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【歌曲推荐】Dream You To Life – Jordyn Taylor

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【歌曲推荐】Dream You To Life – Jordyn Taylor




Dream You To Life


Jordyn Taylor





根据其朋友介绍,Jordyn Taylor不仅是有名的MySpace的公主,还非常喜欢音乐。她对音乐很有天赋,待人真诚,对生活充满热情。
Jordyn Taylor



英文流行。这句“I’m looking out in the crowd,Don’t know where you are”很不错。


Dream You To Life – Jordyn Taylor

To life, to life, to life,
It’s 3 am, 3 am
I’m half asleep
I start to feel ,
Start to feel; you next to me
Lying here in the dark
Somethin’ dont feel that right

‘Cos it’s too many times a broken heart
Too many times
Thats too many times I’ve had to start again

I’m looking out in the crowd
Don’t know where you are
It’s like I’m hearing you now
But you feel so far
I don’t know what I can do
I’m searching everywhere
That’s why I lay here at night

And dream you to life
Dream you dream you

I try and stop
But I can’t resist
Can’t fight it
I fall asleep to the sweetest kiss
I wanna see you again
I don’t want the night to end, oh
We can break the rules, they can call us a fool
You know I wouldn’t care, as long as I have you there

I’m looking out in the crowd
Don’t know where you are
It’s like I’m hearing you now
But you feel so far
I don’t know what I can do
I’m searching everywhere
That’s why I lay here at night
And dream you to life

I’ll be okay, I’ll be alright
I know I’lll find you boy,
When the time is right,
I can’t deny it, I can’t deny
I want you right here, right now
In my life, right by my side.
I could love you like no other can, oh.

I’m looking out in the crowd
Don’t know where you are
It’s like I’m hearing you now
But you feel so far
I don’t know what I can do
I’m searching everywhere
That’s why I lay here at night
And dream you to life

Don’t have to be all alone,
And I know you gotta be somewhere around there (dream you to life)
No one wants to be all alone
And I know you gotta be somewhere around there
No one wants to be all alone
And I know you gotta be somewhere around there


Dream You To Life – Jordyn TaylorMP3】

Dream You To Life – Jordyn Taylor【在线试听】

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网友最新评论 (2)

  1. 同步歌词的事情,千千静听都可以自动下载到的。或者网上都可以搜到的。如果你说你没用过千千静听,那就找别人帮你装一个。播放歌曲的时候,把歌曲文件名字改成“歌手 - 歌名”的格式,然后用千千静听播发,一般都会自动下载到合适的歌词的。
    againinput615年前 (2009-04-11)回复
  2. 有没有同步歌词 ?
    肥弟__15年前 (2009-04-11)回复
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