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【歌曲推荐】Unforgivable Sinner – Lene Marlin

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【歌曲推荐】Unforgivable Sinner – Lene Marlin




Unforgivable Sinner


Lene Marlin


《playing my game》




Lene Marlin,来自北国挪威的音乐精灵,声音冷峻脱俗。
由于自己创作所有的音乐与歌词,Lene Marlin用一把空心吉他与她优美声音,传达了独有的音乐觉醒意识。用更深层、更神秘的方式,来反映出冬天的漫长与忧伤,承袭来自斯堪地那维亚的流行乐创作力,以及拥有对美国大陆的词曲创作传统的高度了解。
她的唱片并成为挪威有史以来销售量最高、而且销售速度最快速的单曲唱片。首支单曲 [Unforgivable Sinner]已经得到葛莱美奖的肯定,并且得到排行榜冠军长达五周之久。

最喜欢最后那句,也是歌曲名“Unforgivable Sinner”。

Unforgivable Sinner – Lene Marlin

Kinda love your sense of time
Cos the days no matter no more
Or the feelings that you hide
Gonna tear you up inside
You know she hopes you tried

Follows you around all day
And you wake up soaking wet
Cos between this world and eternity
There is a face you hope to see

You know where you sent her
You should know where you are
You’re trying to ease off
But you know you won’t get far
And now she’s up there
Sings like an angel
But you can’t hear those words
And now she’d up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable sinner

You’ve been walking around in tears
No answers are there to get
You won’t ever be the same
Someone cries and you’re to blame

Struggling with a fight inside
Sorrow you’ll defeat
The picture you see
It won’t dissapear
Not unpleasant mdream
Or the voice you hear

You know where you sent her
You should know where you are
You’re trying to ease off
But you know you won’t get far
And now she’s up there
Sings like an angel
But you can’t hear those words
And now she’d up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable sinner

Maybe one time lost
But now you’re found
Stand right up before you hit the ground
Maybe one time lost
But now you’re found
Stand right up before you hit the ground,hit the ground

You know where you sent her
You should know where you are
You’re trying to ease off
But you know you won’t get far
And now she’s up there
Sings like an angel
But you can’t hear those words
And now she’d up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable sinner


Unforgivable Sinner – Lene Marlin 【MP3】


Unforgivable Sinner – Lene Marlin 【WMA】

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网友最新评论 (1)

  1. 她的歌很有自己特色的
    lch黑骏马13年前 (2011-04-18)回复
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