之前别人做的一个内容管理系统,后台是Django,前端是reactjs的Antd Pro。





script fetch queryScripts: response=

【已解决】Antd Pro中如何绑定loading确保返回后正在加载立刻消失
const response = yield call(queryScripts, payload);
yield call(queryScripts, payload);
ant design pro yield call 太慢
antd pro yield call 太慢
antd pro yield call 返回 很慢
还是去搞清楚,此处的call的源码 和具体的调用路径


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | queryScripts: params = 1. {page: 1 , page_size: 20 } 16 : 40 : 18.297request .js: 90 request: url = http: / / localhost: 65000 / api / v1 / scripts / ?page = 1 &page_size = 20 , options = 1. {headers: {…}} , okOrErrorCallback = undefined 16 : 40 : 18.300api .js: 216 queryScriptsResp = 1. Promise {<pending>} 1. __proto__:Promise 2. [[PromiseStatus]]: "resolved" 3. [[PromiseValue]]: Object |

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | [Violation] 'click' handler took 526ms 16 : 40 : 18.788 [Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 71ms 16 : 40 : 18.827 request.js: 113 Fetch finished loading: OPTIONS " http: / / localhost: 65000 / api / v1 / scripts / ?page = 1 &page_size = 20 ". request @ request.js: 113 _callee33$ @ api.js: 213 tryCatch @ runtime.js: 62 ... updateScriptList @ AllScriptList.js: 270 componentWillMount @ AllScriptList.js: 61 callComponentWillMount @ react - dom.development.js: 11507 ... dispatchInteractiveEvent @ react - dom.development.js: 4532 16 : 40 : 18.857 request.js: 113 Fetch finished loading: OPTIONS " http: / / localhost: 65000 / api / v1 / topics / ?page_size = 1000 ". request @ request.js: 113 _callee32$ @ api.js: 204 tryCatch @ runtime.js: 62 ... dispatchInteractiveEvent @ react - dom.development.js: 4532 16 : 40 : 18.866 request.js: 113 Fetch finished loading: OPTIONS " http: / / localhost: 65000 / api / v1 / function_groups / ?function = 1 ". |
【已解决】Chrome中js的fetch response很慢
分别是21秒的:Fetch finished loading: OPTIONS “http://localhost:65000/api/v1/scripts/?page=1&page_size=20“.
和29秒的fetch response=

1 2 | 127.0 . 0.1 - - [ 10 / Aug / 2018 22 : 50 : 20 ] "OPTIONS /api/v1/scripts/?page=1&page_size=20 HTTP/1.1" 200 - 127.0 . 0.1 - - [ 10 / Aug / 2018 22 : 50 : 29 ] "GET /api/v1/scripts/?page=1&page_size=20 HTTP/1.1" 200 - |
django jwt api OPTIONS too slow
django DWF api OPTIONS too slow
django DWF GET too slow
django DWF some api too slow
(1)检索history占了4秒 到了:23:03:04
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | for curHisotryIdIdx, eachHistoryId in enumerate (historyIdList): logger.info( "===[%d] eachHistoryId=%s" , curHisotryIdIdx, eachHistoryId) history = History.objects.get(pk = eachHistoryId) logger.info( "history=%s" , history) orderedScriptAllHistory = history.script_history. all ().order_by( 'version' ) logger.info( "orderedScriptAllHistory=%s" , orderedScriptAllHistory) lastHistory = orderedScriptAllHistory.last() logger.info( "lastHistory=%s" , lastHistory) result.append(lastHistory. id ) logger.info( "result=%s" , result) resultLen = len (result) logger.info( "resultLen=%s" , resultLen) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | ... INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 170 | = = = [ 517 ] eachHistoryId = c0d1140d - 5043 - 44f4 - a1c7 - 7486f1b0639c DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT `script_history`.`created_at`, `script_history`.`updated_at`, `script_history`.` id ` FROM `script_history` WHERE `script_history`.` id ` = 'c0d1140d504344f4a1c77486f1b0639c' ; args = ( 'c0d1140d504344f4a1c77486f1b0639c' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 172 |history = History object (c0d1140d - 5043 - 44f4 - a1c7 - 7486f1b0639c ) DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT `script_script`.`created_at`, `script_script`.`updated_at`, `script_script`.` id `, `script_script`.`place`, `script_script`.`title`, `script_script`.`topic_id`, `script_script`.`second_level_topic_id`, `script_script`.`age_start`, `script_script`.`age_end`, `script_script`.`version`, `script_script`.`publish_status`, `script_script`.`edit_status`, `script_script`.`review_id`, `script_script`.`history_id`, `script_script`.`author_id` FROM `script_script` WHERE `script_script`.`history_id` = 'c0d1140d504344f4a1c77486f1b0639c' ORDER BY `script_script`.`version` ASC LIMIT 21 ; args = ( 'c0d1140d504344f4a1c77486f1b0639c' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 174 |orderedScriptAllHistory = <QuerySet [<Script: cooking the salad>]> DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT `script_script`.`created_at`, `script_script`.`updated_at`, `script_script`.` id `, `script_script`.`place`, `script_script`.`title`, `script_script`.`topic_id`, `script_script`.`second_level_topic_id`, `script_script`.`age_start`, `script_script`.`age_end`, `script_script`.`version`, `script_script`.`publish_status`, `script_script`.`edit_status`, `script_script`.`review_id`, `script_script`.`history_id`, `script_script`.`author_id` FROM `script_script` WHERE `script_script`.`history_id` = 'c0d1140d504344f4a1c77486f1b0639c' ORDER BY `script_script`.`version` DESC LIMIT 1 ; args = ( 'c0d1140d504344f4a1c77486f1b0639c' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 176 |lastHistory = cooking the salad INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 170 | = = = [ 518 ] eachHistoryId = 8337f985 - d113 - 473f - 9bd3 - 2312c6dc1726 DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT `script_history`.`created_at`, `script_history`.`updated_at`, `script_history`.` id ` FROM `script_history` WHERE `script_history`.` id ` = '8337f985d113473f9bd32312c6dc1726' ; args = ( '8337f985d113473f9bd32312c6dc1726' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 172 |history = History object ( 8337f985 - d113 - 473f - 9bd3 - 2312c6dc1726 ) DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.001 ) SELECT `script_script`.`created_at`, `script_script`.`updated_at`, `script_script`.` id `, `script_script`.`place`, `script_script`.`title`, `script_script`.`topic_id`, `script_script`.`second_level_topic_id`, `script_script`.`age_start`, `script_script`.`age_end`, `script_script`.`version`, `script_script`.`publish_status`, `script_script`.`edit_status`, `script_script`.`review_id`, `script_script`.`history_id`, `script_script`.`author_id` FROM `script_script` WHERE `script_script`.`history_id` = '8337f985d113473f9bd32312c6dc1726' ORDER BY `script_script`.`version` ASC LIMIT 21 ; args = ( '8337f985d113473f9bd32312c6dc1726' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 174 |orderedScriptAllHistory = <QuerySet [<Script: xxx>]> DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT `script_script`.`created_at`, `script_script`.`updated_at`, `script_script`.` id `, `script_script`.`place`, `script_script`.`title`, `script_script`.`topic_id`, `script_script`.`second_level_topic_id`, `script_script`.`age_start`, `script_script`.`age_end`, `script_script`.`version`, `script_script`.`publish_status`, `script_script`.`edit_status`, `script_script`.`review_id`, `script_script`.`history_id`, `script_script`.`author_id` FROM `script_script` WHERE `script_script`.`history_id` = '8337f985d113473f9bd32312c6dc1726' ORDER BY `script_script`.`version` DESC LIMIT 1 ; args = ( '8337f985d113473f9bd32312c6dc1726' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 176 |lastHistory = xxx INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 179 |result = [UUID( 'cb54d47d-6e9c-4ec2-8666-eb97df30e654' ), ... INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 04 |views: list : 181 |resultLen = 519 |
(2)序列化耗费了大概5秒 到了23:03:09
1 2 3 4 | serializer = ScriptSerializer(queryset, many = True ) logger.info( "after ScriptSerializer serializer=%s" , serializer) serializedData = serializer.data logger.info( "serializedData=%s" , serializedData) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 09 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT `user_user`.`password`, `user_user`.`last_login`, `user_user`.`is_superuser`, `user_user`.`username`, `user_user`.`first_name`, `user_user`.`last_name`, `user_user`.`email`, `user_user`.`is_staff`, `user_user`.`date_joined`, `user_user`.` id `, `user_user`.`is_active`, `user_user`.`name`, `user_user`.`mobile_phone_number` FROM `user_user` WHERE `user_user`.` id ` = '7e8832bcc02d4befa303ed9488fb654a' ; args = ( '7e8832bcc02d4befa303ed9488fb654a' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 09 |serializers:to_representation: 25 |ScriptFuctionGroup to_representation: self = ScriptFuctionGroup(source = 'author' ), value = username = xxx, id = 7e8832bc - c02d - 4bef - a303 - ed9488fb654a,is_superuser = False INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 09 |serializers:to_representation: 28 |curUser = username = xxx, id = 7e8832bc - c02d - 4bef - a303 - ed9488fb654a,is_superuser = False DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 09 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT `user_functiongroup`.` id `, `user_functiongroup`.`created_at`, `user_functiongroup`.`updated_at`, `user_functiongroup`.`owner_id`, `user_functiongroup`.`name`, `user_functiongroup`.`function`, `user_functiongroup`.`description` FROM `user_functiongroup` INNER JOIN `user_functiongroup_members` ON (`user_functiongroup`.` id ` = `user_functiongroup_members`.`functiongroup_id`) WHERE (`user_functiongroup`.`function` = '1' AND `user_functiongroup_members`.`user_id` = '7e8832bcc02d4befa303ed9488fb654a' ); args = ( '1' , '7e8832bcc02d4befa303ed9488fb654a' ) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 09 |serializers:to_representation: 31 |joinedScriptGroup = script_function_group DEBUG| 20180810 23 : 03 : 09 |utils:execute: 111 |( 0.000 ) SELECT COUNT( * ) AS `__count` FROM `script_dialog` WHERE `script_dialog`.`script_id` = '9215ab9492f34e3b8f02677743e05e3b' ; args = ( '9215ab9492f34e3b8f02677743e05e3b' ,) INFO| 20180810 23 : 03 : 09 |views: list : 191 |serializedData = [OrderedDict([( 'id' , |
代码中业务逻辑有点复杂,加上原先设计的不够好,导致此处 检索4秒+序列化5秒,加起来需要9秒左右才返回到前端 -》 误以为前端有问题呢。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 | from django.conf import settings from rest_framework.response import Response from django.core.paginator import Paginator class ScriptViewSet(mixins.ListModelMixin, mixins.CreateModelMixin, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, PutOnlyUpdateModelMixin, mixins.DestroyModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet): queryset = Script.objects. all () serializer_class = ScriptSerializer permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated, IsUserScriptFunctionGroup) ... def list ( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): ... # filterByUserScriptList = Script.objects.filter(userFilter) # Note: here order by created time to let new created show first # -> make it easy for later will got latest version script via filter by history id filterByUserScriptList = Script.objects. filter (userFilter).order_by( '-created_at' ) logger.info( "filterByUserScriptList=%s" , filterByUserScriptList) filterByUserScriptListLen = len (filterByUserScriptList) logger.info( "filterByUserScriptListLen=%s" , filterByUserScriptListLen) filter_condition = self .generateQueryFilterCondiction(request) logger.info( "filter_condition=%s" , filter_condition) resultScriptIdList = [] latestVersionDict = {} # store history_id : latest_version_script # uniqueHistoryIdList = [] for curScriptIdx, singleScript in enumerate (filterByUserScriptList): logger.info( "---[%d] singleScript=%s" , curScriptIdx, singleScript) scriptHistoryId = singleScript.history_id logger.info( "scriptHistoryId=%s" , scriptHistoryId) # if scriptHistoryId not in uniqueHistoryIdList: if scriptHistoryId not in latestVersionDict.keys(): # uniqueHistoryIdList.append(singleScript.history_id) # latestVersionScriptList.append(singleScript) latestVersionDict[scriptHistoryId] = singleScript else : # logger.debug("filter out [%d] script: %s", curScriptIdx, singleScript) logger.debug( "Check is latest version or not for: [%d] singleScript=%s" , curScriptIdx, singleScript) prevStoredScript = latestVersionDict[scriptHistoryId] logger.debug( "prevStoredScript=%s" , prevStoredScript) prevStoredScriptVersion = prevStoredScript.version curScriptVersion = singleScript.version logger.debug( "prevStoredScriptVersion=%d, curScriptVersion=%d" , prevStoredScriptVersion, curScriptVersion) if (curScriptVersion > prevStoredScriptVersion): latestVersionDict[scriptHistoryId] = singleScript else : logger.debug( "omit older version script: %s" , singleScript) # generate result script id list for eachHistoryId in latestVersionDict.keys(): logger.debug( "eachHistoryId=%s" , eachHistoryId) eachScript = latestVersionDict[eachHistoryId] logger.debug( "eachScript=%s" , eachScript) resultScriptIdList.append(eachScript. id ) # logger.info("uniqueHistoryIdList=%s", uniqueHistoryIdList) # uniqueHistoryIdListLen = len(uniqueHistoryIdList) # logger.info("uniqueHistoryIdListLen=%s", uniqueHistoryIdListLen) # for curHisotryIdIdx, eachHistoryId in enumerate(uniqueHistoryIdList): # logger.info("===[%d] eachHistoryId=%s", curHisotryIdIdx, eachHistoryId) # history = History.objects.get(pk=eachHistoryId) # logger.info("history=%s", history) # orderedScriptAllHistory = history.script_history.all().order_by('version') # logger.info("orderedScriptAllHistory=%s", orderedScriptAllHistory) # lastHistory = orderedScriptAllHistory.last() # logger.info("lastHistory=%s", lastHistory) # resultScriptIdList.append(lastHistory.id) logger.info( "resultScriptIdList=%s" , resultScriptIdList) resultScriptIdListLen = len (resultScriptIdList) logger.info( "resultScriptIdListLen=%s" , resultScriptIdListLen) allScriptList = Script.objects. filter (pk__in = resultScriptIdList). filter (filter_condition).order_by( '-created_at' ) logger.info( "allScriptList=%s" , allScriptList) # paginatedQueryset = self.paginate_queryset(allScriptList) # logger.info("paginatedQueryset=%s", paginatedQueryset) # serializer = ScriptSerializer(allScriptList, many=True) # logger.info("after ScriptSerializer serializer=%s", serializer) # serializedData = serializer.data # logger.info("serializedData=%s", serializedData) # respDict = None # if paginatedQueryset is not None: # respDict = self.get_paginated_response(serializedData) # # respDict = self.get_paginated_response(serializedData, page) # else: # respDict = Response(serializedData) # logger.info("respDict=%s", respDict) # return respDict # curPaginator = Paginator(serializedData, page_size) curPaginator = Paginator(allScriptList, page_size) logger.info( "curPaginator=%s" , curPaginator) totalCount = curPaginator.count logger.info( "totalCount=%s" , totalCount) maxPageCount = curPaginator.num_pages logger.info( "maxPageCount=%s" , maxPageCount) curPageNum = page logger.info( "curPageNum=%s" , curPageNum) curPage = curPaginator.page(curPageNum) logger.info( "curPage=%s" , curPage) logger.info( "type(curPage)=%s" , type (curPage)) curPageItemList = curPage.object_list logger.info( "curPageItemList=%s" , curPageItemList) curPageSerializer = ScriptSerializer(curPageItemList, many = True ) logger.info( "curPageSerializer=%s" , curPageSerializer) curPageSerializedData = curPageSerializer.data logger.info( "curPageSerializedData=%s" , curPageSerializedData) # currentPageCount = len(curPageItemList) currentPageCount = len (curPageSerializedData) logger.info( "currentPageCount=%s" , currentPageCount) # nextPageUrl = self.get_next_link() # previousPageUrl = self.get_previous_link() nextPageUrl = None previousPageUrl = None respDict = { "totalCount" : totalCount, "maxPageCount" : maxPageCount, "pageSize" : page_size, "currentPageNumber" : curPageNum, "currentPageCount" : currentPageCount, "next" : nextPageUrl, "previous" : previousPageUrl, # "results": curPageItemList, "results" : curPageSerializedData, } return Response(respDict, status = status.HTTP_200_OK) |
从而把之前的耗时9秒左右(4秒的查询script的hisotry + 5秒的所有页面数据的序列化serialize)的操作,优化不到1秒:

聊聊python的轻量级orm peewee及对比SQLAlchemy | 峰云就她了
话说Django orm性能为什么比原生的mysqldb慢 | 峰云就她了
1 2 3 | history = History.objects.get(pk = eachHistoryId) orderedScriptAllHistory = history.script_history. all ().order_by( 'version' ) lastHistory = orderedScriptAllHistory.last() |
“直接走原生的mysql sql语句,在python下你的选择 mysqldb,也可以用django的connection。推荐用connection,因为大家的db地址配置都是放在settings.config里面的。”
转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】Antd Pro中前端列表页面loading加载很慢