C#学习心得 – crifan的C#函数库:crifanLib.cs
/* * [File] * crifanLib.cs * * [Function] * This library file contains many common functions, implemented in C#, created&modified by crifan. * * [Version] * v2.5 * * [Author] * Crifan * * [Contact] * https://www.crifan.com/crifan_csharp_lib_crifanlib_cs/ * * [History] * v2.5: * 1. add postDataStr for getUrlResponse * 2. add functions: removeInvChrInPath, getCurTaskbarSize, getCurTaskbarLocation, getCornerLocation * * v2.0: * 1. add functions: getUrlRespHtml, getUrlResponse, getUrlRespStreamBytes * 2. add saveBytesToFile * 3. remove the skydrive related functions, for it's not belong to common functions * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web; // for server using System.Net; // for client using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; public class crifanLib { public struct pairItem { public string key; public string value; }; private Dictionary<string, DateTime> calcTimeList; const char replacedChar = '_'; string[] cookieFieldArr = { "expires", "domain", "secure", "path", "httponly", "version" }; List<string> cookieFieldList = new List<string>(); CookieCollection curCookies = null; public crifanLib() { //http related //set max enough to avoid http request is used out -> avoid dead while get response System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 200; curCookies = new CookieCollection(); // init const cookie keys foreach (string key in cookieFieldArr) { cookieFieldList.Add(key); } //init for calc time calcTimeList = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>(); } /*------------------------Private Functions------------------------------*/ // replace the replacedChar back to original ',' private string _recoverExpireField(Match foundPprocessedExpire) { string recovedStr = ""; recovedStr = foundPprocessedExpire.Value.Replace(replacedChar, ','); return recovedStr; } //replace ',' with replacedChar private string _processExpireField(Match foundExpire) { string replacedComma = ""; replacedComma = foundExpire.Value.ToString().Replace(',', replacedChar); return replacedComma; } /*------------------------Public Functions-------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************/ /* Values: int/double/... */ /*********************************************************************/ //equivalent of Math.Random() in Javascript //get a 17 bit double value x, 0 < x < 1, eg:0.68637410117610087 public double mathRandom() { Random rdm = new Random(); double betweenZeroToOne17Bit = rdm.NextDouble(); return betweenZeroToOne17Bit; } /*********************************************************************/ /* Time */ /*********************************************************************/ // init for calculate time span public void elapsedTimeSpanInit(string keyName) { calcTimeList.Add(keyName, DateTime.Now); } // got calculated time span public double getElapsedTimeSpan(string keyName) { double milliSec = 0.0; if (calcTimeList.ContainsKey(keyName)) { DateTime startTime = calcTimeList[keyName]; DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now; milliSec = (endTime - startTime).TotalMilliseconds; } return milliSec; } //refer: http://bytes.com/topic/c-sharp/answers/713458-c-function-equivalent-javascript-gettime-function //get current time in milli-second-since-epoch(1970/01/01) public double getCurTimeInMillisec() { DateTime st = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); TimeSpan t = (DateTime.Now - st); return t.TotalMilliseconds; // milli seconds since epoch } // parse the milli second to local DateTime value public DateTime milliSecToDateTime(double milliSecSinceEpoch) { DateTime st = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); st = st.AddMilliseconds(milliSecSinceEpoch); return st; } /*********************************************************************/ /* String */ /*********************************************************************/ // encode "!" to "%21" public string encodeExclamationMark(string inputStr) { return inputStr.Replace("!", "%21"); } // encode "%21" to "!" public string decodeExclamationMark(string inputStr) { return inputStr.Replace("%21", "!"); } //using Regex to extract single string value // caller should make sure the string to extract is Groups[1] == include single () !!! public bool extractSingleStr(string pattern, string extractFrom, out string extractedStr) { bool extractOK = false; Regex rx = new Regex(pattern); Match found = rx.Match(extractFrom); if (found.Success) { extractOK = true; extractedStr = found.Groups[1].ToString(); } else { extractOK = false; extractedStr = ""; } return extractOK; } //quote the input dict values //note: the return result for first para no '&' public string quoteParas(Dictionary<string, string> paras) { string quotedParas = ""; bool isFirst = true; string val = ""; foreach (string para in paras.Keys) { if (paras.TryGetValue(para, out val)) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; quotedParas += para + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(val); } else { quotedParas += "&" + para + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(val); } } else { break; } } return quotedParas; } //remove invalid char in path and filename public string removeInvChrInPath(string origFileOrPathStr) { string validFileOrPathStr = origFileOrPathStr; //filter out invalid title and artist char //char[] invalidChars = { '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '<', '>', '|', '\b' }; char[] invalidChars = Path.GetInvalidPathChars(); char[] invalidCharsInName = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars(); foreach (char chr in invalidChars) { validFileOrPathStr = validFileOrPathStr.Replace(chr.ToString(), ""); } foreach (char chr in invalidCharsInName) { validFileOrPathStr = validFileOrPathStr.Replace(chr.ToString(), ""); } return validFileOrPathStr; } /*********************************************************************/ /* Array */ /*********************************************************************/ //given a string array 'origStrArr', get a sub string array from 'startIdx', length is 'len' public string[] getSubStrArr(string[] origStrArr, int startIdx, int len) { string[] subStrArr = new string[] { }; if ((origStrArr != null) && (origStrArr.Length > 0) && (len > 0)) { List<string> strList = new List<string>(); int endPos = startIdx + len; if (endPos > origStrArr.Length) { endPos = origStrArr.Length; } for (int i = startIdx; i < endPos; i++) { //refer: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/296384408.html strList.Add(origStrArr[i]); } subStrArr = new string[len]; strList.CopyTo(subStrArr); } return subStrArr; } /*********************************************************************/ /* cookie */ /*********************************************************************/ //extrat the Host from input url //example: from https://skydrive.live.com/, extracted Host is "skydrive.live.com" public string extractHost(string url) { string domain = ""; if ((url != "") && (url.Contains("/"))) { string[] splited = url.Split('/'); domain = splited[2]; } return domain; } //extrat the domain from input url //example: from https://skydrive.live.com/, extracted domain is ".live.com" public string extractDomain(string url) { string host = ""; string domain = ""; host = extractHost(url); if (host.Contains(".")) { domain = host.Substring(host.IndexOf('.')); } return domain; } //add recognized cookie field: expires/domain/path/secure/httponly/version, into cookie public bool addFieldToCookie(ref Cookie ck, pairItem pairInfo) { bool added = false; if (pairInfo.key != "") { string lowerKey = pairInfo.key.ToLower(); switch (lowerKey) { case "expires": DateTime expireDatetime; if (DateTime.TryParse(pairInfo.value, out expireDatetime)) { // note: here coverted to local time: GMT +8 ck.Expires = expireDatetime; //update expired filed if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > ck.Expires.Ticks) { ck.Expired = true; } added = true; } break; case "domain": ck.Domain = pairInfo.value; added = true; break; case "secure": ck.Secure = true; added = true; break; case "path": ck.Path = pairInfo.value; added = true; break; case "httponly": ck.HttpOnly = true; added = true; break; case "version": int versionValue; if (int.TryParse(pairInfo.value, out versionValue)) { ck.Version = versionValue; added = true; } break; default: break; } } return added; }//addFieldToCookie public bool isValidCookieField(string cookieKey) { return cookieFieldList.Contains(cookieKey.ToLower()); } //cookie field example: //WLSRDAuth=FAAaARQL3KgEDBNbW84gMYrDN0fBab7xkQNmAAAEgAAACN7OQIVEO14E2ADnX8vEiz8fTuV7bRXem4Yeg/DI6wTk5vXZbi2SEOHjt%2BbfDJMZGybHQm4NADcA9Qj/tBZOJ/ASo5d9w3c1bTlU1jKzcm2wecJ5JMJvdmTCj4J0oy1oyxbMPzTc0iVhmDoyClU1dgaaVQ15oF6LTQZBrA0EXdBxq6Mu%2BUgYYB9DJDkSM/yFBXb2bXRTRgNJ1lruDtyWe%2Bm21bzKWS/zFtTQEE56bIvn5ITesFu4U8XaFkCP/FYLiHj6gpHW2j0t%2BvvxWUKt3jAnWY1Tt6sXhuSx6CFVDH4EYEEUALuqyxbQo2ugNwDkP9V5O%2B5FAyCf; path=/; domain=.livefilestore.com; HttpOnly;, //WLSRDSecAuth=FAAaARQL3KgEDBNbW84gMYrDN0fBab7xkQNmAAAEgAAACJFcaqD2IuX42ACdjP23wgEz1qyyxDz0kC15HBQRXH6KrXszRGFjDyUmrC91Zz%2BgXPFhyTzOCgQNBVfvpfCPtSccxJHDIxy47Hq8Cr6RGUeXSpipLSIFHumjX5%2BvcJWkqxDEczrmBsdGnUcbz4zZ8kP2ELwAKSvUteey9iHytzZ5Ko12G72%2Bbk3BXYdnNJi8Nccr0we97N78V0bfehKnUoDI%2BK310KIZq9J35DgfNdkl12oYX5LMIBzdiTLwN1%2Bx9DgsYmmgxPbcuZPe/7y7dlb00jNNd8p/rKtG4KLLT4w3EZkUAOcUwGF746qfzngDlOvXWVvZjGzA; path=/; domain=.livefilestore.com; HttpOnly; secure;, //RPSShare=1; path=/;, //ANON=A=DE389D4D076BF47BCAE4DC05FFFFFFFF&E=c44&W=1; path=/; domain=.livefilestore.com;, //NAP=V=1.9&E=bea&C=VTwb1vAsVjCeLWrDuow-jCNgP5eS75JWWvYVe3tRppviqKixCvjqgw&W=1; path=/; domain=.livefilestore.com;, //RPSMaybe=; path=/; domain=.livefilestore.com; expires=Thu, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT; //check whether the cookie name is valid or not public bool isValidCookieName(string ckName) { bool isValid = true; if (ckName == null) { isValid = false; } else { string invalidP = @"\W+"; Regex rx = new Regex(invalidP); Match foundInvalid = rx.Match(ckName); if (foundInvalid.Success) { isValid = false; } } return isValid; } // parse the cookie name and value public bool parseCookieNameValue(string ckNameValueExpr, out pairItem pair) { bool parsedOK = false; if (ckNameValueExpr == "") { pair.key = ""; pair.value = ""; parsedOK = false; } else { ckNameValueExpr = ckNameValueExpr.Trim(); int equalPos = ckNameValueExpr.IndexOf('='); if (equalPos > 0) // is valid expression { pair.key = ckNameValueExpr.Substring(0, equalPos); pair.key = pair.key.Trim(); if (isValidCookieName(pair.key)) { // only process while is valid cookie field pair.value = ckNameValueExpr.Substring(equalPos + 1); pair.value = pair.value.Trim(); parsedOK = true; } else { pair.key = ""; pair.value = ""; parsedOK = false; } } else { pair.key = ""; pair.value = ""; parsedOK = false; } } return parsedOK; } // parse cookie field expression public bool parseCookieField(string ckFieldExpr, out pairItem pair) { bool parsedOK = false; if (ckFieldExpr == "") { pair.key = ""; pair.value = ""; parsedOK = false; } else { ckFieldExpr = ckFieldExpr.Trim(); //some specials: secure/httponly if (ckFieldExpr.ToLower() == "httponly") { pair.key = "httponly"; //pair.value = ""; pair.value = "true"; parsedOK = true; } else if (ckFieldExpr.ToLower() == "secure") { pair.key = "secure"; //pair.value = ""; pair.value = "true"; parsedOK = true; } else // normal cookie field { int equalPos = ckFieldExpr.IndexOf('='); if (equalPos > 0) // is valid expression { pair.key = ckFieldExpr.Substring(0, equalPos); pair.key = pair.key.Trim(); if (isValidCookieField(pair.key)) { // only process while is valid cookie field pair.value = ckFieldExpr.Substring(equalPos + 1); pair.value = pair.value.Trim(); parsedOK = true; } else { pair.key = ""; pair.value = ""; parsedOK = false; } } else { pair.key = ""; pair.value = ""; parsedOK = false; } } } return parsedOK; }//parseCookieField //parse single cookie string to a cookie //example: //MSPShared=1; expires=Wed, 30-Dec-2037 16:00:00 GMT;domain=login.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1 //PPAuth=CkLXJYvPpNs3w!fIwMOFcraoSIAVYX3K!CdvZwQNwg3Y7gv74iqm9MqReX8XkJqtCFeMA6GYCWMb9m7CoIw!ID5gx3pOt8sOx1U5qQPv6ceuyiJYwmS86IW*l3BEaiyVCqFvju9BMll7!FHQeQholDsi0xqzCHuW!Qm2mrEtQPCv!qF3Sh9tZDjKcDZDI9iMByXc6R*J!JG4eCEUHIvEaxTQtftb4oc5uGpM!YyWT!r5jXIRyxqzsCULtWz4lsWHKzwrNlBRbF!A7ZXqXygCT8ek6luk7rarwLLJ!qaq2BvS; domain=login.live.com;secure= ;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1 public bool parseSingleCookie(string cookieStr, ref Cookie ck) { bool parsedOk = true; //Cookie ck = new Cookie(); //string[] expressions = cookieStr.Split(";".ToCharArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //refer: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b873y76a.aspx string[] expressions = cookieStr.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //get cookie name and value pairItem pair = new pairItem(); if (parseCookieNameValue(expressions[0], out pair)) { ck.Name = pair.key; ck.Value = pair.value; string[] fieldExpressions = getSubStrArr(expressions, 1, expressions.Length - 1); foreach (string eachExpression in fieldExpressions) { //parse key and value if (parseCookieField(eachExpression, out pair)) { // add to cookie field if possible addFieldToCookie(ref ck, pair); } else { // if any field fail, consider it is a abnormal cookie string, so quit with false parsedOk = false; break; } } } else { parsedOk = false; } return parsedOk; }//parseSingleCookie //check whether need add/retain this cookie // not add for: // ck is null or ck name is null // domain is null and curDomain is not set // expired and retainExpiredCookie==false private bool needAddThisCookie(Cookie ck, string curDomain) { bool needAdd = false; if ((ck == null) || (ck.Name == "")) { needAdd = false; } else { if (ck.Domain != "") { needAdd = true; } else// ck.Domain == "" { if (curDomain != "") { ck.Domain = curDomain; needAdd = true; } else // curDomain == "" { // not set current domain, omit this // should not add empty domain cookie, for this will lead execute CookieContainer.Add() fail !!! needAdd = false; } } } return needAdd; } // parse the Set-Cookie string (in http response header) to cookies // Note: auto omit to parse the abnormal cookie string // normal example for 'setCookieStr': // MSPOK= ; expires=Thu, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT;domain=login.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,PPAuth=Cuyf3Vp2wolkjba!TOr*0v22UMYz36ReuiwxZZBc8umHJYPlRe4qupywVFFcIpbJyvYZ5ZDLBwV4zRM1UCjXC4tUwNuKvh21iz6gQb0Tu5K7Z62!TYGfowB9VQpGA8esZ7iCRucC7d5LiP3ZAv*j4Z3MOecaJwmPHx7!wDFdAMuQUZURhHuZWJiLzHP1j8ppchB2LExnlHO6IGAdZo1f0qzSWsZ2hq*yYP6sdy*FdTTKo336Q1B0i5q8jUg1Yv6c2FoBiNxhZSzxpuU0WrNHqSytutP2k4!wNc6eSnFDeouX; domain=login.live.com;secure= ;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,PPLState=1; domain=.live.com;path=/;version=1,MSPShared=1; expires=Wed, 30-Dec-2037 16:00:00 GMT;domain=login.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,MSPPre= ;domain=login.live.com;path=/;Expires=Thu, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT,MSPCID= ; HTTPOnly= ; domain=login.live.com;path=/;Expires=Thu, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT,RPSTAuth=EwDoARAnAAAUWkziSC7RbDJKS1VkhugDegv7L0eAAOfCAY2+pKwbV5zUlu3XmBbgrQ8EdakmdSqK9OIKfMzAbnU8fuwwEi+FKtdGSuz/FpCYutqiHWdftd0YF21US7+1bPxuLJ0MO+wVXB8GtjLKZaA0xCXlU5u01r+DOsxSVM777DmplaUc0Q4O1+Pi9gX9cyzQLAgRKmC/QtlbVNKDA2YAAAhIwqiXOVR/DDgBocoO/n0u48RFGh79X2Q+gO4Fl5GMc9Vtpa7SUJjZCCfoaitOmcxhEjlVmR/2ppdfJx3Ykek9OFzFd+ijtn7K629yrVFt3O9q5L0lWoxfDh5/daLK7lqJGKxn1KvOew0SHlOqxuuhYRW57ezFyicxkxSI3aLxYFiqHSu9pq+TlITqiflyfcAcw4MWpvHxm9on8Y1dM2R4X3sxuwrLQBpvNsG4oIaldTYIhMEnKhmxrP6ZswxzteNqIRvMEKsxiksBzQDDK/Cnm6QYBZNsPawc6aAedZioeYwaV3Z/i3tNrAUwYTqLXve8oG6ZNXL6WLT/irKq1EMilK6Cw8lT3G13WYdk/U9a6YZPJC8LdqR0vAHYpsu/xRF39/On+xDNPE4keIThJBptweOeWQfsMDwvgrYnMBKAMjpLZwE=; domain=.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,RPSTAuthTime=1328679636; domain=login.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,MSPAuth=2OlAAMHXtDIFOtpaK1afG2n*AAxdfCnCBlJFn*gCF8gLnCa1YgXEfyVh2m9nZuF*M7npEwb4a7Erpb*!nH5G285k7AswJOrsr*gY29AVAbsiz2UscjIGHkXiKrTvIzkV2M; domain=.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,MSPProf=23ci9sti6DZRrkDXfTt1b3lHhMdheWIcTZU2zdJS9!zCloHzMKwX30MfEAcCyOjVt*5WeFSK3l2ZahtEaK7HPFMm3INMs3r!JxI8odP9PYRHivop5ryohtMYzWZzj3gVVurcEr5Bg6eJJws7rXOggo3cR4FuKLtXwz*FVX0VWuB5*aJhRkCT1GZn*L5Pxzsm9X; domain=.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,MSNPPAuth=CiGSMoUOx4gej8yQkdFBvN!gvffvAhCPeWydcrAbcg!O2lrhVb4gruWSX5NZCBPsyrtZKmHLhRLTUUIxxPA7LIhqW5TCV*YcInlG2f5hBzwzHt!PORYbg79nCkvw65LKG399gRGtJ4wvXdNlhHNldkBK1jVXD4PoqO1Xzdcpv4sj68U6!oGrNK5KgRSMXXpLJmCeehUcsRW1NmInqQXpyanjykpYOcZy0vq!6PIxkj3gMaAvm!1vO58gXM9HX9dA0GloNmCDnRv4qWDV2XKqEKp!A7jiIMWTmHup1DZ!*YCtDX3nUVQ1zAYSMjHmmbMDxRJECz!1XEwm070w16Y40TzuKAJVugo!pyF!V2OaCsLjZ9tdGxGwEQRyi0oWc*Z7M0FBn8Fz0Dh4DhCzl1NnGun9kOYjK5itrF1Wh17sT!62ipv1vI8omeu0cVRww2Kv!qM*LFgwGlPOnNHj3*VulQOuaoliN4MUUxTA4owDubYZoKAwF*yp7Mg3zq5Ds2!l9Q$$; domain=.live.com;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,MH=MSFT; domain=.live.com;path=/;version=1,MHW=; expires=Thu, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT;domain=.live.com;path=/;version=1,MHList=; expires=Thu, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT;domain=.live.com;path=/;version=1,NAP=V=1.9&E=bea&C=zfjCKKBD0TqjZlWGgRTp__NiK08Lme_0XFaiKPaWJ0HDuMi2uCXafQ&W=1;domain=.live.com;path=/,ANON=A=DE389D4D076BF47BCAE4DC05FFFFFFFF&E=c44&W=1;domain=.live.com;path=/,MSPVis=$9;domain=login.live.com;path=/,pres=; expires=Thu, 30-Oct-1980 16:00:00 GMT;domain=.live.com;path=/;version=1,LOpt=0; domain=login.live.com;path=/;version=1,WLSSC=EgBnAQMAAAAEgAAACoAASfCD+8dUptvK4kvFO0gS3mVG28SPT3Jo9Pz2k65r9c9KrN4ISvidiEhxXaPLCSpkfa6fxH3FbdP9UmWAa9KnzKFJu/lQNkZC3rzzMcVUMjbLUpSVVyscJHcfSXmpGGgZK4ZCxPqXaIl9EZ0xWackE4k5zWugX7GR5m/RzakyVIzWAFwA1gD9vwYA7Vazl9QKMk/UCjJPECcAAAoQoAAAFwBjcmlmYW4yMDAzQGhvdG1haWwuY29tAE8AABZjcmlmYW4yMDAzQGhvdG1haWwuY29tAAAACUNOAAYyMTM1OTIAAAZlCAQCAAB3F21AAARDAAR0aWFuAAR3YW5nBMgAAUkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaOKNpqLi/UAANQKMk/Uf0RPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADgA1OC4yNDAuMjM2LjE5AAUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBAABAAABAAABAAAAAAAAAAA=; domain=.live.com;secure= ;path=/;HTTPOnly= ;version=1,MSPSoftVis=@72198325083833620@:@; domain=login.live.com;path=/;version=1 // here now support parse the un-correct Set-Cookie: // MSPRequ=/;Version=1;version<=1328770452&id=250915&co=1; path=/;version=1,MSPVis=$9; Version=1;version=1$250915;domain=login.live.com;path=/,MSPSoftVis=@72198325083833620@:@; domain=login.live.com;path=/;version=1,MSPBack=1328770312; domain=login.live.com;path=/;version=1 public CookieCollection parseSetCookie(string setCookieStr, string curDomain) { CookieCollection parsedCookies = new CookieCollection(); // process for expires and Expires field, for it contains ',' //refer: http://www.yaosansi.com/post/682.html // may contains expires or Expires, so following use xpires string commaReplaced = Regex.Replace(setCookieStr, @"xpires=\w{3},\s\d{2}-\w{3}-\d{4}", new MatchEvaluator(_processExpireField)); string[] cookieStrArr = commaReplaced.Split(','); foreach (string cookieStr in cookieStrArr) { Cookie ck = new Cookie(); // recover it back string recoveredCookieStr = Regex.Replace(cookieStr, @"xpires=\w{3}" + replacedChar + @"\s\d{2}-\w{3}-\d{4}", new MatchEvaluator(_recoverExpireField)); if (parseSingleCookie(recoveredCookieStr, ref ck)) { if (needAddThisCookie(ck, curDomain)) { parsedCookies.Add(ck); } } } return parsedCookies; }//parseSetCookie // parse Set-Cookie string part into cookies // leave current domain to empty, means omit the parsed cookie, which is not set its domain value public CookieCollection parseSetCookie(string setCookieStr) { return parseSetCookie(setCookieStr, ""); } //parse xxx in "new Date(xxx)" of javascript to C# DateTime //input example: //new Date(1329198041411.84) / new Date(1329440307389.9) / new Date(1329440307483) public bool parseJsNewDate(string newDateStr, out DateTime parsedDatetime) { bool parseOK = false; parsedDatetime = new DateTime(); if ((newDateStr != "") && (newDateStr.Trim() != "")) { string dateValue = ""; if (extractSingleStr(@".*new\sDate\((.+?)\).*", newDateStr, out dateValue)) { double doubleVal = 0.0; if (Double.TryParse(dateValue, out doubleVal)) { // try whether is double/int64 milliSecSinceEpoch parsedDatetime = milliSecToDateTime(doubleVal); parseOK = true; } else if (DateTime.TryParse(dateValue, out parsedDatetime)) { // try normal DateTime string //refer: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_obj_date.asp //October 13, 1975 11:13:00 //79,5,24 / 79,5,24,11,33,0 //1329198041411.3344 / 1329198041411.84 / 1329198041411 parseOK = true; } } } return parseOK; } //parse Javascript string "$Cookie.setCookie(XXX);" to a cookie // input example: //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42','cHJveHktYmF5LnB2dC1jb250YWN0cy5tc24uY29tfGJ5MioxLDlBOEI4QkY1MDFBMzhBMzYsMSwwLDA=','live.com','/',new Date(1328842189083.44),1); //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42','YnkyKjEsOUE4QjhCRjUwMUEzOEEzNiwwLCww','live.com','/',new Date(1329198041411.84),1); //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42', 'YnkyKjEsOUE4QjhCRjUwMUEzOEEzNiwwLCww', 'live.com', '/', new Date(1329440307389.9), 1); //$Cookie.setCookie('wla42', 'cHJveHktYmF5LnB2dC1jb250YWN0cy5tc24uY29tfGJ5MioxLDlBOEI4QkY1MDFBMzhBMzYsMSwwLDA=', 'live.com', '/', new Date(1329440307483.5), 1); //$Cookie.setCookie('wls', 'A|eyJV-t:a*nS', '.live.com', '/', null, 1); //$Cookie.setCookie('MSNPPAuth','','.live.com','/',new Date(1327971507311.9),1); public bool parseJsSetCookie(string singleSetCookieStr, out Cookie parsedCk) { bool parseOK = false; parsedCk = new Cookie(); string name = ""; string value = ""; string domain = ""; string path = ""; string expire = ""; string secure = ""; // 1=name 2=value 3=domain 4=path 5=expire 6=secure string setckP = @"\$Cookie\.setCookie\('(\w+)',\s*'(.*?)',\s*'([\w\.]+)',\s*'(.+?)',\s*(.+?),\s*(\d?)\);"; Regex setckRx = new Regex(setckP); Match foundSetck = setckRx.Match(singleSetCookieStr); if (foundSetck.Success) { name = foundSetck.Groups[1].ToString(); value = foundSetck.Groups[2].ToString(); domain = foundSetck.Groups[3].ToString(); path = foundSetck.Groups[4].ToString(); expire = foundSetck.Groups[5].ToString(); secure = foundSetck.Groups[6].ToString(); // must: name valid and domain is not null if (isValidCookieName(name) && (domain != "")) { parseOK = true; parsedCk.Name = name; parsedCk.Value = value; parsedCk.Domain = domain; parsedCk.Path = path; // note, here even parse expire field fail //do not consider it must fail to parse the whole cookie if (expire.Trim() == "null") { // do nothing } else { DateTime expireTime; if (parseJsNewDate(expire, out expireTime)) { parsedCk.Expires = expireTime; } } if (secure == "1") { parsedCk.Secure = true; } else { parsedCk.Secure = false; } }//if (isValidCookieName(name) && (domain != "")) }//foundSetck.Success return parseOK; } //check whether a cookie is expired //if expired property is set, then just return it value //if not set, check whether is a session cookie, if is, then not expired //if expires is set, check its real time is expired or not public bool isCookieExpired(Cookie ck) { bool isExpired = false; if ((ck != null) && (ck.Name != "")) { if (ck.Expired) { isExpired = true; } else { DateTime initExpiresValue = (new Cookie()).Expires; DateTime expires = ck.Expires; if (expires.Equals(initExpiresValue)) { // expires is not set, means this is session cookie, so here no expire } else { // has set expire value if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > expires.Ticks) { isExpired = true; } } } } else { isExpired = true; } return isExpired; } //add a single cookie to cookies, if already exist, update its value public void addCookieToCookies(Cookie toAdd, ref CookieCollection cookies, bool overwriteDomain) { bool found = false; if (cookies.Count > 0) { foreach (Cookie originalCookie in cookies) { if (originalCookie.Name == toAdd.Name) { // !!! for different domain, cookie is not same, // so should not set the cookie value here while their domains is not same // only if it explictly need overwrite domain if ((originalCookie.Domain == toAdd.Domain) || ((originalCookie.Domain != toAdd.Domain) && overwriteDomain)) { //here can not force convert CookieCollection to HttpCookieCollection, //then use .remove to remove this cookie then add // so no good way to copy all field value originalCookie.Value = toAdd.Value; originalCookie.Domain = toAdd.Domain; originalCookie.Expires = toAdd.Expires; originalCookie.Version = toAdd.Version; originalCookie.Path = toAdd.Path; //following fields seems should not change //originalCookie.HttpOnly = toAdd.HttpOnly; //originalCookie.Secure = toAdd.Secure; found = true; break; } } } } if (!found) { if (toAdd.Domain != "") { // if add the null domain, will lead to follow req.CookieContainer.Add(cookies) failed !!! cookies.Add(toAdd); } } }//addCookieToCookies //add singel cookie to cookies, default no overwrite domain public void addCookieToCookies(Cookie toAdd, ref CookieCollection cookies) { addCookieToCookies(toAdd, ref cookies, false); } //check whether the cookies contains the ckToCheck cookie //support: //ckTocheck is Cookie/string //cookies is Cookie/string/CookieCollection/string[] public bool isContainCookie(object ckToCheck, object cookies) { bool isContain = false; if ((ckToCheck != null) && (cookies != null)) { string ckName = ""; Type type = ckToCheck.GetType(); //string typeStr = ckType.ToString(); //if (ckType.FullName == "System.string") if (type.Name.ToLower() == "string") { ckName = (string)ckToCheck; } else if (type.Name == "Cookie") { ckName = ((Cookie)ckToCheck).Name; } if (ckName != "") { type = cookies.GetType(); // is single Cookie if (type.Name == "Cookie") { if (ckName == ((Cookie)cookies).Name) { isContain = true; } } // is CookieCollection else if (type.Name == "CookieCollection") { foreach (Cookie ck in (CookieCollection)cookies) { if (ckName == ck.Name) { isContain = true; break; } } } // is single cookie name string else if (type.Name.ToLower() == "string") { if (ckName == (string)cookies) { isContain = true; } } // is cookie name string[] else if (type.Name.ToLower() == "string[]") { foreach (string name in ((string[])cookies)) { if (ckName == name) { isContain = true; break; } } } } } return isContain; }//isContainCookie // update cookiesToUpdate to localCookies // if omitUpdateCookies designated, then omit cookies of omitUpdateCookies in cookiesToUpdate public void updateLocalCookies(CookieCollection cookiesToUpdate, ref CookieCollection localCookies, object omitUpdateCookies) { if (cookiesToUpdate.Count > 0) { if (localCookies == null) { localCookies = cookiesToUpdate; } else { foreach (Cookie newCookie in cookiesToUpdate) { if (isContainCookie(newCookie, omitUpdateCookies)) { // need omit process this } else { addCookieToCookies(newCookie, ref localCookies); } } } } }//updateLocalCookies //update cookiesToUpdate to localCookies public void updateLocalCookies(CookieCollection cookiesToUpdate, ref CookieCollection localCookies) { updateLocalCookies(cookiesToUpdate, ref localCookies, null); } // given a cookie name ckName, get its value from CookieCollection cookies public bool getCookieVal(string ckName, ref CookieCollection cookies, out string ckVal) { //string ckVal = ""; ckVal = ""; bool gotValue = false; foreach (Cookie ck in cookies) { if (ck.Name == ckName) { gotValue = true; ckVal = ck.Value; break; } } return gotValue; } /*********************************************************************/ /* Serialize/Deserialize */ /*********************************************************************/ // serialize an object to string public bool serializeObjToStr(Object obj, out string serializedStr) { bool serializeOk = false; serializedStr = ""; try { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); binaryFormatter.Serialize(memoryStream, obj); serializedStr = System.Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray()); serializeOk = true; } catch { serializeOk = false; } return serializeOk; } // deserialize the string to an object public bool deserializeStrToObj(string serializedStr, out object deserializedObj) { bool deserializeOk = false; deserializedObj = null; try { byte[] restoredBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(serializedStr); MemoryStream restoredMemoryStream = new MemoryStream(restoredBytes); BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); deserializedObj = binaryFormatter.Deserialize(restoredMemoryStream); deserializeOk = true; } catch { deserializeOk = false; } return deserializeOk; } /*********************************************************************/ /* HTTP */ /*********************************************************************/ /* * Note: currently support auto handle cookies * currently only support single caller -> multiple caller of these functions will cause cookies accumulated * you can clear previous cookies to avoid unexpected result by call clearCurCookies */ public void clearCurCookies() { if (curCookies != null) { curCookies = null; curCookies = new CookieCollection(); } } /* get current cookies */ public CookieCollection getCurCookies() { return curCookies; } /* set current cookies */ public void setCurCookies(CookieCollection cookies) { curCookies = cookies; } /* get url's response * */ public HttpWebResponse getUrlResponse(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict, Dictionary<string, string> postDict, int timeout, string postDataStr) { //CookieCollection parsedCookies; HttpWebResponse resp = null; HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); req.AllowAutoRedirect = true; req.Accept = "*/*"; //const string gAcceptLanguage = "en-US"; // zh-CN/en-US //req.Headers["Accept-Language"] = gAcceptLanguage; req.KeepAlive = true; //IE8 const string gUserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E"; //IE9 //const string gUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"; // x64 //const string gUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)"; // x86 //const string gUserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)"; //Chrome //const string gUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4"; //Mozilla Firefox //const string gUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6"; req.UserAgent = gUserAgent; req.Headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip, deflate"; req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; req.Proxy = null; if (timeout > 0) { req.Timeout = timeout; } if (curCookies != null) { req.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); req.CookieContainer.PerDomainCapacity = 40; // following will exceed max default 20 cookie per domain req.CookieContainer.Add(curCookies); } if (headerDict != null) { foreach (string header in headerDict.Keys) { string headerValue = ""; if (headerDict.TryGetValue(header, out headerValue)) { // following are allow the caller overwrite the default header setting if (header.ToLower() == "referer") { req.Referer = headerValue; } else if (header.ToLower() == "allowautoredirect") { bool isAllow = false; if (bool.TryParse(headerValue, out isAllow)) { req.AllowAutoRedirect = isAllow; } } else if (header.ToLower() == "accept") { req.Accept = headerValue; } else if (header.ToLower() == "keepalive") { bool isKeepAlive = false; if (bool.TryParse(headerValue, out isKeepAlive)) { req.KeepAlive = isKeepAlive; } } else if (header.ToLower() == "accept-language") { req.Headers["Accept-Language"] = headerValue; } else if (header.ToLower() == "useragent") { req.UserAgent = headerValue; } else { req.Headers[header] = headerValue; } } else { break; } } } if (postDict != null || postDataStr != "") { req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; if (postDict != null) { postDataStr = quoteParas(postDict); } //byte[] postBytes = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8").GetBytes(postData); byte[] postBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postDataStr); req.ContentLength = postBytes.Length; Stream postDataStream = req.GetRequestStream(); postDataStream.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length); postDataStream.Close(); } else { req.Method = "GET"; } //may timeout, has fixed in: //https://www.crifan.com/fixed_problem_sometime_httpwebrequest_getresponse_timeout/ resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); updateLocalCookies(resp.Cookies, ref curCookies); return resp; } public HttpWebResponse getUrlResponse(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict, Dictionary<string, string> postDict) { return getUrlResponse(url, headerDict, postDict, 0, ""); } public HttpWebResponse getUrlResponse(string url) { return getUrlResponse(url, null, null, 0, ""); } // valid charset:"GB18030"/"UTF-8", invliad:"UTF8" public string getUrlRespHtml(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict, string charset, Dictionary<string, string> postDict, int timeout, string postDataStr) { string respHtml = ""; //HttpWebResponse resp = getUrlResponse(url, headerDict, postDict, timeout); HttpWebResponse resp = getUrlResponse(url, headerDict, postDict, timeout, postDataStr); //long realRespLen = resp.ContentLength; StreamReader sr; if ((charset != null) && (charset != "")) { Encoding htmlEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(charset); sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream(), htmlEncoding); } else { sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()); } respHtml = sr.ReadToEnd(); return respHtml; } public string getUrlRespHtml(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict, string charset, Dictionary<string, string> postDict, string postDataStr) { return getUrlRespHtml(url, headerDict, charset, postDict, 0, postDataStr); } public string getUrlRespHtml(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict, string charset, Dictionary<string, string> postDict) { return getUrlRespHtml(url, headerDict, charset, postDict, 0, ""); } public string getUrlRespHtml(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict, Dictionary<string, string> postDict) { return getUrlRespHtml(url, headerDict, "", postDict, ""); } public string getUrlRespHtml(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict) { return getUrlRespHtml(url, headerDict, null); } public string getUrlRespHtml(string url, string charset, int timeout) { return getUrlRespHtml(url, null, charset, null, timeout, ""); } public string getUrlRespHtml(string url, string charset) { return getUrlRespHtml(url, charset, 0); } public string getUrlRespHtml(string url) { return getUrlRespHtml(url, ""); } public int getUrlRespStreamBytes(ref Byte[] respBytesBuf, string url, Dictionary<string, string> headerDict, Dictionary<string, string> postDict, int timeout) { int curReadoutLen; int curBufPos = 0; int realReadoutLen = 0; try { //HttpWebResponse resp = getUrlResponse(url, headerDict, postDict, timeout); HttpWebResponse resp = getUrlResponse(url, headerDict, postDict); int expectReadoutLen = (int)resp.ContentLength; Stream binStream = resp.GetResponseStream(); //int streamDataLen = (int)binStream.Length; // erro: not support seek operation do { // here download logic is: // once request, return some data // request multiple time, until no more data curReadoutLen = binStream.Read(respBytesBuf, curBufPos, expectReadoutLen); if (curReadoutLen > 0) { curBufPos += curReadoutLen; expectReadoutLen = expectReadoutLen - curReadoutLen; realReadoutLen += curReadoutLen; } } while (curReadoutLen > 0); } catch { realReadoutLen = -1; } return realReadoutLen; } /*********************************************************************/ /* File */ /*********************************************************************/ //save binary bytes into file public bool saveBytesToFile(string fileToSave, ref Byte[] bytes, int dataLen, out string errStr) { bool saveOk = false; errStr = "未知错误!"; try { int bufStartPos = 0; int bytesToWrite = dataLen; FileStream fs; fs = File.Create(fileToSave, bytesToWrite); fs.Write(bytes, bufStartPos, bytesToWrite); fs.Close(); saveOk = true; } catch (Exception ex) { errStr = ex.Message; } return saveOk; } /*********************************************************************/ /* Screen */ /*********************************************************************/ // get current taskbar size(width, height), support 4 mode: taskbar bottom/right/up/left public Size getCurTaskbarSize() { int width = 0, height = 0; if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y == 0)) { //taskbar bottom width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width; height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.X == 0)) { //taskbar right width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width; height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y > 0)) { //taskbar up width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width; //height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y; height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.X > 0)) { //taskbar left width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width; height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; } return new Size(width, height); } // get current taskbar position(X, Y), support 4 mode: taskbar bottom/right/up/left public Point getCurTaskbarLocation() { int xPos = 0, yPos = 0; if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y == 0)) { //taskbar bottom xPos = 0; yPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.X == 0)) { //taskbar right xPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width; yPos = 0; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y > 0)) { //taskbar up xPos = 0; yPos = 0; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.X > 0)) { //taskbar left xPos = 0; yPos = 0; } return new Point(xPos, yPos); } // get current right bottom corner position(X, Y), support 4 mode: taskbar bottom/right/up/left public Point getCornerLocation(Size windowSize) { int xPos = 0, yPos = 0; if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y == 0)) { //taskbar bottom xPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - windowSize.Width; yPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - windowSize.Height; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.X == 0)) { //taskbar right xPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - windowSize.Width; yPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - windowSize.Height; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y > 0)) { //taskbar up xPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width - windowSize.Width; yPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Y; } else if ((Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height == Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height) && (Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.X > 0)) { //taskbar left xPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.X; yPos = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height - windowSize.Height; } return new Point(xPos, yPos); } }
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