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Android crifan 2511浏览 0评论

android password encode

android password encryption

Using Cryptography to Store Credentials Safely | Android Developers Blog

Best place to store a password in your Android app

authentication – Android: Storing username and password? – Stack Overflow

android – Fast and simple String encrypt/decrypt in JAVA – Stack Overflow

Android: Encrypt password – Stack Overflow

ios – ReloadData not working Swift with Alamofire – Stack Overflow

uitableview – iOS: tableView.reloadData() doesn’t work in swift – Stack Overflow

ios – self.tableView.reloadData() not working in Swift – Stack Overflow

android password encryption github

xmikos/SnooperStopper: Android device ecryption password manager and failed unlock attempts monitor

RNCryptor/JNCryptor: Java implementation of RNCryptor

zeapo/Android-Password-Store: Android application compatible with ZX2C4’s Pass command line application

scottyab/AESCrypt-Android: Simple API to perform AES encryption on Android. This is the Android counterpart to the AESCrypt library Ruby and Obj-C (with the same less than ideal security defaults) created by Gurpartap Singh. https://github.com/Gurpartap/aescrypt

nelenkov/android-pbe: Android password-based encryption (PBE) implementation.



tozny/java-aes-crypto: A simple Android class for encrypting & decrypting strings, aiming to avoid the classic mistakes that most such classes suffer from.


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