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【歌曲推荐】Libra – The Narrative

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【歌曲推荐】Libra – The Narrative






The Narrative


《Just Say Yes —EP》





The Narrative,来自纽约的四人独立流行摇滚乐队。去年10月份成立,今年7月份发行EP《Just Say Yes》,应该说是非常成功的一张EP。至少对我来说是如此,首先,作为封面控的我对于这种暖色调的带有趣味性的封皮是没有什么抵御能力的。而且Myspce里简洁的自我介绍也让我对他们产生好感,这就更没有理由来拒绝接受他们的音乐了。整张EP6首曲子首首朗朗上口,虽然不会有绚丽的技巧和华丽的编排,但是别具匠心的简约编排出温暖的吉他和韵致的鼓点,贝司则是完全的充当衬底的角色,尽职尽责的符合鼓点,抵消旋律略微有些浮的感觉,Suzie的键盘感觉也相当的不错,结合质感十足的柔和女声以及男声的简约纯粹,这些东西都不是很复杂,但是他们将这一切结合起来加以编排,层层叠叠,波浪般涌来,让你目不暇接,就这么轻易地吸引我们的注意力。聆听这张专辑的时候是心灵彻底放松的,旁若无人的浅吟低唱,魔力般的和声轻轻地拨动心底里最柔软的弦,每一次不经意的触动,都会让人心动不已。温暖、淳朴、干净。
Libra应该说是我在专辑中最为喜欢的一首曲子,不过应该也是专辑中别致的曲目了。以独立小电的感觉开篇,鼓点吉他渐次进入再到暖色调人声的融入,中段键盘的感觉也相当不赖,这样的声音最能贴合心灵。柔和的女声反复吟唱的“What to do oh what to do now”,象是旁若无人的低语般,有着些许的迷茫、无助、困顿,想要冲破目前困境的想法在这一声声柔和的低声呐喊浮现,隐约的男声时不时窜出来轻柔一把,真是爽呆了,这感觉。虽然曲子有8分多钟,前半段有人声的渲染,后半段则完全是器乐的堆砌,层层叠叠的,Suzie的小键盘也玩得相当不错,与鼓点交相辉映,时而低回婉转,时而小激情澎湃,此起彼伏,这就让后半段的纯乐器演奏丝毫不会让人觉得冗长单调,反而呈现给我们的是多层次变化的旋律。这样的曲子在这个微热的秋日聆听,确实是一大享受。


Libra – The Narrative

Make a deal, trade your soul for certainty.
I’ve got the devil on my shoulder and an angel at my feet.
Don’t need that look, don’t need that bible fairytale of what I’ve done; who I’ve become.
Oh I’m well aware but I’m so far in it..

What to do oh what to do now
Do I say it out loud —
What to do oh what to do now
— that I’m bound to back out?
What to do oh what to do now
from here wouldn’t stay.. it’s easy that way…yeah-ay..

So sad that I’m the hint of life in your deserving eye
when every minute you spend hoping for love and respect brings me closer to goodbye.
The time will come you find out who I really am,
and we’ll pretend that we’ll be friends
oh when I do lie you’d only last a little while.

What to do oh what to do now
Do I say it out loud —
What to do oh what to do now
— that I’m bound to back out?
What to do oh what to do now
told me you wouldn’t stay.. it’s easy that way.

The evidence keeps on building and I’m sinking in defense
will a measurement of intentions come — a guilty conscience..
So let the air tip the scales..
let’s go; one honest judge decide
and you will find the facts weigh down to favor you in time..

What to do oh what to do now
Do I say it out loud —
What to do oh what to do now
— that I’m bound to back out?
What to do oh what to do now…….?

Libra – The Narrative【MP3】

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网友最新评论 (4)

  1. 支持!
    mylxwhss15年前 (2009-04-21)回复
  2. 很好听的歌 听完之后感觉心情不错
    yun_shu12316年前 (2009-03-14)回复
  3. 相当喜欢这首歌
    ′潶色﹏簡單〉16年前 (2008-11-15)回复
  4. 我也很喜欢这首歌.尤其伴奏 Q.327145998
    BUT16年前 (2008-11-07)回复
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