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【歌曲推荐】Say It Isn’t So – Gareth Gates

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【歌曲推荐】Say It Isn’t So – Gareth Gates



Say It Isn’t So


Gareth Gates


《Go Your Own Way》





2001年的夏天,葛瑞盖斯排除天生的语言障碍,参加英国当红选秀节目《Pop Idol》的比赛,他那如大男孩般真诚呵护歌词情感的歌声,经过半年多、一万名参赛者的激烈考验,2002年2月以四百多万call-in投票赢得亚军歌手的荣衔(*冠军为Will Young)。2002年3月,葛瑞以一首重新诠释正义兄弟合唱团(The Righteous Brothers)的招牌歌"Unchained Melody奔放的旋律",不仅创下金氏世界纪录史上英国金榜最年轻(17岁)的冠军单曲歌手纪录,他发自真心的歌声不愠不火的点燃无悔的情意,为青春世代竖立全新的歌声典范。
    葛瑞盖斯的歌唱实力在2003年的全英音乐奖上获得见证,"Unchained Melody奔放的旋律"、"Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)我们都会错"包办最佳流行单曲双项提名,自己也入围最佳流行艺人。素有英国乐坛指针的Smash Hits杂志更颁发《最佳流行新人奖》、《最佳男艺人》、《最性感男艺人》、《最佳拖把奖》(发型)等4项大奖。此时的葛瑞盖斯正是意气风发!任谁也无法抗拒他的巨星锋芒!





Say It Isn’t So – Gareth Gates

Skies are dark it’s time for rain
Final call you board the train
Heading for tomorrow
I wave goodbye to yesterdays
Wipe the tears you hide your face
Blinded by the sorrow

How can I be smiling like before
When baby, you don’t love me anymore

Say it isn’t so
Tell me you’re not leaving
Say you changed your mind now
That I am only dreaming
That this is not goodbye
This is starting over
If you wanna know
I don’t wanna let go
So say it isn’t so

Ten to five atleast we tried
We’re still alive but hope just died
As they close the door behind you
Whistle blows and tons of steel
Shake the ground beneath the wheels
As I wish I never found you

How can I be smiling when you’re gone
Will I be strong enough to carry on

Miles and miles to go before I can say,
Before I can lay my love for you to sleep
Oh, darling oh
I got miles and miles to go
Before anyone will ever hear
Me laugh again


Say It Isn’t So – Gareth Gates【MP3

Say It Isn’t So – Gareth Gates【在线试听】

【广而告之:更多音乐 〓 ★音乐天堂 http://hi.baidu.com/recommend_music

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