#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Function: 【已解决】Python中处理操作Excel中的图表(Chart,Graph) https://www.crifan.com/python_process_excel_chart_graph Author: Crifan Li Version: 2012-12-25 Contact: admin at crifan dot com """ from win32com.client import Dispatch; #from win32com.client import *; def excelChart(): xl = Dispatch("Excel.Application"); #xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") print "xl=",xl; wb = xl.Workbooks.open("chart_demo.xls"); xl.Visible = 1; ws = wb.Worksheets(1); ws.Range('$A1:$D1').Value = ['NAME', 'PLACE', 'RANK', 'PRICE']; ws.Range('$A2:$D2').Value = ['Foo', 'Fooland', 1, 100]; ws.Range('$A3:$D3').Value = ['Bar', 'Barland', 2, 75]; ws.Range('$A4:$D4').Value = ['Stuff', 'Stuffland', 3, 50]; wb.Save(); wb.Charts.Add(); wc1 = wb.Charts(1); if __name__ == "__main__": excelChart();
D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart>excel_chart.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\excel_chart.py", line 34, in <module> excelChart(); File "D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\excel_chart.py", line 21, in excelChart wb = xl.Workbooks.open("chart_demo.xls"); File "<COMObject <unknown>>", line 2, in open pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, ‘Exception occurred.’, (0, u’Microsoft Excel’, u"’chart_demo.xls’ could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is corr ect.\n\nIf you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used files, make sure that the file has not been renamed, moved, or deleted.", u’xlmain11.chm’, 0, -2146827284), None) D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart>D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls |
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Function: 【已解决】Python中处理操作Excel中的图表(Chart,Graph) https://www.crifan.com/python_process_excel_chart_graph Author: Crifan Li Version: 2012-12-25 Contact: admin at crifan dot com """ from win32com.client import Dispatch; #from win32com.client import *; def excelChart(): xl = Dispatch("Excel.Application"); #xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") print "xl=",xl; #wb = xl.Workbooks.open("chart_demo.xls"); wb = xl.Workbooks.open("D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls"); xl.Visible = 1; ws = wb.Worksheets(1); ws.Range('$A1:$D1').Value = ['NAME', 'PLACE', 'RANK', 'PRICE']; ws.Range('$A2:$D2').Value = ['Foo', 'Fooland', 1, 100]; ws.Range('$A3:$D3').Value = ['Bar', 'Barland', 2, 75]; ws.Range('$A4:$D4').Value = ['Stuff', 'Stuffland', 3, 50]; wb.Save(); wb.Charts.Add(); wc1 = wb.Charts(1); if __name__ == "__main__": excelChart();
‘Run Excel File From Python’ Error
wb = xl.Workbooks.open(r"D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls");
#[1] Fail # xlsPath = "chart_demo.xls"; # wb = xl.Workbooks.open(xlsPath); #pywintypes.com_error #[2] Fail # xlsPath = "D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls"; # absPath = os.path.abspath(xlsPath); # print "absPath=",absPath; #absPath= D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\ mp mp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls # wb = xl.Workbooks.open(absPath); #pywintypes.com_error #[3] Fail # xlsPath = "D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls"; # normalPath = os.path.normpath(xlsPath); # print "normalPath=",normalPath; #normalPath= D: mp mp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls # wb = xl.Workbooks.open(normalPath); #pywintypes.com_error #[4] Fail # rawPath = r"chart_demo.xls"; # wb = xl.Workbooks.open(rawPath); #pywintypes.com_error #[5] OK xlsPath = "chart_demo.xls"; absPath = os.path.abspath(xlsPath); print "absPath=",absPath; #absPath= D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls wb = xl.Workbooks.open(absPath); #OK #[6] OK # rawPath = r"D:\tmp\tmp_dev_root\python\excel_chart\chart_demo.xls"; # wb = xl.Workbooks.open(rawPath); # OK
转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】Python中出错:pywintypes.com_error,Exception occurred,Microsoft Excel,could not be found