crifan 8年前 (2016-08-31) 3878浏览 0评论
swift sip library chakrit/gossip: A SIP client library that wraps PJSIP into a nice and clean ObjC-style OO api. How to imple...
crifan 8年前 (2016-08-31) 3878浏览 0评论
swift sip library chakrit/gossip: A SIP client library that wraps PJSIP into a nice and clean ObjC-style OO api. How to imple...
crifan 10年前 (2015-03-24) 5029浏览 0评论
关于了解PJSIP相关的东西之前要了解的背景 SIP是个会话发起的方面的协议 SIP==Session Initiation Protocol==会话发起协议:负责发起会话,但不负责发起后的会话的控制和描述 SDP是个会话描述方面...