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Never In A Million Years – Stephanie Kirkham

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【歌曲推荐】Never In A Million Years – Stephanie Kirkham


Never In A Million Years

Stephanie Kirkham

《That girl》



英国才女Stephanie Kirkham(史蒂芬妮), 来自英格兰西北部Lancashire的Ribble Valley。Stephanie Kirkham的声音随和而清新。号称“森林精灵”。听Stephanie Kirkham的歌,让我想起了Lene Marlin的《A Place Nearby》,都把那种淡淡的忧伤淋漓尽致的表现出来。印象中英国很少有这种歌手。Stephanie Kirkham的曲子都是由她自己创作歌词,歌词描写的不是矫情的恋爱故事,也不哗众取宠,很像邻家女孩的淡淡倾诉。
美丽的声音总是不缺乏赞美,这首《Never In A Million Years》选自Stephanie Kirkham 2003年9月23日发行的专辑《That Girl》。很清新的声音,没什么起伏,旋律很平缓、安静,从音乐一开始直到结尾给人的感觉都是那样清新,这也是它最大的特点吧,这首歌很适合寂静的晚上听,关上灯,听着这首歌,望着窗外…


Never In A Million Years – Stephanie Kirkham

The warning came as it often did
I felt no shame, played the game, you count, I hid
When winter whispers in crisp morning air
Chilled my spine, wouldn’t change my mind, I did not care
How could I begin, oh, what I could not end?
How could I be honest yet still pretend?
Never in a million years could I forget you
Never in a million years would I try
Never in a million lives could we be parted
Love like life never dies
You spoke the truth, sometimes cutting like a knife
Could run no-where, you stripped me bare and I could not fight
Couldn’t cover my ears or close my eyes
You’re in my heart, you help still my mind
Never in a million years could I forget you
Never in a million years would I try
Never in a million lives could we be parted
Love like life never dies
You are my rock, you are my rock in shifting sand
Whenever I’m sinking you’re there to take my hand
You are my eyes in the blackest dark moon nights
You are my strength, my guide and light
You are my anchor to Mother Earth below
When seas of change tried to swallow me whole
Never in a million years could I forget you
Never in a million years would I try
Never in a million lives could we be parted
Love like life never dies
Love like life never dies

Never In A Million Years – Stephanie Kirkham【MP3】

Never In A Million Years – Stephanie Kirkham【WMA】

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网友最新评论 (2)

  1. 喜欢,就是找不到挂在空间的方法。
    密针14年前 (2011-01-18)回复
  2. 我也很喜欢这首歌 ^_^
    jj小木15年前 (2009-05-10)回复
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