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【已解决】把IEC 104的ASDU Type Identifier的全部定义添加到com.iec.analysis的TypeIdentifier

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【未解决】java解析104数据出错异常:未知类型标识符 at com.iec.analysis.common.TypeIdentifier.getDescribe TypeIdentifier.java
【已解决】IEC 104协议中的Type Identifier的定义
找到的IEC 104的ASDU Type Identifier的定义的全部内容:
M_SP_NA_1    1    0x01    Single-point information
M_SP_TA_1    2    0x02    Single-point information with time tag
M_DP_NA_1    3    0x03    Double-point information
M_DP_TA_1    4    0x04    Double-point information with time tag
M_ST_NA_1    5    0x05    Step position information
M_ST_TA_1    6    0x06    Step position information with time tag
M_BO_NA_1    7    0x07    Bitstring of 32 bit
M_BO_TA_1    8    0x08    Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag
M_ME_NA_1    9    0x09    Measured value, normalised value
M_ME_TA_1    10    0x0A    Measured value, normalized value with time tag
M_ME_NB_1    11    0x0B    Measured value, scaled value
M_ME_TB_1    12    0x0C    Measured value, scaled value wit time tag
M_ME_NC_1    13    0x0D    Measured value, short floating point number
M_ME_TC_1    14    0x0E    Measured value, short floating point number with time tag
M_IT_NA_1    15    0x0F    Integrated totals
M_IT_TA_1    16    0x10    Integrated totals with time tag
M_EP_TA_1    17    0x11    Event of protection equipment with time tag
M_EP_TB_1    18    0x12    Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag
M_EP_TC_1    19    0x13    Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag
M_PS_NA_1    20    0x14    Packed single point information with status change detection
M_ME_ND_1    21    0x15    Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptor
M_SP_TB_1    30    0x1E    Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a
M_DP_TB_1    31    0x1F    Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a
M_ST_TB_1    32    0x20    Step position information with time tag CP56Time2a
M_BO_TB_1    33    0x21    Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a
M_ME_TD_1    34    0x22    Measured value, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2a
M_ME_TE_1    35    0x23    Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a
M_ME_TF_1    36    0x24    Measured value, short floating point number with time tag CP56Time2a
M_IT_TB_1    37    0x25    Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a
M_EP_TD_1    38    0x26    Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a
M_EP_TE_1    39    0x27    Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a
M_EP_TF_1    40    0x28    Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a
C_SC_NA_1    45    0x2D    Single command
C_DC_NA_1    46    0x2E    Double command
C_RC_NA_1    47    0x2F    Regulating step command
C_SE_NA_1    48    0x30    Set-point Command, normalised value
C_SE_NB_1    49    0x31    Set-point Command, scaled value
C_SE_NC_1    50    0x32    Set-point Command, short floating point number
C_BO_NA_1    51    0x33    Bitstring 32 bit command
C_SC_TA_1    58    0x3A    Single command with time tag CP56Time2a
C_DC_TA_1    59    0x3B    Double command with time tag CP56Time2a
C_RC_TA_1    60    0x3C    Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time2a
C_SE_TA_1    61    0x3D    Measured value, normalised value command with time tag CP56Time2a
C_SE_TB_1    62    0x3E    Measured value, scaled value command with time tag CP56Time2a
C_SE_TC_1    63    0x3F    Measured value, short floating point number command with time tag CP56Time2a
C_BO_TA_1    64    0x40    Bitstring of 32 bit command with time tag CP56Time2a
M_EI_NA_1    70    0x46    End of Initialisation
C_IC_NA_1    100    0x64    Interrogation command
C_CI_NA_1    101    0x65    Counter interrogation command
C_RD_NA_1    102    0x66    Read command
C_CS_NA_1    103    0x67    Clock synchronisation command
C_TS_NA_1    104    0x68    Test command
C_RP_NA_1    105    0x69    Reset process command
C_CD_NA_1    106    0x6A    Delay acquisition command
C_TS_TA_1    107    0x6B    Test command with time tag CP56Time2a
P_ME_NA_1    110    0x6E    Parameter of measured values, normalized value
P_ME_NB_1    111    0x6F    Parameter of measured values, scaled value
P_ME_NC_1    112    0x70    Parameter of measured values, short floating point number
P_AC_NA_1    113    0x71    Parameter activation
F_FR_NA_1    120    0x78    File ready
F_SR_NA_1    121    0x79    Section ready
F_SC_NA_1    122    0x7A    Call directory, select file, call file, call section
F_LS_NA_1    123    0x7B    Last section, last segment
F_FA_NA_1    124    0x7C    ACK file, ACK section
F_SG_NA_1    125    0x7D    Segment
F_DR_TA_1    126    0x7E    Directory
(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(0x\w+)\s+([\w ,\-]+)
    $1($2, "$3", "$4"),
    M_SP_NA_1(1, "0x01", "Single-point information"),
    M_SP_TA_1(2, "0x02", "Single-point information with time tag"),
    M_DP_NA_1(3, "0x03", "Double-point information"),
    M_DP_TA_1(4, "0x04", "Double-point information with time tag"),
    M_ST_NA_1(5, "0x05", "Step position information"),
    M_ST_TA_1(6, "0x06", "Step position information with time tag"),
    M_BO_NA_1(7, "0x07", "Bitstring of 32 bit"),
    M_BO_TA_1(8, "0x08", "Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag"),
    M_ME_NA_1(9, "0x09", "Measured value, normalised value"),
    M_ME_TA_1(10, "0x0A", "Measured value, normalized value with time tag"),
    M_ME_NB_1(11, "0x0B", "Measured value, scaled value"),
    M_ME_TB_1(12, "0x0C", "Measured value, scaled value wit time tag"),
    M_ME_NC_1(13, "0x0D", "Measured value, short floating point number"),
    M_ME_TC_1(14, "0x0E", "Measured value, short floating point number with time tag"),
    M_IT_NA_1(15, "0x0F", "Integrated totals"),
    M_IT_TA_1(16, "0x10", "Integrated totals with time tag"),
    M_EP_TA_1(17, "0x11", "Event of protection equipment with time tag"),
    M_EP_TB_1(18, "0x12", "Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag"),
    M_EP_TC_1(19, "0x13", "Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag"),
    M_PS_NA_1(20, "0x14", "Packed single point information with status change detection"),
    M_ME_ND_1(21, "0x15", "Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptor"),
    M_SP_TB_1(30, "0x1E", "Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_DP_TB_1(31, "0x1F", "Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_ST_TB_1(32, "0x20", "Step position information with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_BO_TB_1(33, "0x21", "Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_ME_TD_1(34, "0x22", "Measured value, normalised value with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_ME_TE_1(35, "0x23", "Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_ME_TF_1(36, "0x24", "Measured value, short floating point number with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_IT_TB_1(37, "0x25", "Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_EP_TD_1(38, "0x26", "Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_EP_TE_1(39, "0x27", "Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_EP_TF_1(40, "0x28", "Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    C_SC_NA_1(45, "0x2D", "Single command"),
    C_DC_NA_1(46, "0x2E", "Double command"),
    C_RC_NA_1(47, "0x2F", "Regulating step command"),
    C_SE_NA_1(48, "0x30", "Set-point Command, normalised value"),
    C_SE_NB_1(49, "0x31", "Set-point Command, scaled value"),
    C_SE_NC_1(50, "0x32", "Set-point Command, short floating point number"),
    C_BO_NA_1(51, "0x33", "Bitstring 32 bit command"),
    C_SC_TA_1(58, "0x3A", "Single command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    C_DC_TA_1(59, "0x3B", "Double command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    C_RC_TA_1(60, "0x3C", "Regulating step command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    C_SE_TA_1(61, "0x3D", "Measured value, normalised value command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    C_SE_TB_1(62, "0x3E", "Measured value, scaled value command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    C_SE_TC_1(63, "0x3F", "Measured value, short floating point number command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    C_BO_TA_1(64, "0x40", "Bitstring of 32 bit command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    M_EI_NA_1(70, "0x46", "End of Initialisation"),
    C_IC_NA_1(100, "0x64", "Interrogation command"),
    C_CI_NA_1(101, "0x65", "Counter interrogation command"),
    C_RD_NA_1(102, "0x66", "Read command"),
    C_CS_NA_1(103, "0x67", "Clock synchronisation command"),
    C_TS_NA_1(104, "0x68", "Test command"),
    C_RP_NA_1(105, "0x69", "Reset process command"),
    C_CD_NA_1(106, "0x6A", "Delay acquisition command"),
    C_TS_TA_1(107, "0x6B", "Test command with time tag CP56Time2a"),
    P_ME_NA_1(110, "0x6E", "Parameter of measured values, normalized value"),
    P_ME_NB_1(111, "0x6F", "Parameter of measured values, scaled value"),
    P_ME_NC_1(112, "0x70", "Parameter of measured values, short floating point number"),
    P_AC_NA_1(113, "0x71", "Parameter activation"),
    F_FR_NA_1(120, "0x78", "File ready"),
    F_SR_NA_1(121, "0x79", "Section ready"),
    F_SC_NA_1(122, "0x7A", "Call directory, select file, call file, call section"),
    F_LS_NA_1(123, "0x7B", "Last section, last segment"),
    F_FA_NA_1(124, "0x7C", "ACK file, ACK section"),
    F_SG_NA_1(125, "0x7D", "Segment"),
    F_DR_TA_1(126, "0x7E", "Directory"),

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