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【整理】MariaDB 5.5和MySQL 5.5的区别

MySQL crifan 1553浏览 0评论
【整理】Django最新2.1版本后不支持MySql 5.5
mysql 版本
MySQL :: MySQL 版本
MySQL历史及架构 – 运维那点事
  • Version 5.1(2008)
  • Version 5.5(2010)
  • Version 5.6(2012)
  • Version 5.7(2015)
  • Version 8.0(2017)
但是:目前也还是不知道MariaDB 5.5和MySQL 5.5的区别
mysql 5.5 vs mariadb 5.5
System Variable Differences Between MariaDB 5.5 and MySQL 5.5 – MariaDB Knowledge Base
MariaDB与MySQL兼容性比较 – MariaDB Knowledge Base
MariaDB versus MySQL – Compatibility – MariaDB Knowledge Base
感觉是:MariaDB 5.5 和MySQL 5.5,大体上都是兼容的
“MySQL 5.5 is compatible with MariaDB 5.5 and also in practice with MariaDB 10.0”
“Incompatibilities between MariaDB 5.5 and MariaDB 5.3 and MySQL 5.5¶
* Views with definition ALGORITHM=MERGE or ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE got accidentally swapped between MariaDB and MySQL! You have to re-create views created with either of these definitions!
* INSERT IGNORE also gives warnings for duplicate key errors. You can turn this off by setting OLD_MODE=NO_DUP_KEY_WARNINGS_WITH_IGNORE (see OLD_MODE).
* Before MariaDB 5.5.31, X’HHHH’, the standard SQL syntax for binary string literals, erroneously worked in the same way as 0xHHHH, which could work as a number or string depending on the context. In 5.5.31 this was fixed to behave as a string in all contexts (and never as a number), introducing an incompatibility with previous versions of MariaDB, and all versions of MySQL. See CAST and Hexadecimal Literals for more details and examples.
* MariaDB dynamic columns are not supported by MySQL.
* MariaDB virtual columns are not supported by MySQL.
* MariaDB’s HandlerSocket plugin is not supported by MySQL.
* MariaDB’s Cassandra Storage Engine is not supported by MySQL.
* As of MariaDB 5.5.35, EXTRACT (HOUR FROM …) adheres to the SQL standard and returns a result from 0 to 23. In MySQL, and earlier versions of MariaDB, the result can be greater than 23.
* See also a detailed breakdown of System variable differences between MariaDB 5.5 and MySQL 5.5.”
“MySQL 5.6 is compatible with MariaDB 10.0 and MySQL 5.7 is compatible with MariaDB 10.2”
MariaDB 5.5和MySQL 5.5是二进制兼容的 -》 可以直接替换使用,一般都不会有问题的。
MariaDB versus MySQL – Compatibility – MariaDB Knowledge Base

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