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【中文标题】中国买下整个世界 – 世界必须接受这笔交易

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【中文标题】中国买下整个世界 – 世界必须接受这笔交易

【原文标题】China buys up the world, And the world should stay open for business



















2010年11月11日,Fabian Frank:


2010年11月11日,Jeremy Wong Fischer:



2010年11月11日,Orion Burma:













醒醒吧,哥们。全球化策略失败了!新自由主义失败了!盎格鲁萨克逊的赌场资本主义(译者注:英国著名政治经济学专家苏珊?斯特兰奇(Susan Strange)在《赌场资本主义》著作中对当代资本主义经济的一种比喻,它形容当代资本主义具有高度的投机性和风险性。)已经失败了!









2010年11月11日,Simon K.:






2010年11月11日,Matt Andersson:









2010年11月11日,Dan M.:

我赞同Jeremy Wong Fischer的观点,这句话是经济学家的画龙点睛之笔:




























IN THEORY, the ownership of a business in a capitalist economy is irrelevant. In practice, it is often controversial. From Japanese firms’ wave of purchases in America in the 1980s and Vodafone’s takeover of Germany’s Mannesmann in 2000 to the more recent antics of private-equity firms, acquisitions have often prompted bouts of national angst.

Such concerns are likely to intensify over the next few years, for China’s state-owned firms are on a shopping spree. Chinese buyers—mostly opaque, often run by the Communist Party and sometimes driven by politics as well as profit—have accounted for a tenth of cross-border deals by value this year, bidding for everything from American gas and Brazilian electricity grids to a Swedish car company, Volvo.

There is, understandably, rising opposition to this trend. The notion that capitalists should allow communists to buy their companies is, some argue, taking economic liberalism to an absurd extreme. But that is just what they should do, for the spread of Chinese capital should bring benefits to its recipients, and the world as a whole.

Why China is different

Not so long ago, government-controlled companies were regarded as half-formed creatures destined for full privatisation. But a combination of factors—huge savings in the emerging world, oil wealth and a loss of confidence in the free-market model—has led to a resurgence of state capitalism. About a fifth of global stockmarket value now sits in such firms, more than twice the level ten years ago.

The rich world has tolerated the rise of mercantilist economies before: think of South Korea’s state-led development or Singapore’s state-controlled firms, which are active acquirers abroad. Yet China is different. It is already the world’s second-biggest economy, and in time is likely to overtake America. Its firms are giants that until now have been inward-looking but are starting to use their vast resources abroad.

Chinese firms own just 6% of global investment in international business. Historically, top dogs have had a far bigger share than that. Both Britain and America peaked with a share of about 50%, in 1914 and 1967 respectively. China’s natural rise could be turbocharged by its vast pool of savings. Today this is largely invested in rich countries’ government bonds; tomorrow it could be used to buy companies and protect China against rich countries’ devaluations and possible defaults.

Chinese firms are going global for the usual reasons: to acquire raw materials, get technical know-how and gain access to foreign markets. But they are under the guidance of a state that many countries consider a strategic competitor, not an ally. As our briefing explains (see article), it often appoints executives, directs deals and finances them through state banks. Once bought, natural-resource firms can become captive suppliers of the Middle Kingdom. Some believe China Inc can be more sinister than that: for example, America thinks that Chinese telecoms-equipment firms pose a threat to its national security.

Private companies have played a big part in delivering the benefits of globalisation. They span the planet, allocating resources as they see fit and competing to win customers. The idea that an opaque government might come to dominate global capitalism is unappealing. Resources would be allocated by officials, not the market. Politics, not profit, might drive decisions. Such concerns are being voiced with increasing fervour. Australia and Canada, once open markets for takeovers, are creating hurdles for China’s state-backed firms, particularly in natural resources, and it is easy to see other countries becoming less welcoming too.

That would be a mistake. China is miles away from posing this kind of threat: most of its firms are only just finding their feet abroad. Even in natural resources, where it has been most active in dealmaking, it is not close to controlling enough supply to rig the market for most commodities.

Nor is China’s system as monolithic as foreigners often assume. State companies compete at home and their decision-making is consensual rather than dictatorial. When abroad they may have mixed motives, and some sectors—defence and strategic infrastructure, for instance—are too sensitive to allow them in. But such areas are relatively few.

What if Chinese state-owned companies run their acquisitions for politics, not profit? So long as other firms could satisfy consumers’ needs, it would not matter. Chinese companies could safely be allowed to own energy firms, for instance, in a competitive market where customers could turn to other suppliers. And if Chinese firms throw subsidised capital around the world, that’s fine. America and Europe could use the money. The danger that cheap Chinese capital might undermine rivals can be better dealt with by beefing up competition law than by keeping investment out.

Not all Chinese companies are state-directed. Some are largely independent and mainly interested in profits. Often these firms are making the running abroad. Take Volvo’s new owner, Geely. Volvo should now be able to sell more cars in China; without the deal its future was bleak.

Show a little confidence

Chinese firms can bring new energy and capital to flagging companies around the world; but influence will not just flow one way. To succeed abroad, Chinese companies will have to adapt. That means hiring local managers, investing in local research and placating local concerns—for example by listing subsidiaries locally. Indian and Brazilian firms have an advantage abroad thanks to their private-sector DNA and more open cultures. That has not been lost on Chinese managers.

China’s advance may bring benefits beyond the narrowly commercial. As it invests in the global economy, so its interests will become increasingly aligned with the rest of the world’s; and as that happens its enthusiasm for international co-operation may grow. To reject China’s advances would thus be a disservice to future generations, as well as a deeply pessimistic statement about capitalism’s confidence in itself.

Fabian Frank wrote: Nov 11th 2010 4:50 GMT .One can only hope that the Chinese leadership sees it the same way. I agree that not allowing Chinese enterprises into the world market could be interpreted as a weakness in capitalism, but without a democratic political system to balance its growing economic weight, can we trust the Chinese to play by the rules and to compete on equal terms? How can we be sure that a state owned manufacturer in China pays its debt to a state bank or the full price on electricity to a state owned electric company?

Jeremy Wong Fischer wrote: Nov 11th 2010 4:55 GMT .Dear Economist:
This is easily the most open-minded and refreshing piece on a China-related topic that I have seen written by you in about a century. I sat around here waiting for the baiting, fear-mongering, slander, communist-bashing and irresponsible journalism and all I found was positive advocacy for increased integration between Chinese companies and the rest of the world. Kudos. I can see a glimmer of hope in this newsmagazine.

Orion Burma wrote: Nov 11th 2010 5:20 GMT .Another piece from Economist rallying behind the motto of “open everything.”

Here’s my pet peeve about Western media’s depiction of China: please stop calling China a communist country. China is CINO (no pun intended) “Communist in Name Only!” Japan and Scandinavian countries are probably more “communist” than China actually is.

Ohio wrote: Nov 11th 2010 5:47 GMT .The normal anti-monopoly fears should be raised when a large existing firm wishes to purchase further market share, but I fail to see how the fact that the corporations governance is strongly influenced by the CPC makes a difference. The laws that govern the coporation’s operations do not change because a CPC controlled company has bought it. Yes, the CPC controlled company could engage in practices which favor other CPC controlled companies, but this applies to many other corporations without government ties.

To have only Chinese companies mining rare earth materials is a worry, and a potential problem, because of their monopoly power, i.e. the lack of an alternate supplier. As long as we have alternative suppliers, no monopoly, the world should be safe from the CPC. The only exception that I think we need to make for China is that, for anti-monopoly purposes, all Chinese corporations must be considered as one player in the market. If there are 5 chinese corporations who own 75% of a market, it is reasonable to stop a 6th from purchasing a non-chinese company that will raise that stake. Given the control exerted by the CPC over corporate governance of its largest corporations, it is fair to assume that the Chinese government could, in a crisis, choose to cause those 5 corporations to act as one player, and as such hold a near monopoly.

Beyond that, China investing in the outside world is a good thing. I think the level of xenophobia in Japan and the US/Europe decreased after Japan invested heavily in the 1980s, amidst much fear and recrimination. It was good for all sides, and eventually we all learned to work together. The same will be true for Chinese companies. Let’s remember. The Chinese government holds enormous potential power by being the power behind the throne at most large Chinese corporations. But coupled with that power is the responsibility to keep Chinese capitalism firing on all cylinders. The Chinese government can’t afford to playing geopolitical games with its corporations if that causes them to lag in growth and profitability.

The worst that the Chinese government has been guilty of up to now is mercantilism — favoring the owners of production over the consumers and workers (most of them Chinese). That flawed policy has been practiced by many non-Chinese governments over the years, and it wasn’t a good reason to stifle capital investment then. It shouldn’t be now.

Ampoliros wrote: Nov 11th 2010 5:56 GMT .@Economist: “To reject China’s advances would thus be a disservice to future generations, as well as a deeply pessimistic statement about capitalism’s confidence in itself.”

Deeply pessimistic, are we? Bubba, the last 30 years have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the neoliberal mania of unregulated Capitalism and freetrade has directly lead….to the ‘hollowing out’ of the West.

Simply said, the West has lost mojo while China et al have acquired it. The West has *lost* more and more influence and clout, while the average Westerner is today a lot worse off than he was 30 years ago.

The only benefits were cheap consumer goods & credits. But tell me, Economist, what would you prefer: A good, solid job and & realistic prices *OR* dirt cheap prices for shoddy goods (built on the back of mass exploitation of millions of (Chinese) workers) and no job?

Waketh up, brothers. Globalisation has *FAILED*. Neoliberalism has *FAILED*. Anglosaxon Casino-Capitalism has *FAILED*.

It?s time for something new.

tp1024 wrote: Nov 11th 2010 5:58 GMT .The difference between the USA and China owning a significant part of the worlds assets is a very simple one: China deserves it.

The USA has 300 mio people, China has 1300 mio people – there’s nothing wrong with China owning 4 times as many assets as the USA.

These huge Western multinationals from ‘democratic’ countries may be less trustworthy than any foreign government; for sure they have fewer principles and less moral guidance.

There is no shortage of examples of US companies buying all competitors in a market and shutting them down to kill the brands, then giving foreign consumers a choice of “American or nothing”. How is this better than China buying a copper mine? Because they’re ‘democratic’? Because they follow ‘free market principles’?

George Soros would be happy to pump several hundreds of billions into the currency of Brazil or China, create a few bubbles while driving up the currency, and then get out with a massive profit and leave behind a devastated local economy. Why is this more defensible than China buying a copper mine? Because Soros is ‘democratic’? Because he believes in ‘a free market’?

There is no shortage of examples anywhere of multinationals committing economic atrocities just for the sake of more profit – and these firms were neither yellow nor communist. And there is no shortage of examples of multinationals committing crimes against humanity either; do some research on Nestle and baby milk powder in Africa – countless tens of thousands of babies died, from an unforgivably cynical and ruthless pursuit of profit. Do we forgive that because they’re “white, democratic and believe in a free market.”?

We have bigger problems in the world than a Chinese firm looking for supplies of raw materials.

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