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【歌曲推荐】First Crush – Keke Palmer

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【歌曲推荐】First Crush – Keke Palmer




First Crush


Keke Palmer


《so uncool》





Keke Palmer(柯克·帕尔莫)出生于一个紧邻Chicago的小镇。5岁时,当她在教堂的唱诗班中引吭高歌圣歌《Jesus Loves Me》的时候,她就已经展现了她在歌唱方面的前途。因为她的母亲也是一位歌手,所以当她还是一个小女孩儿的时候,她就开始在妈妈的家庭录音室里磨练自己的歌唱技巧了。
尽管音乐是她的最爱,但Keke Palmer的第一次成名却是2004年她的屏幕处子秀上,她在《Barbershop 2: Back in Business》中扮演了一个重要的角色。Keke的明星潜质很快就显露无疑了,于是她们一家决定为她提供最好的机会,让她去追寻自己的梦想,紧接着全家就搬到了California。
2006年,Keke Palmer在倍受好评的获奖电影《Akeelah and the Bee》中领衔主演了Akeelah Anderson。之后不久,Keke又在Disney频道的热门影片《Jump In!》中饰演女主角,又一次在屏幕前大放光彩。
在拍摄电影《Akeelah and the Bee》后不久,Keke Palmer就和美国的一家唱片公司签约,并且开始实现自己的音乐梦想。这张《So Uncool》是她2007年的一张全新的大碟,整张专集以R&B作为了主打,虽然专集的风格有一些大路化,但是我觉得在其中也不乏能找到一些亮彩的歌曲,比如这首我个人非常喜欢的《First Crush》,歌曲的旋律不但非常的抒情,而且Keke Palmer亮丽的嗓音在歌曲中也得到了完美的体现!


First Crush – Keke Palmer

they made it clear there ain’t no doubt
they don’t know about the way i feel for you,
they say one day i’ll understand,
but they don’t even know you,
always talking so much about yesterday,
but you can tell it by the look on the face,
tell me remember nothing (nothing)
now having something (having something)
that one phone call was enough
go ahead and ask us

do any of you even remember that first crush?
do you remember back in the day, when your mama said,
some day when you’re grown, and you got your own,
and though i knew what was best for you,
and i’m telling you,
then you must not remember your first crush
not like i don’t appreciate, all the ways you try in protecting,
but i just wish that some day, you’d open your eyes and see,
(that you probably are right)
that you probably are right, don’t worry, got my mind on right,
so it ain’t a thang (ain’t a thang) nooo
you gotta trust me, i’m feeling you, feeling you
but can you remember?
do any of you even remember that first crush?
do you remember back in the day, when your mama said,
some day when you’re grown, and you got your own,
and though i knew what was best for you,
and i’m telling you,
then you must not remember your first crush

do you remember, do you remember, back in the day when you know it? (you fall in)
do you remember, do you remember, knew it the minute you saw him?
do you remember, do you remember, back in the day when you know it? (you fall in)
do you remember, do you remember, knew it the minute you saw him
do you remember oh

do any of you even remember that first crush?
do you remember back in the day, when your mama said,
some day when you’re grown, and you got your own,
and though i knew what was best for you,
and i’m telling you,
then you must not remember your first crush
you don’t remember it no, not even your first crush,
you don’t remember it no, not even your first crush,
do any of you even remember that first crush?

First Crush – Keke Palmer 【MP3】

First Crush – Keke Palmer 【WMA】

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