python size human readable
python – Reusable library to get human readable version of file size? – Stack Overflow
<code>def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'): for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) </code>
<code>def formatSize(sizeInBytes, decimalNum=1, isUnitWithI=False, sizeUnitSeperator=""): """ format size to human readable string example: 3746 -> 3.7KB 87533 -> 85.5KiB 98654 -> 96.3 KB 352 -> 352.0B 76383285 -> 72.84MB 763832854988542 -> 694.70TB 763832854988542665 -> 678.4199PB refer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1094841/reusable-library-to-get-human-readable-version-of-file-size """ # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix#Specific_units_of_IEC_60027-2_A.2_and_ISO.2FIEC_80000 # K=kilo, M=mega, G=giga, T=tera, P=peta, E=exa, Z=zetta, Y=yotta sizeUnitList = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z'] largestUnit = 'Y' if isUnitWithI: sizeUnitListWithI = [] for curIdx, eachUnit in enumerate(sizeUnitList): unitWithI = eachUnit if curIdx >= 1: unitWithI += 'i' sizeUnitListWithI.append(unitWithI) # sizeUnitListWithI = ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi'] sizeUnitList = sizeUnitListWithI largestUnit += 'i' suffix = "B" decimalFormat = "." + str(decimalNum) + "f" # ".1f" finalFormat = "%" + decimalFormat + sizeUnitSeperator + "%s%s" # "%.1f%s%s" sizeNum = sizeInBytes for sizeUnit in sizeUnitList: if abs(sizeNum) < 1024.0: return finalFormat % (sizeNum, sizeUnit, suffix) sizeNum /= 1024.0 return finalFormat % (sizeNum, largestUnit, suffix) def testKb(): kbSize = 3746 kbStr = formatSize(kbSize) print("%s -> %s" % (kbSize, kbStr)) def testI(): iSize = 87533 iStr = formatSize(iSize, isUnitWithI=True) print("%s -> %s" % (iSize, iStr)) def testSeparator(): seperatorSize = 98654 seperatorStr = formatSize(seperatorSize, sizeUnitSeperator=" ") print("%s -> %s" % (seperatorSize, seperatorStr)) def testBytes(): bytesSize = 352 bytesStr = formatSize(bytesSize) print("%s -> %s" % (bytesSize, bytesStr)) def testMb(): mbSize = 76383285 mbStr = formatSize(mbSize, decimalNum=2) print("%s -> %s" % (mbSize, mbStr)) def testTb(): tbSize = 763832854988542 tbStr = formatSize(tbSize, decimalNum=2) print("%s -> %s" % (tbSize, tbStr)) def testPb(): pbSize = 763832854988542665 pbStr = formatSize(pbSize, decimalNum=4) print("%s -> %s" % (pbSize, pbStr)) def demoFormatSize(): testKb() testI() testSeparator() testBytes() testMb() testTb() testPb() </code>
<code>3746 -> 3.7KB 87533 -> 85.5KiB 98654 -> 96.3 KB 352 -> 352.0B 76383285 -> 72.84MB 763832854988542 -> 694.70TB 763832854988542665 -> 678.4199PB </code>
转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】Python中如何格式化大小为人类易读的效果