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Options->Session Options->Terminal->Log File
Prompt for filename
Start log upon connect


另外,最好选中Append to file,这样,之后的日志都可以追加到已有的日志文件而不会讲原先的文件清空了。


    Terminal / Log File

The Log File category of the Session Options dialog allows you to customize the logging options for the selected session


Log file group

This section lets you specify a default filename for your log file. You can also use the Browse button to open the Save As dialog and select the path or filename. You can also use the following variables which will be expanded when SecureCRT writes to the log file.

%H – hostname

%S – session name

%Y – four-digit year

%M – two-digit month

%D – two-digit day of the month

%h – two-digit hour

%m – two-digit minute

%s – two-digit seconds

%% – percent (%)

%envvar% – environment variable

Note: The environment variable substitution occurs first.

Prompt for filename

Check this option to prompt the user for the session log filename when the log is started.

Start log upon connect

Check this option to start writing to the session log file whenever a connection

is made. By default, this option is not selected.

Raw log

Check this option to write every character received by SecureCRT, including terminal

escape sequences, to the session log file. By default, this option is off.

Overwrite vs. Append

You can set up logging to continuously append information to the end of the existing log file or you can overwrite the existing log file with the new session’s logging information.

Overwrite file

If this option is selected and the session log file already exists, the current log file will be overwritten by the new session log file.

Append to file

If this option is selected and the session log file already exists, the new session log will be appended to the existing log file. If the log file does not already exist, a new file is created.

转载请注明:在路上 » SecureCRT的日志设置




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