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beyond the invisible – Enigma

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【歌曲推荐】beyond the invisible – Enigma




beyond the invisible




《le roi est mort,VIVE le roi! 王者风范》



 《le roi est mort,VIVE le roi! 王者风范》这是Enigma的第三张专辑,发行于1996年11月25日。唱片标题为《le roi est mort,VIVE le roi! 王者风范》,这是德文,翻译为英文则"The King is Dead, Long Live the King!",中文意为"国王死了,国王万岁",港台地区翻译为"改朝换代",更多人则将之称为"王者风范"。这张唱片与Enigma的前两张专辑相比,在风格上稍有不同。整体音乐气氛的变化,加之鼓的音色更加平和,而且还出现了更多全新的少数民族音乐元素——从祖鲁人到拉托维亚人,包括这些少数民族特有的乐器音色。正因为这些特色,所以《le roi est mort,VIVE le roi! 王者风范》被评论界誉为Enigma众多唱片中最多元化的一张专辑。在这张专辑中制作人Michael Cretu向广大听众传达了许多自然的、哲学的观念,这个观念的主题就是"why(为什么)"。


从开始的独白,“I look into mirror, to see myself, i’m over me,i need space for my desires,have to dive into my fantasies,i know as soon as i’ll arrive,everything is possible,cause no one has to hide
beyond the invisible~~~”,每次听到这些,就让人不由自主地想要去反省自己,努力沉思一些东西,试图去“超越”一些未知的东西,虽然这很难,但是至少努力的方向是对的。整首歌给人淡淡的忧愁和哀伤的感觉,但也正是正中忧伤让人更加感觉到作者在呼唤一些东西,也许我们和其有某种共鸣的东西,才深深打动我们。。。越是认真体味歌曲的感觉,越是有种想哭的冲动。。。

beyond the invisible – Enigma

i look into the mirror
see myself, i’m over me
i need space for my desires
have to dive into my fantasies
i know as soon as i’ll arrive
everything is possible
cause no one has to hide
beyond the invisible

sajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota

in your eyes
just feel and realize
it is real and not a dream
i’m in you and you’re in me
it is time
to break the chains of life
if you follow you will see
what’s beyond reality

ne irascaris domine,
ne ultra memineris iniquitatis:
ecce civitas sancti facta est deserta:
sion deserta facta est:
ierusalem desolata est:
domus sanctificationis tuae et gloriae tuae
sajaja bramani totari ta,raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota

in your eyes
just feel and realize
it is real and not a dream
i’m in you and you’re in me
it is time
to break the chains of life
if you follow you will see
what’s beyond reality

in your eyes
just feel and realize
it is real and not a dream
i’m in you and you’re in me
it is time
to break the chains of life
if you follow you will see
what’s beyond reality
sajaja bramani totari ta, raitata raitata, radu ridu raitata, rota


beyond the invisible – Enigma【WMA】


beyond the invisible – Enigma【MP3】


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