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BSS(Block Started by Symbol)的由来

工作和技术 crifan 3542浏览 0评论

Unix – Frequently Asked Questions

      bss = "Block Started by Symbol"
        Dennis Ritchie says:

            Actually the acronym (in the sense we took it up; it may
            have other credible etymologies) is "Block Started by
            Symbol." It was a pseudo-op in FAP (Fortran Assembly [-er?]
            Program), an assembler for the IBM 704-709-7090-7094
            machines. It defined its label and set aside space for a
            given number of words. There was another pseudo-op, BES,
            "Block Ended by Symbol" that did the same except that the
            label was defined by the last assigned word + 1. (On these
            machines Fortran arrays were stored backwards in storage
            and were 1-origin.)

            The usage is reasonably appropriate, because just as with
            standard Unix loaders, the space assigned didn’t have to be
            punched literally into the object deck but was represented
            by a count somewhere.

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