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【歌曲推荐】The Rules Of The Market – Ginger Ale

音乐天堂 crifan 1883浏览 0评论

【歌曲推荐】The Rules Of The Market – Ginger Ale

The Rules Of The Market

Ginger Ale


《Daggers Drawn》




【歌曲推荐】The Rules Of The Market - Ginger Ale - againinput - 知道 + 有趣 + 有意义 = 完美


乐团由Stéphane Bertrand 和 Angèle David-Guillou两个成员组成
其中主唱Angèle之前是英国电子乐团Piano Magic的主唱





The Rules Of The Market – Ginger Ale

“we like your music” he said
“and we’re gonna make a star of you
of course we know you can sing and play
but you dress like an undertaker, that’s for sure
we thought you’d look better with a mini skirt on
and maybe a pink bra, or maybe a black one”
is this a nightmare? I thought, when do I wake up?
I don’t care I don’t care what you want me to be
I am me, I am me, I am no pawn in your game you see
you don’t seem to understand my play –
there’s no way for me to be another product for sale
“and I suppose you know the rules of the market
people want to understand what the lyrics are about
and of course it’d be a great artistic challange
so would you please try and use your mother tongue somehow”
I can swear like the French, I thought,
but instead left them with their vile business chat
I don’t care, I don’t care, ….


The Rules Of The Market – Ginger Ale



The Rules Of The Market – Ginger Ale


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