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【已解决】js中用fetch的POST访问服务器端接口出错:OPTIONS 403 Forbidden

JS crifan 8871浏览 0评论


【已解决】reactjs中fetch调用接口出错:TypeError: Failed to fetch






        method : "POST",

        headers : {

          ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’,


        body: JSON.stringify(postJson)


      (data) => {

        console.log("getUserDetail response: data=", data);


OPTIONS http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do 403 (Forbidden)


js fetch OPTIONS 403 Forbidden

Receiving 403 Error on javascript fetch · Issue #340 · Yelp/yelp-fusion

fetch API cannot load error with cors in chrome/firefox · Issue #301 · github/fetch


[Error] Failed to load resource: Preflight response is not successful (getUserDetail.do, line 0)

[Error] Fetch API cannot load http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do. Preflight response is not successful

http – Node.js CORS resulting in 403 Forbidden – Stack Overflow

Ajax request returns OPTIONS message 403 Forbidden



OPTIONS http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do 403 (Forbidden)

after Access-Control-Allow-Origin * still OPTIONS 403 Forbidden

ajax – Cross origin request with CORS filter – Stack Overflow

CORS preflight issues in Firefox and Chrome | Bonitasoft Community

Enable cross origin HTTP requests not working for POST requests · Issue #2171 · jhipster/generator-jhipster

Setting headers with Access-Control-Allow-Origin fails when communicating between servers · Issue #142 · cujojs/rest

CORS sync sends OPTIONS request instead of POST · Issue #2542 · jashkenas/backbone

Server-Side Access Control (CORS) – HTTP | MDN

CORS again – Google Groups

Failed to load  http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do: Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 403.

js fetch Failed to load Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 403

cors – Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 403 in Angular 5 – Stack Overflow



POST http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do





    "accessToken": "c5xxx3a",

    "clientId": "0a7xxxbd",

    "sign": "1fxxx95"




    "retCode": 0,

    "retDesc": "success",

    "data": {


Access-Control-Allow-Headers →origin, Content-type, accept, x-requested-with, sid, mycustom, smuser

Access-Control-Allow-Methods →GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS

Access-Control-Allow-Origin →*

Content-Disposition →inline;filename=f.txt

Content-Encoding →gzip

Content-Type →application/json;charset=UTF-8

Date →Tue, 26 Jun 2018 11:55:44 GMT

Server →Apache-Coyote/1.1

Transfer-Encoding →chunked

Vary →Accept-Encoding


Access-Control-Allow-Headers →origin, Content-type, accept, x-requested-with, sid, mycustom, smuser

Access-Control-Allow-Methods →GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS

Access-Control-Allow-Origin →*


Content-Length →0

Date →Tue, 26 Jun 2018 13:11:25 GMT

Server →Apache-Coyote/1.1


OPTIONS http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do 403 (Forbidden)

Failed to load http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do: Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 403.

call path http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do -> res= {code: -9999, message: TypeError: Failed to fetch}

fetch path=getUserDetail.do with params={"method":"POST","mode":"cors","headers":{"Content-Type":"application/json","accept":"application/json"},"body":"{\"accessToken\":\"15xxx5cc\",\"clientId\":\"0axxxd\",\"sign\":\"0xxxb2\"}"} error code=-9999 message=TypeError: Failed to fetch, data=undefined

post – Response for preflight has invalid http status code 404 in my angular project while consuming web api – Stack Overflow

cors – Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 403 in Angular 5 – Stack Overflow

cors – Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 403 (Angular 4) – Stack Overflow

Angular 2: how to deal with Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 400. Bad request – Stack Overflow

CORS issue : AngularJS POST Fails: Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 404 · Issue #1651 · meanjs/mean

server support OPTIONS but js fetch 403 Forbidden

Support CORS enabled servers and OPTIONS requests · Issue #14 · graphql/express-graphql

http – Why is an OPTIONS request sent and can I disable it? – Stack Overflow


javascript – Preflight OPTIONS request returns 403/forbidden and different headers in browser – Stack Overflow

express – Node.js : POST – Request Method: OPTIONS Status Code: 403 Forbidden – Stack Overflow

ajax – Response for preflight 403 forbidden – Stack Overflow

http – Why is an OPTIONS request sent and can I disable it? – Stack Overflow

jquery ajax 请求中多出现一次OPTIONS请求及其解决办法_唐霜的博客

postman ok but js fetch  OPTIONS 403

reactjs – Fetch api post call returning 403 forbidden error in React js but the same URL working in postman – Stack Overflow

Solved: 403 Forbidden on POST method of /rest/api/2/issue …

Https POST works with postman but preflight fails on chrome browser – ionic-v1 – Ionic




➜  ucowsapp_h5_pure_web git:(pure_web) ✗ npm install –save axios

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react-dom@^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react@^0.14.9 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react-dom@^15.5.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react-dom@^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react-dom@^15.5.x || ^16.x but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of react-dom@^15.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.

npm WARN [email protected] No license field.

+ [email protected]

added 3 packages from 7 contributors and removed 9 packages in 13.992s


    let postJson = {

      "accessToken": this.props.access_token,

      "clientId": this.props.SSO.CLIENTID,

      ‘sign’: md5Sign


    console.log("postJson=", postJson);

    let stringifyPostJson = JSON.stringify(postJson);

    console.log("stringifyPostJson=", stringifyPostJson);

    url = "http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do";


      method: ‘post’,


      headers: {

        ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’


      data: stringifyPostJson


    .then( (res) => {

      console.log("axios: url=", url, ", res=", res);


    .catch( (error) => {

      console.error("axios: url=", url, ", error=", error);



xhr.js?1c58:178 OPTIONS http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do 403 (Forbidden)

dispatchXhrRequest @ xhr.js?1c58:178

xhrAdapter @ xhr.js?1c58:12

dispatchRequest @ dispatchRequest.js?71da:59

Promise.then (async)

request @ Axios.js?6523:51

wrap @ bind.js?46cd:9

getUserDetail @ index.js?b4b6:95

Main @ index.js?b4b6:50

createComponent @ component-recycler.js?d070:14

renderComponent @ component.js?4adf:108

renderComponent @ component.js?4adf:114

setComponentProps @ component.js?4adf:31

buildComponentFromVNode @ component.js?4adf:219

idiff @ diff.js?d966:87

innerDiffNode @ diff.js?d966:203

idiff @ diff.js?d966:125

innerDiffNode @ diff.js?d966:203

idiff @ diff.js?d966:125

diff @ diff.js?d966:28

renderComponent @ component.js?4adf:130

renderComponent @ component.js?4adf:114

renderComponent @ component.js?4adf:114

setComponentProps @ component.js?4adf:31

buildComponentFromVNode @ component.js?4adf:204

idiff @ diff.js?d966:87

diff @ diff.js?d966:28

render @ component.js?4adf:260

init @ index.js?1fdf:13

requestAnimationFrame (async)

(anonymous) @ index.js?1fdf:28

hotApply @ vendor.bundle_213ce55dc88d5e9648bc.js:594

hotUpdateDownloaded @ vendor.bundle_213ce55dc88d5e9648bc.js:312

hotAddUpdateChunk @ vendor.bundle_213ce55dc88d5e9648bc.js:292

webpackHotUpdateCallback @ vendor.bundle_213ce55dc88d5e9648bc.js:37

(anonymous) @ 0.213ce55dc88d5e9648bc.hot-update.js:1

localhost/:1 Failed to load http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do: Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 403.

index.js?b4b6:108 axios: url= http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do , error= Error: Network Error

    at createError (eval at <anonymous> (main.bundle_213ce55dc88d5e9648bc.js:1200), <anonymous>:16:15)

    at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (eval at <anonymous> (main.bundle_213ce55dc88d5e9648bc.js:1179), <anonymous>:87:14)


// data: stringifyPostJson

data: postJson


axios Error: Network Error

Set a code/status for "Network Error" · Issue #383 · axios/axios

“It might be a Cors Error.”

HTTP post error: Error: Network Error · Issue #751 · axios/axios

Error: Network Error · Issue #1414 · axios/axios

javascript – React: Axios Network Error – Stack Overflow

node.js – Post request Axios : Network error – Stack Overflow

reactjs – Error: Network error on Axios API call – Stack Overflow



OPTIONS http://ip:port/xmt-web/getUserDetail.do 403 (Forbidden)

axios Error: Network Error OPTIONS  403 Forbidden

axios   OPTIONS  403 Forbidden

axios request blocked OPTIONS 403 Forbidden – Stack Overflow

“I use native js code it can upload image , i dont understand why axios cant?..”

java – axios 403 forbidden on OPTIONS request – Stack Overflow

javascript – How to configure CORS in a Spring Boot + Spring Security application? – Stack Overflow

关于vue 中的 axios 的post 请求命令 中的参数 – 开源中国社区

vue + axios发送post请求,403错误的解决 – 简书

使用Vue的axios vue-resource跨域不成功 但原生xhr就可以 – iftrue的回答 – SegmentFault 思否







response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS");

response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Authorization,Content-type,Accept,X-Requested-With,sid,mycustom,smuser,Origin");

response.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");

response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");

HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;

HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;

if ( httpRequest.getMethod().equals("OPTIONS") ) {




filterChain.doFilter(request, response);



【已解决】reactjs中fetch调用接口出错:TypeError: Failed to fetch

转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】js中用fetch的POST访问服务器端接口出错:OPTIONS 403 Forbidden




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