c]->at) { /* * Update last completed */ pd.chanwrap[c]->lc = (pd.chanwrap[c]->at->tx.cookie); /* * Callback peripheral driver for p/m * to signal completion */ if (pd.chanwrap[c]->at->tx.callback) { /* * Pass channel number */ ((struct pl08x_callback_param *) pd.chanwrap[c]->at->tx.callback_param)->act = c; pd.chanwrap[c]->at->tx.callback( pd.chanwrap[c]->at->tx.callback_param); } /* * Device callbacks should NOT clear * the current transaction on the channel */ if (!pd.chanwrap[c]->at) BUG(); /* * Free the descriptor if it's not for a device * using a circular buffer */ if (!(pd.chanwrap[c]->at->pcd->circular_buffer)) { list_add_tail(&pd.chanwrap[c]->at->txd_list, &pd.chanwrap[c]->release_list); pd.chanwrap[c]->at = NULL; if (pd.pool_ctr > PL08X_MAX_ALLOCS) { schedule_work(&pd.dwork); } } /* * else descriptor for circular * buffers only freed when * client has disabled dma */ } /* * If descriptor queued, set it up */ if (!list_empty(&pd.chanwrap[c]->desc_list)) { list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, next, &pd.chanwrap[c]->desc_list, txd_list) { list_del_init(&entry->txd_list); pd.chanwrap[c]->at = entry; break; } } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pd.chanwrap[c]->lock, flags); mask |= (1 << c); } } /* * Clear only the terminal interrupts on channels we processed */ writel(mask, pd.base + PL08X_OS_ICLR_TC); mb(); return mask ? IRQ_HANDLED : IRQ_NONE; }
/* * Initialise the DMAC channels. * Make a local wrapper to hold required data */ static int pl08x_dma_enumerate_channels(void) { int dma_chan; struct pl08x_dma_chan *local_chan; dma_cap_set(DMA_MEMCPY, dmac.cap_mask); dma_cap_set(DMA_SLAVE, dmac.cap_mask); if (dmac.chancnt) dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - chancnt already set\n", __func__); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dmac.channels); for (dma_chan = 0; dma_chan < MAX_DMA_CHANNELS; dma_chan++) { local_chan = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pl08x_dma_chan), GFP_KERNEL); if (!local_chan) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - no memory for channel\n", __func__); return dmac.chancnt; } /* * Save the DMAC channel number * to indicate which registers to access */ local_chan->chan_id = dma_chan; local_chan->chan.device = &dmac; atomic_set(&local_chan->last_issued, 0); local_chan->lc = atomic_read(&local_chan->last_issued); if (pd.pd->reserved_for_slave) local_chan->slave_only = pd.pd->reserved_for_slave(dma_chan); else dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - can't establish channels reserved for slaves\n", __func__); spin_lock_init(&local_chan->lock); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local_chan->desc_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local_chan->release_list); list_add_tail(&local_chan->chan.device_node, &dmac.channels); pd.chanwrap[dmac.chancnt++] = local_chan; } return dmac.chancnt; }
static int pl08x_probe(struct amba_device *amba_dev, void *id) { int ret = 0; ret = pl08x_make_LLIs(); if (ret) return -ENOMEM; ret = amba_request_regions(amba_dev, NULL); if (ret) return ret; pd.max_num_llis = 0; /* * We have our own work queue for cleaning memory */ INIT_WORK(&pd.dwork, pl08x_wqfunc); pd.waitq = kmalloc(sizeof(wait_queue_head_t), GFP_KERNEL); init_waitqueue_head(pd.waitq); spin_lock_init(&pd.lock); pd.base = ioremap(amba_dev->res.start, SZ_4K); if (!pd.base) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out1; } /* * Attach the interrupt handler */ writel(0x000000FF, pd.base + PL08X_OS_ICLR_ERR); writel(0x000000FF, pd.base + PL08X_OS_ICLR_TC); mb(); ret = request_irq(amba_dev->irq[0], pl08x_irq, IRQF_DISABLED, DRIVER_NAME, &amba_dev->dev); if (ret) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - Failed to attach interrupt %d\n", __func__, amba_dev->irq[0]); goto out2; } /* * Data exchange */ pd.dmac = amba_dev; amba_set_drvdata(amba_dev, &pd); pd.pd = (struct pl08x_platform_data *)(amba_dev->dev.platform_data); /* * Negotiate for channels with the platform * and its DMA requirements */ dmac.dev = &amba_dev->dev; ret = pl08x_dma_enumerate_channels(); if (!ret) { dev_warn(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - failed to enumerate channels - %d\n", __func__, ret); goto out2; } else { ret = dma_async_device_register(&dmac); if (ret) { dev_warn(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - failed to register as an async device - %d\n", __func__, ret); goto out2; } } pl08x_ensure_on(); dev_info(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - ARM(R) PL08X DMA driver found\n", __func__); goto out; out2: iounmap(pd.base); out1: amba_release_regions(amba_dev); out: return ret; }
接下来将要解释的这些函数,都是挂靠在DMA Engine架构下面的函数。
此 pl08x的DMA驱动也要是实现对应的函数,以便其他程序调用这些接口使用pl08x。
去寻找并获得和自己匹配的那个描述符descdesc->callback = as353x_nand_dma_complete_callback;
desc->callback_param = &info->callback_param;
注意 | |
callback函数里面,会调用 而你的callback函数,会在DMA完全传输完毕后,DMA驱动中的irq中会被调用。 |
去等待你的传输完毕了。/* =============================================================== * The DMA ENGINE API * =============================================================== */ static int pl08x_alloc_chan_resources(struct dma_chan *chan, struct dma_client *client) { struct pl08x_dma_chan *local_chan = container_of (chan, struct pl08x_dma_chan, chan); int assigned = 0; /* * Channels may be reserved for slaves * Channels doing slave DMA can only handle one client */ if (local_chan-<slave_only) { if (!client-<slave) return -EBUSY; } else if (client-<slave) return -EBUSY; /* Slave DMA clients can only use one channel each */ if ((client-<slave) && (chan-<client_count)) return -EBUSY; else { /* Channels doing slave DMA can only handle one client. */ if ((local_chan-<slave) && (chan-<client_count)) { dev_err(&pd.dmac-<dev, "%s - channel %d already has a slave - local_chan-<slave %p\n", __func__, local_chan-<chan_id, local_chan-<slave); return -EBUSY; } /* Check channel is idle */ if (pl08x_dma_busy(local_chan-<chan_id)) { dev_err(&pd.dmac-<dev, "%s - channel %d not idle\n", __func__, local_chan-<chan_id); return -EIO; } local_chan-<slave = client-<slave; } return assigned; }
static void pl08x_free_chan_resources(struct dma_chan *chan) { dev_warn(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - UNIMPLEMENTED\n", __func__); }
/* * First make the LLIs (could/should we do this earlier??) * slave (m/p) - no queued transactions allowed at present * TODO allow queued transactions for non circular buffers * Set up the channel active txd as inactive * m2m - transactions may be queued * If no active txd on channel * set it up as inactive * - issue_pending() will set active & start * else * queue it * Lock channel since there may be (at least for m2m) multiple calls * * Return < 0 for error */ static dma_cookie_t pl08x_tx_submit(struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *tx) { int num_llis; unsigned long flags; struct pl08x_txd *local_txd = container_of(tx, struct pl08x_txd, tx); struct pl08x_dma_chan *local_chan = container_of(tx->chan, struct pl08x_dma_chan, chan); int pl08x_chan_num = local_chan->chan_id; num_llis = fill_LLIS_for_desc(local_txd, pl08x_chan_num); if (num_llis) { spin_lock_irqsave(&local_chan->lock, flags); atomic_inc(&local_chan->last_issued); tx->cookie = atomic_read(&local_chan->last_issued); if (local_chan->at) { /* * If this device not using a circular buffer then * queue this new descriptor. * The descriptor for a circular buffer continues * to be used until the channel is freed */ if (local_txd->pcd->circular_buffer) dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - attempting to queue a circular buffer\n", __func__); else list_add_tail(&local_txd->txd_list, &local_chan->desc_list); } else { local_txd->slave = local_chan->slave; local_chan->at = local_txd; local_txd->active = 0; } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&local_chan->lock, flags); return tx->cookie; } else return -EINVAL; }
/* * Initialize a descriptor to be used by submit */ static struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *pl08x_prep_dma_memcpy( struct dma_chan *chan, dma_addr_t dest, dma_addr_t src, size_t len, unsigned long flags) { struct pl08x_txd *local_txd; local_txd = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pl08x_txd), GFP_KERNEL); if (!local_txd) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - no memory for descriptor\n", __func__); return NULL; } else { dma_async_tx_descriptor_init(&local_txd->tx, chan); local_txd->srcbus.addr = src; local_txd->dstbus.addr = dest; local_txd->tx.tx_submit = pl08x_tx_submit; local_txd->len = len; /* * dmaengine.c has these directions hard coded, * but not acessible */ local_txd->dstdir = DMA_FROM_DEVICE; local_txd->srcdir = DMA_TO_DEVICE; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local_txd->txd_list); /* * Ensure the platform data for m2m is set on the channel */ local_txd->pcd = &pd.pd->sd[PL08X_DMA_SIGNALS]; } return &local_txd->tx; }
static struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *pl08x_prep_dma_interrupt( struct dma_chan *chan, unsigned long flags) { struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *retval = NULL; return retval; }
/* * Code accessing dma_async_is_complete() in a tight loop * may give problems - could schedule where indicated. * If slaves are relying on interrupts to signal completion this * function must not be called with interrupts disabled */ static enum dma_status pl08x_dma_is_complete(struct dma_chan *chan, dma_cookie_t cookie, dma_cookie_t *done, dma_cookie_t *used) { struct pl08x_dma_chan *local_chan = container_of(chan, struct pl08x_dma_chan, chan); dma_cookie_t last_used; dma_cookie_t last_complete; enum dma_status ret; last_used = atomic_read(&local_chan->last_issued); last_complete = local_chan->lc; if (done) *done = last_complete; if (used) *used = last_used; ret = dma_async_is_complete(cookie, last_complete, last_used); if (ret == DMA_SUCCESS) return ret; /* * schedule(); could be inserted here */ /* * This cookie not complete yet */ last_used = atomic_read(&local_chan->last_issued); last_complete = local_chan->lc; if (done) *done = last_complete; if (used) *used = last_used; return dma_async_is_complete(cookie, last_complete, last_used); }
/* * Slave transactions callback to the slave device to allow * synchronization of slave DMA signals with the DMAC enable */ static void pl08x_issue_pending(struct dma_chan *chan) { struct pl08x_dma_chan *local_chan = container_of(chan, struct pl08x_dma_chan, chan); int pl08x_chan_num = local_chan->chan_id; if (local_chan->at) { if (!local_chan->at->active) { pl08x_set_cregs(local_chan->at, local_chan->chan_id); if (local_chan->slave) { /* * Allow slaves to activate signals * concurrent to the DMAC enable */ if (local_chan->at->tx.callback) { ((struct pl08x_callback_param *) local_chan->at->tx.callback_param)->act = PL08X_SIGNAL_START; local_chan->at->tx.callback( local_chan->at->tx.callback_param); } } pl08x_enable_dmac_chan(local_chan->chan_id); local_chan->at->active = 1; } /* * else skip active transfer * Calls with active txd occur for NET_DMA * - there can be queued descriptors */ } /* * else - calls with no active descriptor occur for NET_DMA */ }
struct dma_async_tx_descriptor *pl08x_prep_slave_sg( struct dma_chan *chan, struct scatterlist *sgl, unsigned int sg_len, enum dma_data_direction direction, unsigned long flags) { struct pl08x_txd *local_txd; unsigned int reg = 0; int i; /* * Current implementation ASSUMES only one sg */ if (sg_len != 1) BUG(); local_txd = kmalloc(sizeof(struct pl08x_txd), GFP_KERNEL); if (!local_txd) { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - no local_txd\n", __func__); return NULL; } else { struct pl08x_dma_chan *local_chan = container_of(chan, struct pl08x_dma_chan, chan); dma_async_tx_descriptor_init(&local_txd->tx, chan); if (direction == DMA_TO_DEVICE) { local_txd->srcbus.addr = sgl->dma_address; local_txd->dstbus.addr = reg = local_chan->slave->tx_reg; } else if (direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE) { local_txd->srcbus.addr = reg = local_chan->slave->rx_reg; local_txd->dstbus.addr = sgl->dma_address; } else { dev_err(&pd.dmac->dev, "%s - direction unsupported\n", __func__); return NULL; } /* * Find the device array entry for this txd * so that the txd has access to the peripheral data */ for (i = 0; i < PL08X_DMA_SIGNALS; i++) { if (reg == (((unsigned int)(pd.pd->sd[i].io_addr)))) break; } local_txd->pcd = &pd.pd->sd[i]; local_txd->tx.tx_submit = pl08x_tx_submit; local_txd->len = sgl->length; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local_txd->txd_list); } return &local_txd->tx; }
/* * CAUTION: Called by ALSA interrupt handler */ void pl08x_terminate_all(struct dma_chan *chan) { struct pl08x_dma_chan *local_chan = container_of(chan, struct pl08x_dma_chan, chan); int pl08x_chan_num = local_chan->chan_id; if (local_chan->slave->dev) { pl08x_disable_dmac_chan(pl08x_chan_num); /* * Allow slaves to activate signals * concurrent to the DMAC enable */ if (local_chan->at) { if (local_chan->at->tx.callback) { ((struct pl08x_callback_param *) local_chan->at->tx.callback_param) ->act = PL08X_SIGNAL_STOP; local_chan->at->tx.callback( local_chan->at->tx.callback_param); } } } }