最新消息:20210816 当前crifan.com域名已被污染,为防止失联,请关注(页面右下角的)公众号


gitbook crifan 6147浏览 0评论






<code>Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4000
Restart after change in file src/appendix/reference.md

Stopping server
info: 24 plugins are installed
info: 19 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "search-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "disqus"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism-themes"... OK
info: loading plugin "github-buttons"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "expandable-chapters-small"... OK
info: loading plugin "ga"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "sitemap-general"... OK
info: loading plugin "copy-code-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "callouts"... OK
info: loading plugin "toolbar-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "livereload"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-comscore"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 19 pages
info: found 13 asset files
info: &gt;&gt; generation finished with success in 24.4s !

Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4000




gitbook debug update too slow

Generating slowly when the file number is large · Issue #1497 · GitbookIO/gitbook




<code>gitbook serve --timing $(CURRENT_DIR) $(DEBUG_PATH)




<code>➜  http_restful_api git:(master) ✗ gitbook help
    build [book] [output]       build a book
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)
        --format                Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook)
        --[no-]timing           Print timing debug information (Default is false)

    serve [book] [output]       serve the book as a website for testing
        --port                  Port for server to listen on (Default is 4000)
        --lrport                Port for livereload server to listen on (Default is 35729)
        --[no-]watch            Enable file watcher and live reloading (Default is true)
        --[no-]live             Enable live reloading (Default is true)
        --[no-]open             Enable opening book in browser (Default is false)
        --browser               Specify browser for opening book (Default is )
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)
        --format                Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook)

    install [book]              install all plugins dependencies
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    parse [book]                parse and print debug information about a book
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    init [book]                 setup and create files for chapters
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    pdf [book] [output]         build a book into an ebook file
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    epub [book] [output]        build a book into an ebook file
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    mobi [book] [output]        build a book into an ebook file
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)



gitbook build


gitbook serve


gitbook generating too slow · Issue #2048 · GitbookIO/gitbook

和我类似问题,但是我这里是gitbook serve的debug,不是build

Slow performance when listing assets in version 3.0.0 · Issue #1289 · GitbookIO/gitbook

File save is too slow for me!! · Issue #1315 · GitbookIO/gitbook

gitbook serve   too slow

git serve can’t restart when file changes · Issue #1379 · GitbookIO/gitbook

Performance · Issue #118 · GitbookIO/editor-legacy

Need help polishing Gitbook · Issue #345 · reduxjs/redux

Highlighting Rows In Code Blocks · Issue #433 · GitbookIO/gitbook

gitbook serve update slow


<code>## Generate gitbook website
website: generate_book_json clean_website create_folder_website
  @echo ================================================================================
  @echo Generate website for $(BOOK_NAME)
  gitbook build --timing $(CURRENT_DIR) $(WEBSITE_FULLNAME)

## Generate PDF file
pdf: generate_book_json clean_pdf create_folder_pdf
  @echo ================================================================================
  @echo Generate PDF for $(BOOK_NAME)
  gitbook pdf --timing $(CURRENT_DIR) $(PDF_FULLNAME)

## Generate ePub file
epub: generate_book_json clean_epub create_folder_epub
  @echo ================================================================================
  @echo Generate ePub for $(BOOK_NAME)
  gitbook epub --timing $(CURRENT_DIR) $(EPUB_FULLNAME)

## Generate Mobi file
mobi: generate_book_json clean_mobi create_folder_mobi
  @echo ================================================================================
  @echo Generate Mobi for $(BOOK_NAME)
  gitbook mobi --timing $(CURRENT_DIR) $(MOBI_FULLNAME)


<code>Generate website for http_restful_api
gitbook build --timing /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/website
debug: 0.8% of time spent in "parse.book" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 16ms | Average: 16ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 16ms | Max: 16ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 2.01s spent in non-mesured sections

FileNotFoundError: No "README" file (or is ignored)


<code>gitbook build $(CURRENT_DIR) $(WEBSITE_FULLNAME) --timing


<code>Generate website for http_restful_api
gitbook build /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/website --timing
info: 24 plugins are installed
info: 18 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "search-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "disqus"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism-themes"... OK
info: loading plugin "github-buttons"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "expandable-chapters-small"... OK
info: loading plugin "ga"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "sitemap-general"... OK
info: loading plugin "copy-code-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "callouts"... OK
info: loading plugin "toolbar-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-comscore"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 19 pages
info: found 13 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
info: &gt;&gt; generation finished with success in 2.4s !
debug: 0.0% of time spent in "call.hook.finish:before" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 0ms | Average: 0ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 0ms | Max: 0ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 0.0% of time spent in "call.hook.config" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 2ms | Average: 2ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 2ms | Max: 2ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 0.1% of time spent in "call.hook.init" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 3ms | Average: 3ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 3ms | Max: 3ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 0.2% of time spent in "parse.listAssets" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 7ms | Average: 7ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 7ms | Max: 7ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 0.2% of time spent in "call.hook.finish" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 9ms | Average: 9ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 9ms | Max: 9ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 0.4% of time spent in "call.hook.page:before" (19 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 15ms | Average: 1ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 0ms | Max: 3ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 1.3% of time spent in "parse.listPages" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 53ms | Average: 53ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 53ms | Max: 53ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 2.1% of time spent in "parse.book" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 88ms | Average: 88ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 88ms | Max: 88ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 2.6% of time spent in "plugins.findForBook" (1 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 108ms | Average: 108ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 108ms | Max: 108ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 3.2% of time spent in "call.hook.page" (19 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 132ms | Average: 7ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 1ms | Max: 43ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 7.6% of time spent in "page.generate" (19 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 313ms | Average: 16ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 7ms | Max: 55ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 7.7% of time spent in "plugin.load" (18 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 320ms | Average: 18ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 2ms | Max: 153ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 25.1% of time spent in "template.render" (38 times) :
debug:     &gt; Total: 1.04s | Average: 27ms
debug:     &gt; Min: 0ms | Max: 91ms
debug: ---------------------------
debug: 2.04s spent in non-mesured sections
rm -rf /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/pdf
mkdir -p /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/pdf
Generate PDF for http_restful_api
gitbook pdf /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/pdf/http_restful_api.pdf --timing
info: 24 plugins are installed
info: 18 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "search-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "disqus"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism-themes"... OK
info: loading plugin "github-buttons"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "expandable-chapters-small"... OK
info: loading plugin "ga"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "sitemap-general"... OK
info: loading plugin "copy-code-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "callouts"... OK
info: loading plugin "toolbar-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-comscore"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 19 pages
info: found 13 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
info: &gt;&gt; generation finished with success in 13.2s !
info: &gt;&gt; 1 file(s) generated
rm -rf /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/epub
mkdir -p /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/epub
Generate ePub for http_restful_api
gitbook epub /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/epub/http_restful_api.epub --timing
info: 24 plugins are installed
info: 18 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "search-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "disqus"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism-themes"... OK
info: loading plugin "github-buttons"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "expandable-chapters-small"... OK
info: loading plugin "ga"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "sitemap-general"... OK
info: loading plugin "copy-code-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "callouts"... OK
info: loading plugin "toolbar-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-comscore"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 19 pages
info: found 13 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
info: &gt;&gt; generation finished with success in 7.5s !
info: &gt;&gt; 1 file(s) generated
rm -rf /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/mobi
mkdir -p /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/mobi
Generate Mobi for http_restful_api
gitbook mobi /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/output/http_restful_api/mobi/http_restful_api.mobi --timing
info: 24 plugins are installed
info: 18 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "search-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "disqus"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism-themes"... OK
info: loading plugin "github-buttons"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "expandable-chapters-small"... OK
info: loading plugin "ga"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "sitemap-general"... OK
info: loading plugin "copy-code-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "callouts"... OK
info: loading plugin "toolbar-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-comscore"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 19 pages
info: found 13 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
info: &gt;&gt; generation finished with success in 11.2s !
info: &gt;&gt; 1 file(s) generated
Generate All for http_restful_api


build website速度很快,最慢一共也就1,2秒。

build pdf 耗时 13秒

build epub 耗时 7秒

build mobi 耗时 11秒



gitbook serve还是很慢


gitbook serve reload slow

How to disable livereload of gitbook – Stack Overflow

<code>➜  http_restful_api git:(master) gitbook --help

  Usage: gitbook [options] [command]


    -v, --gitbook [version]  specify GitBook version to use
    -d, --debug              enable verbose error
    -V, --version            Display running versions of gitbook and gitbook-cli
    -h, --help               output usage information


    ls                        List versions installed locally
    current                   Display currently activated version
    ls-remote                 List remote versions available for install
    fetch [version]           Download and install a &lt;version&gt;
    alias [folder] [version]  Set an alias named &lt;version&gt; pointing to &lt;folder&gt;
    uninstall [version]       Uninstall a version
    update [tag]              Update to the latest version of GitBook
    help                      List commands for GitBook
    *                         run a command with a specific gitbook version


<code>gitbook serve $(CURRENT_DIR) $(DEBUG_PATH) --log debug


<code>gitbook serve /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/debug --log debug
Live reload server started on port: 35729
Press CTRL+C to quit ...

debug: readme found at README.md
debug: summary file found at SUMMARY.md
debug: cleanup folder "/Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/debug"
info: 24 plugins are installed
info: 19 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "search-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "disqus"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism-themes"... OK
info: loading plugin "github-buttons"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "expandable-chapters-small"... OK
info: loading plugin "ga"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "sitemap-general"... OK
info: loading plugin "copy-code-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "callouts"... OK
info: loading plugin "toolbar-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "livereload"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-comscore"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 19 pages
info: found 13 asset files
debug: calling hook "config"
debug: calling hook "init"
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
debug: copy assets from theme /Users/crifan/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-default/_assets/website
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-comscore/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-fontsettings/assets
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-livereload/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-toolbar-button/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-callouts/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-copy-code-button/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-donate/assets
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-ga/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-expandable-chapters-small/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-tbfed-pagefooter/assets
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-sharing-plus/assets
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-splitter/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-github-buttons/lib
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/prism-themes/themes
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-disqus/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-search-plus/assets
debug: copy asset "assets/favicon.ico"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/create_new_md_preview_1.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/create_new_md_preview_2.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/have_state.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/postman_debug_api.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/postman_generated_api_doc.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/pycharm_restful_api_tool.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/stateless.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/swagger_generated_api_doc.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/youdao_markdown_explain_preview_1.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/youdao_markdown_explain_preview_2.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/youdao_markdown_preview_1.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/youdao_markdown_preview_2.png"
debug: generate page "README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page README.md
debug: generate page "restful_intro/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_intro/README.md
debug: generate page "restful_intro/example.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_intro/example.md
debug: generate page "restful_rule/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_rule/README.md
debug: generate page "restful_rule/rule.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_rule/rule.md
debug: generate page "restful_rule/hateoas.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_rule/hateoas.md
debug: generate page "restful_tool/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_tool/README.md
debug: generate page "restful_tool/test_tool.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_tool/test_tool.md
debug: generate page "restful_tool/framework_lib.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_tool/framework_lib.md
debug: generate page "restful_doc/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/README.md
debug: generate page "restful_doc/use_markdown.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/use_markdown.md
debug: generate page "restful_doc/use_postman.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/use_postman.md
debug: generate page "restful_doc/use_swagger.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/use_swagger.md
debug: generate page "restful_experience/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_experience/README.md
debug: generate page "restful_experience/bad_design.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_experience/bad_design.md
debug: generate page "restful_experience/resp_data_style.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_experience/resp_data_style.md
debug: generate page "restful_experience/experience_other.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_experience/experience_other.md
debug: generate page "appendix/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page appendix/README.md
debug: generate page "appendix/reference.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page appendix/reference.md
debug: calling hook "finish:before"
debug: calling hook "finish"
debug: write search index
info: &gt;&gt; generation finished with success in 3.4s !

Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4000



但是为何每次living reload=refresh=更新加载



<code>Restart after change in file src/README.md

Stopping server
debug: readme found at README.md
debug: summary file found at SUMMARY.md
debug: cleanup folder "/Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/debug"
info: 24 plugins are installed
info: 19 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "search-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "disqus"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism-themes"... OK
info: loading plugin "github-buttons"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "expandable-chapters-small"... OK
info: loading plugin "ga"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "sitemap-general"... OK
info: loading plugin "copy-code-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "callouts"... OK
info: loading plugin "toolbar-button"... OK
info: loading plugin "livereload"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-comscore"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 19 pages
info: found 13 asset files
debug: calling hook "config"
debug: calling hook "init"
debug: copy assets from theme /Users/crifan/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-default/_assets/website
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-comscore/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-fontsettings/assets
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/.gitbook/versions/3.2.3/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-livereload/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-toolbar-button/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-callouts/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-copy-code-button/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-donate/assets
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-ga/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-expandable-chapters-small/book
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debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/prism-themes/themes
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-disqus/book
debug: copy resources from plugin /Users/crifan/GitBook/Library/Import/http_restful_api/node_modules/gitbook-plugin-search-plus/assets
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debug: copy asset "assets/img/youdao_markdown_explain_preview_2.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/youdao_markdown_preview_1.png"
debug: copy asset "assets/img/youdao_markdown_preview_2.png"
debug: generate page "README.md"
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debug: index page README.md
debug: generate page "restful_intro/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_intro/README.md
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debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_intro/example.md
debug: generate page "restful_rule/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_rule/README.md
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debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_rule/rule.md
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debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_rule/hateoas.md
debug: generate page "restful_tool/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_tool/README.md
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debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/README.md
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debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/use_markdown.md
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debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/use_postman.md
debug: generate page "restful_doc/use_swagger.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_doc/use_swagger.md
debug: generate page "restful_experience/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_experience/README.md
debug: generate page "restful_experience/bad_design.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_experience/bad_design.md
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debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
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debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page restful_experience/experience_other.md
debug: generate page "appendix/README.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
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debug: generate page "appendix/reference.md"
debug: calling hook "page:before"
debug: calling hook "page"
debug: index page appendix/reference.md
debug: calling hook "finish:before"
debug: calling hook "finish"
debug: write search index
info: &gt;&gt; generation finished with success in 4.3s !

Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4000



gitbook live reloading slow

git serve can’t restart when file changes · Issue #1379 · GitbookIO/gitbook

update some dependencies to solve issue with running under windows · tepez/gitbook@ea61239

gitbook serve 2.1.2 not live reloading · Issue #1206 · GitbookIO/gitbook

how to disable live reloading plugin · Issue #1232 · GitbookIO/gitbook

gitbook serve 刷新 太慢

gitbook serve  太慢



<code>gitbook serve








<code>gitbook serve --log debug




转载请注明:在路上 » 【暂时解决】gitbook调试时文件改动后页面刷新特别慢




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