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工行ICBC crifan 3855浏览 0评论


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  • If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the

    home page.

HTTP 400 Bad Request – 数据无效。 (13)
Internet Security and Acceleration Server

Technical Information (for support personnel)

  • Background:
    The gateway could not retrieve the requested page.

  • ISA Server: ISASRV01082
    Time: 2008-3-12 3:18:55 GMT

?interfaceName=ICBC_PERBANK_B2C&interfaceVersion=¬ifyDate=20080312111855&tranStat=1&comment=&remark1=&remark2=&signMsg=sLx8UPNK9GurzLgz3bDzDlXEwGhrwvbMih9Sp15XFPZYnQnpiRzfyrOdSFluy74MvC3bhFzWPXXSczUhqkFo13xbXO1ekMLvWwY%2BBRypaK8NnKbMnO%2FL%2BCmqxyusaq%2FfEHmTe7pLedbQlTct4KNqL2S97QTp86TOShwMgRewUlk%3D’; } function goshop(){ var newWin = window.open("

The page cannot be displayed

There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.

Please try the following:

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  • Open the

    mybank.icbc.com.cn home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

  • If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
  • Verify that the Internet access policy on your network allows you to view this this page.
  • If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the

    mybank.icbc.com.cn home page.

HTTP 400 Bad Request – 数据无效。 (13)
Internet Security and Acceleration Server

Technical Information (for support personnel)

  • Background:
    The gateway could not retrieve the requested page.

  • ISA Server: ISASRV01082
    Time: 2008-3-12 3:18:55 GMT

?interfaceName=ICBC_PERBANK_B2C&interfaceVersion=¬ifyDate=20080312111855&tranStat=1&comment=&remark1=&remark2=&signMsg=sLx8UPNK9GurzLgz3bDzDlXEwGhrwvbMih9Sp15XFPZYnQnpiRzfyrOdSFluy74MvC3bhFzWPXXSczUhqkFo13xbXO1ekMLvWwY%2BBRypaK8NnKbMnO%2FL%2BCmqxyusaq%2FfEHmTe7pLedbQlTct4KNqL2S97QTp86TOShwMgRewUlk%3D"); if (newWin==null) setTimeout("goshop2()", 4000); }





The page cannot be displayed

There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.

Please try the following:

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Refresh button, or try again later.

  • Open the

    mybank.icbc.com.cn home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

  • If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
  • Verify that the Internet access policy on your network allows you to view this this page.
  • If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the

    mybank.icbc.com.cn home page.

  • HTTP 400 Bad Request – 数据无效。 (13)
    Internet Security and Acceleration Server

    Technical Information (for support personnel)

    • Background:
      The gateway could not retrieve the requested page.

    • ISA Server: ISASRV01082
      Time: 2008-3-12 3:18:55 GMT


    转载请注明:在路上 » 工商银行的网银貌似有问题




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    网友最新评论 (3)

    1. 我用的时候也是! 都不敢打太多钱了!
      zhjy292916年前 (2008-07-30)回复
    2. 以后不用了
      linmengxuan17年前 (2008-03-26)回复
    3. 绝对有问题!
      chen456xu17年前 (2008-03-12)回复
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