最新消息:20210816 当前crifan.com域名已被污染,为防止失联,请关注(页面右下角的)公众号


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  htttp_summary git:(master) gitbook build . output/website

info: 31 plugins are installed

info: 18 explicitly listed

info: loading plugin “search-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “disqus”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism-themes”… OK

info: loading plugin “github-buttons”… OK

info: loading plugin “splitter”… OK

info: loading plugin “sharing-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “tbfed-pagefooter”… OK

info: loading plugin “expandable-chapters-small”… OK

info: loading plugin “ga”… OK

info: loading plugin “donate”… OK

info: loading plugin “sitemap-general”… OK

info: loading plugin “copy-code-button”… OK

info: loading plugin “alerts”… OK

info: loading plugin “download-pdf-link”… OK

info: loading plugin “fontsettings”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-comscore”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-default”… OK

info: found 19 pages

info: found 27 asset files

warn: “options” property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead

warn: “options.generator” property is deprecated, use “output.name” instead



info: >> generation finished with success in 2.7s !

➜  htttp_summary git:(master) gitbook pdf . output/pdf/http_summary.pdf

info: 31 plugins are installed

info: 18 explicitly listed

info: loading plugin “search-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “disqus”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism-themes”… OK

info: loading plugin “github-buttons”… OK

info: loading plugin “splitter”… OK

info: loading plugin “sharing-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “tbfed-pagefooter”… OK

info: loading plugin “expandable-chapters-small”… OK

info: loading plugin “ga”… OK

info: loading plugin “donate”… OK

info: loading plugin “sitemap-general”… OK

info: loading plugin “copy-code-button”… OK

info: loading plugin “alerts”… OK

info: loading plugin “download-pdf-link”… OK

info: loading plugin “fontsettings”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-comscore”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-default”… OK

info: found 19 pages

info: found 27 asset files

warn: “options” property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead

warn: “options.generator” property is deprecated, use “output.name” instead



info: >> generation finished with success in 15.7s !

info: >> 1 file(s) generated

➜  htttp_summary git:(master) gitbook epub . output/epub/http_summary.epub

info: 31 plugins are installed

info: 18 explicitly listed

info: loading plugin “search-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “disqus”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism-themes”… OK

info: loading plugin “github-buttons”… OK

info: loading plugin “splitter”… OK

info: loading plugin “sharing-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “tbfed-pagefooter”… OK

info: loading plugin “expandable-chapters-small”… OK

info: loading plugin “ga”… OK

info: loading plugin “donate”… OK

info: loading plugin “sitemap-general”… OK

info: loading plugin “copy-code-button”… OK

info: loading plugin “alerts”… OK

info: loading plugin “download-pdf-link”… OK

info: loading plugin “fontsettings”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-comscore”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-default”… OK

info: found 19 pages

info: found 27 asset files

warn: “options” property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead

warn: “options.generator” property is deprecated, use “output.name” instead



info: >> generation finished with success in 8.6s !

info: >> 1 file(s) generated

➜  htttp_summary git:(master) gitbook mobi . output/mobi/http_summary.mobi

info: 31 plugins are installed

info: 18 explicitly listed

info: loading plugin “search-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “disqus”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism”… OK

info: loading plugin “prism-themes”… OK

info: loading plugin “github-buttons”… OK

info: loading plugin “splitter”… OK

info: loading plugin “sharing-plus”… OK

info: loading plugin “tbfed-pagefooter”… OK

info: loading plugin “expandable-chapters-small”… OK

info: loading plugin “ga”… OK

info: loading plugin “donate”… OK

info: loading plugin “sitemap-general”… OK

info: loading plugin “copy-code-button”… OK

info: loading plugin “alerts”… OK

info: loading plugin “download-pdf-link”… OK

info: loading plugin “fontsettings”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-comscore”… OK

info: loading plugin “theme-default”… OK

info: found 19 pages

info: found 27 asset files

warn: “options” property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead

warn: “options.generator” property is deprecated, use “output.name” instead



info: >> generation finished with success in 14.5s !

info: >> 1 file(s) generated






转载请注明:在路上 » 【记录】把http_summary的gitbook上传到二级域名book.crifan.com中




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