Last Update: v2012-10-11
Where to get InsertSkydriveFiles
Version | Download | Changes |
4.3 | InsertSkydriveFiles v4.3 | when image width>1024 or height>768 and you set original size, then thumb pic is real size, so use it for upload file, not the href address new installer can remove old then install new version |
4.2 | InsertSkydriveFiles v4.2 | add icon support: Notebook, swf,xml,xsl; (tmp not support more than 100 files under single folder,such as |
4.1 | InsertSkydriveFiles v4.1 | support additional suffix to add support unrecognized file type |
4.0 | InsertSkydriveFiles v4.0 | support the changed(since 2012-08-15) new version of skydrive website(internal return json string changed wihle retrieve files info) |
3.1 | InsertSkydriveFiles v3.1 | support set replaced pic open with new window (add target="blank") |
3.0 | InsertSkydriveFiles v3.0 | support the (changed since 2012-07-26) new version of skydrive website |
2.1 | InsertSkydriveFiles v2.1 | update code to keep plugin still work for skydrive internal has changed some thing |
2.0 | InsertSkydriveFiles v2.0 | add support login mode and unlogin mode, also add many functions, such as upload file, find&upload&replace drag-drop pictures. |
1.0 | InsertSkydriveFiles v1.0 | initial version, only support insert files. |
Where to submit sugguestion/bug
InsertSkydriveFiles – Discussion Group
What is InsertSkydriveFiles
InsertSkydriveFiles is a plugin for WLW (Windows Live Writer).
Its function is to enable blog writer to insert files from skydrive, such as photo, audio, ….
Support Login mode and unlogin mode.
While in login mode, also be able to create folder / upload files / find & upload & replace for local pictures, those you have dragged from PC into WLW.
Development Platform
C# of .NET + VS2010
Tested/Verified Environment
1. Win7 x86 + WLW 15.4.3538.513
2. Win7 x64 + WLW 15.4.3538.513
3. WinXP SP3 + WLW 15.4.3538.513
Motivation of InsertSkydriveFiles
Offline publish post
(1) After created my website, my most urgent requirement is
How to steadly, efficiently, in simple way, to write and edit my blog post or page.
In the end, the answer is use WLW (Windows Live Writer).
Good online storage place
(2) After that, new requirement appear:
for I do not want to upload files(audio/pictures/…) into my personal website, even though my site have enough space to store them, but those will consume most of the traffic of my site, increase burn of my site.
so need to find another place to online strore pictures(and other files) then my site can use its external link.
In the end, the answer is Skydrive.
Find permanent link of file on Skydrive
(3) Now facing a problem, the link address of file on skydrive you got is just a temporary link, not permanent link, so how to easily find the real address / permanent link of the uploaded files(pictures/audio/…) of Skydrive. then insert it into your post?
For can’t find usable tool to do that thing, in the end, I write a python script to do it, you can found this python script : Python Script to get file real address/ permanent link on Skydrive
in this post: 用Python脚本去获得skydrive上文件的真实地址链接 + 提供脚本下载
Easily find & upload & insert local pictures in WLW
(4) Still have some question or inconvenience for me, because when I write a post, using WLW, snapshoot to store to some pictures, then need to following things:
A. use web browser to login to skydrive
B. create the related upload folder.
C. upload those pictures from PC to skydrive
D. use my previous python script to find the uploaded pictures/files permanent link
E. insert these files’ permanent link into WLW.
after above steps, then finnally can publish my newly written post into my web site.
It’s so tedious for me, I can not endure with it.
So need find something more convinient method to implement above requirement.
And after some search in google and baidu, also found some kind of tool, such as
but the result is disappointing, it is incompatible with my laster version 15.0 of WLW, can not use it.
Implement InsertSkydriveFiles by myself
(5) So, finnaly, the only way is to write a such WLW plugin to implement those functions.
After long hard work, complete it now, name it to “InsertSkydriveFiles”, to support browser files on skydrive, and insert your selected files(single/multiple/child files under a folder) permanent link to WLW.
While in login mode, also support create folder, upload selected files into WLW, find & upload & replace the local dragged-in pictures into WLW.
The detailed installation and usage of InsertSkydriveFiles can be found in following chapters.
How to Install InsertSkydriveFiles
InsertSkydriveFiles is publish in two way, you can use any one of them:
1. Installer: InsertSkydriveFiles_v2.0.msi
double click it to install it to your PC.
The installer will install the dll into right place and write a corresonding registry key into system.
2. DLL file: crifan.InsertSkydriveFiles.dll
the dll library, manually copy it to your WLW_INSTALL_DIR\Plugins\, then re-open WLW, you can see it in Insert->Plugin area.
How to use InsertSkydriveFiles
Quick Sample
Open InsertSkydriveFiles
1. Open you WLW
2. Click Insert
3. Then you can see “InsertSkydriveFiles” in Plugin area, click “InsertSkydriveFiles”
4. Then InsertSkydriveFiles plugin will show the main dialog
Login in Login Mode or Initialize in Un-Login Mode
InsertSkydriveFiles plugin support two mode:
1. Login Mode:
use your windows live ID and password to login to skydrive, then can be able to many operations, such as create folder, upload files, find&upload&replace local dragged-in pictures.
2. Un-login Mode:
if you already know someone, include yourself’s skydrive cid, then you can input the corresponding skydrive url, such as:
in which the 9a8b8bf501a38a36 is my(’s cid, and the
9A8B8BF501A38A36%21607 is the quoted from 9A8B8BF501A38A36!607, in which 9A8B8BF501A38A36!607 is the (resouce) id of some folder(insertSkydriveFiles).
makesure you have shared some folder/file, otherwise you acess skydrive url, like this:
will automatically redirect to the skydrive login webpage.
Login in Login Mode
1.input your windows live ID ( your mail address) and passwrod, then click login
after login, your files will show on “Browser Files on Skydrive”:
also the “Information” part will show related info:
also you can use the functions for login mode:
normally then you can browser files on skydrive:
Initialize in Un-Login Mode
1. input the skydrive url
2. Your publish shared folder and files will show on “Browser Files on Skydrive”:
the skydrive folder url can be any root folder or sub folder, such as:
after initialized, will shows:
that means, if you know any other one’s skydrive url, which is public shared, you also can list files of it using this plugin.
How can I get the Skydrive Folder URL
(1) use your name and password to login to skydrive:
(2) click any file or folder in skydrive, it will jump to a new page
you will see the url in browser is something like this:
(3) then your skydrive’s main url is:
[4] also, for any file or skydrive, its url is:
in which, xxx is got by right click it->share->got link->
will got something like:!597
then xxx is the resid:
the corresponding file or folder’s url is:!597
Insert Selected Files on Skydrive
1. browser file on skydrive, click to select as you want, then click “Insert Selected”:
2. the selected file will be insert into WLW:
3. For insert multiple selected files, currently support Ctrl/Shift + Mouse Click, to selected multiple un-adjacent / a range of files, then click insert selected.
4. For single selected folder, if you want to insert all child files on it, you need to enable such option in:
Insert –> Insert all child files under selected folder:
then goto browser to select a folder:
click insert selected:
then will insert all child files under selected folder:
the inserted corresponding HTML code like this:
Create Folder
1. Select parent foler
2. Input the folder name you want to create
3. Click create
4. The newly created folder will auto list out:
Upload Files
1. Select parent folder
2. Cilck selct file to choose files to upload
3. after Open, the choosed files to upload will show on “Files to Upload”:
4.Wait some time, which depent on your network speed between you and skydrive, then after succrssfully upload files, it will show out, and you also can see related information:
Find & Upload & Replace Local Dragged-in Pictures
1.Before open InsertSkydriveFiles plugin, in WLW, you should select the local pictures, which you dragged from your PC into WLW:
the most usage case is you have written complete your post and dragged all related picture into WLW, just like current time of mine, then do Ctrl+A to select all content in you WLW:
then goto Insert-> click “InsertSkydriveFiles”to open InsertSkydriveFiles plugin, and login.
2. then select parent foler, and input your folder name:
3. the create folder, the newly created folder will list out:
4. then click Find Local Dragged-in Pictures, the found local dragged-in pictures will list out:
then click Upload and Replace Local Pictures:
for here this example contains more than 20 local pictures, so will take some a little bit long time to uploading:
when upload complete, will give a summary about the upload result:
then this plugin will automatically quit, and extract the newly uploaded file permanent link, then replace the oginal local address of those dragged-in pictures with the new permanent link.
So, that means,
for origanl method for:
(1) create foler to store upload files
(2) then upload pictures
(3) then find permanent link
(4) then insert these links
all can be done in this plugin, and the most importantly, it just need you do several click, then can done all tedious steps for you, so make life easy, at least for myself, ^_^.
5. Also for the last newly dragged-in several local pictures, I can use my plugin InsertSkydriveFiles to upload thems once more, and still just severl button click, then can finish all things for me
Hope this plugin also make your life easy.
Any questions/comments/bug report is welcome to admin (at)