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[VBA Excel] update EWR from SWE into whole EWR tracking list v2011-10-26

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Attribute VB_Name = “Module1”
‘VBA Excel Macro
‘Name: update_EWR_from_SWE
‘Version: 2011-10-26
‘Author: green-waste (at) 163.com
‘Purpose: find the newly added EWR in constSWEFile, then add them into constEWRtoMergeFile

‘Attribute VB_Name = “update_EWR_from_SWE”
‘Public Const constSWEExcelFile As String = “2011_EWR_tracking_list.xlsx”
Public Const constSWEFile As String = “2011_EWR_tracking_list_testing.xlsx”
‘Public Const constEWRtoMergeFile As String = “EWR_tracking_list.xlsx”
‘Public Const constEWRtoMergeFile As String = “EWR_tracking_list_enabledMacro_testing.xlsm”
Public Const constEWRtoMergeFile As String = “EWR_tracking_list_enabledMacro.xlsm”

Public Const constSrcSheet As String = “Work loads”
Public Const constDestSheet As String = “EWR Date base”

Public Const constSrcColNumber As String = “Number”

Public rowsToMerge(100) As Integer
Public maxRowToMerge As Integer

Public wbSWE, wbEWRtoMerge As Object ‘wb=workbook

Public workloadsSheet, ewrDbSheet As Object ‘ewrDb=EWR data base

Public Enum Issue_Type
    ‘CAR = “CAR”
    ‘EWR = “EWR”
    ‘JIRA = “JIRA”
End Enum

Function copyCell(destCell As String, srcCell As String)
    ‘version 1: just copy content
    ewrDbSheet.Range(destCell) = workloadsSheet.Range(srcCell)
    ‘version 2: copy content, apply destination format
    ‘Range(destCell).PasteSpecial xlPasteValidation, xlPasteSpecialOperationNone

End Function
‘ purpose: in the source excel sheet, find the new added EWR item, add it to the dest excel sheet
Sub update_EWR_from_SWE()

Dim fullName As String

‘Dim colNumber As Object

Dim i, j, k As Integer
Dim wholeRowNum As Long

Dim srcTotalNum, destTotalNum As Integer
Dim srcValue, destValue As Integer

Dim foundCurItem As Boolean

Dim srcMaxIdx, destMaxIdx As Integer
Dim srcRowIdx, destRowIdx As Integer

Dim destAddedIdxStart, destAddedIdxEnd As Integer

Rem —0.make sure you currently is opened the Excel file of EWR to merge—
‘fullName = ActiveWorkbook.Path & “” & constEWRtoMergeFile
‘Set wbEWRtoMerge = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=fullName, UpdateLinks:=xlUpdateLinksAlways)
‘Set wbEWRtoMerge = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=fullName, UpdateLinks:=2)
‘Set wbEWRtoMerge = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=fullName)

Set wbEWRtoMerge = ActiveWorkbook
‘MsgBox “Active Excel file is:” & wbEWRtoMerge.Name

Rem —1.open xls file—
fullName = ActiveWorkbook.Path & “” & constSWEFile
Set wbSWE = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=fullName, ReadOnly:=True)
‘MsgBox “Open ” & wbSWE.Name & ” OK”

MsgBox “src file=” & constSWEFile & “, dest file=” & constEWRtoMergeFile

Rem —2.get sheet—
‘Set colNumber = wbSWE.Worksheets(1).Columns(3)

‘Set workloadsSheet = wbSWE.Worksheets.Item(constSrcSheet)
‘Set workloadsSheet = wbSWE.Worksheets.Item(1)
Set workloadsSheet = wbSWE.Worksheets(constSrcSheet)
Set ewrDbSheet = wbEWRtoMerge.Worksheets(constDestSheet)

‘Set colNumber = workloadsSheet.Columns(constSrcColNumber)
‘Set colNumber = workloadsSheet.Columns(3)
‘wholeRowNum = Selection.Count

Rem —3. calc the actual max index for sheet item number—
srcMaxIdx = 2000
destMaxIdx = 2000

For i = 2 To srcMaxIdx ‘the first is header, not valid EWR, so omit it
    srcValue = workloadsSheet.Range(“C” & i).Value
    If srcValue = 0 Or srcValue = Empty Then
        If workloadsSheet.Range(“E” & i).Value <> 0 Then
            MsgBox constSWEFile & “: row[” & i & “] is rediculous, for EWR number is null, but summary column is not null!!!”
            srcMaxIdx = i – 1
            GoTo complete_calc_src_max
        End If
    End If
Next i

For j = 2 To destMaxIdx ‘the first is header, not valid EWR, so omit it
    destValue = ewrDbSheet.Range(“C” & j).Value
    If destValue = 0 Or destValue = Empty Then
        If ewrDbSheet.Range(“D” & j) <> 0 Then
            MsgBox constEWRtoMergeFile & “: row[” & j & “] is rediculous, for EWR number is null, but summary column is not null!!!”
            destMaxIdx = j – 1
            GoTo complete_calc_dest_max
        End If
    End If
Next j

‘MsgBox “Actual max item: src=” & srcMaxIdx & “, dest=” & destMaxIdx

Rem —4.find the new EWRs—
maxRowToMerge = 0

For i = 2 To srcMaxIdx ‘the first is header, not valid EWR, so omit it
    srcValue = workloadsSheet.Range(“C” & i).Value
    If srcValue = 0 Or srcValue = Empty Then
        GoTo complete_search
    End If
    ‘MsgBox “Row[” & i & “] EWR number=” & srcValue
    If workloadsSheet.Rows(i).Hidden = False And srcValue > 0 Then
        foundCurItem = False
        For j = 2 To destMaxIdx ‘the first is header, not valid EWR, so omit it
            destValue = ewrDbSheet.Range(“C” & j).Value
            If ewrDbSheet.Rows(j).Hidden = False And destValue > 0 Then
                If srcValue = destValue Then
                    foundCurItem = True
                    ‘MsgBox “Found same EWR=” & srcValue & “, srcRow=” & i & ” destRow=” & j
                    GoTo continue_next_loop
                End If
            End If
        Next j
        If foundCurItem = False Then ‘ if not found, then should add/merge this one
            ‘save it
            rowsToMerge(maxRowToMerge) = i
            maxRowToMerge = maxRowToMerge + 1
            ‘MsgBox “Not found source Row[” & i & “], EWR=” & srcValue & “, should add it!”
        End If
    End If

Next i


Rem —5. do the update/merge work—

srcTotalNum = workloadsSheet.Range(“A1”).Value
‘MsgBox “Source total number:” & srcTotalNum
destTotalNum = ewrDbSheet.Range(“A1”).Value
‘MsgBox “Destination total number:” & destTotalNum

destRowIdx = destMaxIdx + 1
destAddedIdxStart = destRowIdx

For i = 0 To maxRowToMerge – 1
    srcRowIdx = rowsToMerge(i)

    ‘ merge items
    Call copyCell(“A” & destRowIdx, “A” & srcRowIdx)  ‘1
    Call copyCell(“B” & destRowIdx, “B” & srcRowIdx)  ‘EWR
    Call copyCell(“C” & destRowIdx, “C” & srcRowIdx)  ‘number
    Call copyCell(“D” & destRowIdx, “E” & srcRowIdx)  ‘summary
    Call copyCell(“I” & destRowIdx, “F” & srcRowIdx)  ‘assignee
    Call copyCell(“K” & destRowIdx, “G” & srcRowIdx)  ‘receive date
    Call copyCell(“S” & destRowIdx, “H” & srcRowIdx)  ‘status
    Call copyCell(“T” & destRowIdx, “I” & srcRowIdx)  ‘Milestone
    Call copyCell(“O” & destRowIdx, “J” & srcRowIdx)  ‘Closed Date
    Call copyCell(“U” & destRowIdx, “K” & srcRowIdx)  ‘update
    Call copyCell(“E” & destRowIdx, “M” & srcRowIdx)  ‘Requester
    Call copyCell(“F” & destRowIdx, “N” & srcRowIdx)  ‘Requester Department
    MsgBox “Added source row=” & srcRowIdx & “, EWR=” & workloadsSheet.Range(“C” & srcRowIdx) & ” into dest row=” & destRowIdx
    destRowIdx = destRowIdx + 1
Next i

destAddedIdxEnd = destRowIdx – 1

Rem —do clean work—
‘select what we have added rows
‘Rows(destAddedIdxStart & “:” & destAddedIdxEnd).Select
ewrDbSheet.Range(destAddedIdxStart & “:” & destAddedIdxEnd).Select


End Sub

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