此处,再次,换个环境,但也是win7 x64 + Cygwin,再去试试在其下用git,能否成功上传代码。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 | Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ ls BlogsToWordpress . py libs modifiedPostPattern_Baidu_serial_story . txt modifiedPostPattern_againinput4 . txt cmd_example . txt materials modifiedPostPattern_Netease_againinput4 . txt Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ pwd /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ ls BlogsToWordpress . py libs modifiedPostPattern_Baidu_serial_story . txt modifiedPostPattern_againinput4 . txt cmd_example . txt materials modifiedPostPattern_Netease_againinput4 . txt Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ ls -lha total 180K drwx------+ 1 Administrators None 0 Aug 27 23 : 15 . drwx------+ 1 Administrators None 0 Aug 27 23 : 15 .. -rwx------+ 1 Administrators None 92K Aug 27 00 : 46 BlogsToWordpress . py -rwx------+ 1 Administrators None 63K Aug 27 00 : 40 cmd_example . txt drwx------+ 1 Administrators None 0 Aug 27 23 : 15 libs drwx------+ 1 Administrators None 0 Aug 27 23 : 15 materials -rwx------+ 1 Administrators None 1. 1K Mar 13 2012 modifiedPostPattern_Baidu_serial_story . txt -rwx------+ 1 Administrators None 1. 2K Mar 16 2012 modifiedPostPattern_Netease_againinput4 . txt -rwx------+ 1 Administrators None 1. 2K Mar 16 2012 modifiedPostPattern_againinput4 . txt Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress/.git/ Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ git add . Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ git status # On branch master # # Initial commit # # Changes to be committed: # (use "git rm --cached < file >..." to unstage) # # new file : BlogsToWordpress . py # new file : cmd_example . txt # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogBaidu . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogBlogbus . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogCsdn . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogDiandian . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogNetease . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogQQ . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogRenren . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogSina . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogSohu . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogTianya . py # new file : libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogXXX . py # new file : libs/crifan/crifanLib . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/BeautifulSoup . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/__init__ . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/big5freq . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/big5prober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/chardistribution . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/charsetgroupprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/charsetprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/codingstatemachine . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/constants . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/escprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/escsm . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/eucjpprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/euckrfreq . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/euckrprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/euctwfreq . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/euctwprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/gb2312freq . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/gb2312prober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/hebrewprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/jisfreq . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/jpcntx . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/langbulgarianmodel . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/langcyrillicmodel . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/langgreekmodel . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/langhebrewmodel . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/langhungarianmodel . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/langthaimodel . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/latin1prober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/mbcharsetprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/mbcsgroupprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/mbcssm . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/sbcharsetprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/sbcsgroupprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/sjisprober . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/universaldetector . py # new file : libs/thirdparty/chardet/utf8prober . py # new file : materials/BlogsToWordpress . ico # new file : modifiedPostPattern_Baidu_serial_story . txt # new file : modifiedPostPattern_Netease_againinput4 . txt # new file : modifiedPostPattern_againinput4 . txt # Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ git commit -a -m "first add all blogstowordpress v17 .7 files into git" [master (root-commit) b537fed] first add all blogstowordpress v17 .7 files into git Committer: U-NYBDHB7EB3XEHP6\Administrator <Administrator@PC-20130611GART.(none)> Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate. You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly: git config --global user . name "Your Name" git config --global user . email you@example . com After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with : git commit --amend --reset-author 54 files changed, 29208 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100755 BlogsToWordpress . py create mode 100755 cmd_example . txt create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogBaidu . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogBlogbus . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogCsdn . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogDiandian . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogNetease . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogQQ . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogRenren . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogSina . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogSohu . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogTianya . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/blogModules/BlogXXX . py create mode 100755 libs/crifan/crifanLib . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/BeautifulSoup . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/__init__ . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/big5freq . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/big5prober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/chardistribution . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/charsetgroupprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/charsetprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/codingstatemachine . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/constants . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/escprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/escsm . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/eucjpprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/euckrfreq . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/euckrprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/euctwfreq . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/euctwprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/gb2312freq . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/gb2312prober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/hebrewprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/jisfreq . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/jpcntx . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/langbulgarianmodel . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/langcyrillicmodel . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/langgreekmodel . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/langhebrewmodel . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/langhungarianmodel . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/langthaimodel . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/latin1prober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/mbcharsetprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/mbcsgroupprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/mbcssm . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/sbcharsetprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/sbcsgroupprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/sjisprober . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/universaldetector . py create mode 100755 libs/thirdparty/chardet/utf8prober . py create mode 100755 materials/BlogsToWordpress . ico create mode 100755 modifiedPostPattern_Baidu_serial_story . txt create mode 100755 modifiedPostPattern_Netease_againinput4 . txt create mode 100755 modifiedPostPattern_againinput4 . txt Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ git remote add origin ssh: //crifan@git.code.sf.net/p/blogstowordpress/code Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ git push origin master ssh: Could not resolve hostname git . code . sf . net: Temporary failure in name resolution fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly Administrator@PC-20130611GART /cygdrive/e/Dev_Root/SourceForge/git/BlogsToWordpress $ |
结果很明显是出现了“Temporary failure in name resolution ”的错误:
2. 现在,由于多上传了一个文件,所以,接着打算去折腾:
【已解决】如何把git中的本地的改动(local changes)上传(upload/commit/push)到git服务器的仓库中
转载请注明:在路上 » 【记录】再次尝试用git上传BlogsToWordPress的代码到SourceForge中git仓库