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Linux Kernel Source Code and Distribution Download

工作和技术 crifan 2468浏览 0评论

Linux Kernel Source Code Download

Linux Kernel main page:

The Linux Kernel Archives


To improve access for everyone, a number of sites around the world have provided mirrors of this site, which may be faster to use than the master archive itself. Please see:

The Linux Kernel Archive Mirror System

then ,you can find the download site for China:

CNChinaHTTP (1)/pub/linux/pub/software
ftp or www.cn.kernel.orgFTP (1)/pub/linux/pub/software

that is:

China Linux Kernel Org [FTP]

go to download it,current latest stable version of Linux kernel source is:


Linux Distribution Download

The Linux Distribution Mirror System

tha is:


and other linux distribution is :

special-purpose of Linux Distribution:

转载请注明:在路上 » Linux Kernel Source Code and Distribution Download




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