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cache line

工作和技术 crifan 1478浏览 0评论

cache line

<storage> (Or cache block) The smallest unit of memory than can be transferred between the main memory and the cache.

Rather than reading a single word or byte from main memory at a time, each cache entry is usually holds a certain number of words, known as a "cache line" or "cache block" and a whole line is read and cached at once. This takes advantage of the principle of locality of reference: if one location is read then nearby locations (particularly following locations) are likely to be read soon afterwards. It can also take advantage of page-mode DRAM which allows faster access to consecutive locations.


cache line

The block of memory that is transferred to a memory cache. The cache line is generally fixed in size, typically ranging from 16 to 256 bytes. The effectiveness of the line size depends on the application, and cache circuits may be configurable to a different line size by the system designer. There are also numerous algorithms for dynamically adjusting line size in real time. See cache.

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