➜ v3.4.8 java -jar /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/android/reverse_engineering/Procyon/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar -? Usage: <main class> [options] <type names or class/jar files> Options: -b, --bytecode-ast Output Bytecode AST instead of Java. Default: false -ci, --collapse-imports Collapse multiple imports from the same package into a single wildcard import. Default: false -cp, --constant-pool Includes the constant pool when displaying raw bytecode (unnecessary with -v). Default: false -dl, --debug-line-numbers For debugging, show Java line numbers as inline comments (implies -ln; requires -o). Default: false --disable-foreach Disable 'for each' loop transforms. Default: false -eml, --eager-method-loading Enable eager loading of method bodies (may speed up decompilation of larger archives). Default: false -ent, --exclude-nested Exclude nested types when decompiling their enclosing types. Default: false -ei, --explicit-imports [DEPRECATED] Explicit imports are now enabled by default. This option will be removed in a future release. Default: false -eta, --explicit-type-arguments Always print type arguments to generic methods. Default: false -fsb, --flatten-switch-blocks Drop the braces statements around switch sections when possible. Default: false -fq, --force-qualified-references Force fully qualified type and member references in Java output. Default: false -?, --help Display this usage information and exit. Default: false -jar, --jar-file [DEPRECATED] Decompile all classes in the specified jar file (disables -ent and -s). -lc, --light Use a color scheme designed for consoles with light background colors. Default: false -lv, --local-variables Includes the local variable tables when displaying raw bytecode (unnecessary with -v). Default: false -ll, --log-level Set the level of log verbosity (0-3). Level 0 disables logging. Default: 0 -mv, --merge-variables Attempt to merge as many variables as possible. This may lead to fewer declarations, but at the expense of inlining and useful naming. This feature is experimental and may be removed or become the standard behavior in future releases. Default: false -o, --output-directory Write decompiled results to specified directory instead of the console. -r, --raw-bytecode Output Raw Bytecode instead of Java (to control the level of detail, see: -cp, -lv, -ta, -v). Default: false -ec, --retain-explicit-casts Do not remove redundant explicit casts. Default: false -ps, --retain-pointless-switches Do not lift the contents of switches having only a default label. Default: false -ss, --show-synthetic Show synthetic (compiler-generated) members. Default: false -sm, --simplify-member-references Simplify type-qualified member references in Java output [EXPERIMENTAL]. Default: false -sl, --stretch-lines Stretch Java lines to match original line numbers (only in combination with -o) [EXPERIMENTAL]. Default: false -ta, --type-attributes Includes type attributes when displaying raw bytecode (unnecessary with -v). Default: false --unicode Enable Unicode output (printable non-ASCII characters will not be escaped). Default: false -u, --unoptimized Show unoptimized code (only in combination with -b). Default: false -v, --verbose Includes more detailed output depending on the output language (currently only supported for raw bytecode). Default: false --version Display the decompiler version and exit. Default: false -ln, --with-line-numbers Include line numbers in raw bytecode mode; supports Java mode with -o only. Default: false
-jar, --jar-file [DEPRECATED] Decompile all classes in the specified jar file (disables -ent and -s).
➜ v3.4.8 ll total 47304 -rw------- 1 crifan staff 9.5M 3 21 10:00 com.huili.readingclub.jar drwxr-xr-x 13 crifan staff 416B 4 1 17:41 com.huili.readingclub8825612 -rw------- 1 crifan staff 9.5M 3 21 10:00 com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 crifan staff 4.0M 4 1 17:24 decompiled-com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.zip ➜ v3.4.8 java -jar /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/android/reverse_engineering/Procyon/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar com.huili.readingclub !!! ERROR: Failed to load class com.huili.readingclub.
“Decompile a single class from a jar:
$ CLASSPATH=myJar.jar procyon com.example.Foo”
➜ v3.4.8 CLASSPATH=/Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/company/xxx/projects/crawl_data/小花生app/xiaohuasheng/exported_jar_sourcecode/luyten/v3.4.8/com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar java -jar /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/android/reverse_engineering/Procyon/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar com.huili.readingclub !!! ERROR: Failed to load class com.huili.readingclub.
➜ v3.4.8 CLASSPATH=/Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/company/xxx/projects/crawl_data/小花生app/xiaohuasheng/exported_jar_sourcecode/luyten/v3.4.8/com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar ./procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar com.huili.readingclub zsh: no such file or directory: ./procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar
➜ v3.4.8 brew install procyon Updating Homebrew... Error: No available formula with the name "procyon" ==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)... Warning: homebrew/core is shallow clone. To get complete history run: git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow Error: No previously deleted formula found. ==> Searching for similarly named formulae... This similarly named formula was found: procyon-decompiler To install it, run: brew install procyon-decompiler ==> Searching taps... ==> Searching taps on GitHub... Error: No formulae found in taps.
➜ v3.4.8 brew install procyon-decompiler ==> Downloading https://bitbucket.org/mstrobel/procyon/downloads/procyon-decompiler-0.5.30.jar ==> Downloading from https://bbuseruploads.s3.amazonaws.com/313ed3f9-beaa-4b00-add2-b6925c0382a5/downloads/8ce7a87e-1bfb-4f5b-b09e-853a417d1a3e/procyon-deco ######################################################################## 100.0% 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.30: 4 files, 1.7MB, built in 16 seconds ==> `brew cleanup` has not been run in 30 days, running now... Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/cairo--1.14.12.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (1.6MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/fdk-aac--0.1.6.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (866KB) Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/3.4.2... (248 files, 50.9MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/ffmpeg--4.0.2.tar.xz... (8.3MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/ffmpeg--4.0.2.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (19.7MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/fontconfig--2.13.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (1.2MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/freetype--2.9.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (876.8KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/fribidi--1.0.5.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (123.8KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/glib--2.58.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (5.5MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/harfbuzz--1.9.0.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (1.6MB) Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/60.2... (249 files, 67MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/icu4c--62.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (25.5MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/libass--0.14.0_1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (210.4KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/libffi--3.2.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (97.2KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/libogg--1.3.3.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (203.2KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/libpng--1.6.35.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (445.3KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/libvorbis--1.3.6.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (564.8KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/nasm--2.13.03.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (499.4KB) Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2o... (1,792 files, 12.3MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/opus--1.2.1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (403.8KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pixman--0.34.0_1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (497.9KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/rsync--3.1.3_1.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (332.2KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/texi2html--5.0.high_sierra.bottle.1.tar.gz... (942.9KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/x265--2.9.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (4.8MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/icu4c-60.2.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (25.3MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/python-3.6.4_4.high_sierra.bottle.1.tar.gz... (21.6MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/sqlite-3.22.0.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (1.4MB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/libidn2-2.0.4.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz... (190.4KB) Removing: /Users/crifan/Library/Caches/Homebrew/tree-1.7.0.high_sierra.bottle.1.tar.gz... (48.3KB) Error: Calling needs :cxx11 is disabled! There is no replacement. Please report this to the homebrew/core tap: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/boost.rb:37 If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core): https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues
➜ v3.4.8 which procyon procyon not found ➜ v3.4.8 which procyon-decompiler /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler ➜ v3.4.8 which procyon-decompiler --version /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler --version not found ➜ v3.4.8 which procyon-decompiler -version /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler -version not found ➜ v3.4.8 which procyon-decompiler -V /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler -V not found ➜ v3.4.8 which procyon-decompiler -? /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler -? not found ➜ v3.4.8 which procyon-decompiler - ➜ v3.4.8 ll /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler lrwxr-xr-x 1 crifan admin 58B 4 1 18:17 /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler -> ../Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.30/bin/procyon-decompiler ➜ v3.4.8 procyon-decompiler -? Usage: <main class> [options] <type names or class/jar files> ... -ln, --with-line-numbers Include line numbers in raw bytecode mode; supports Java mode with -o only. Default: false
➜ v3.4.8 CLASSPATH=/Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/company/xxx/projects/crawl_data/小花生app/xiaohuasheng/exported_jar_sourcecode/luyten/v3.4.8/com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar procyon-decompiler com.huili.readingclub !!! ERROR: Failed to load class com.huili.readingclub.
➜ v3.4.8 CLASSPATH=/Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/company/xxx/projects/crawl_data/小花生app/xiaohuasheng/exported_jar_sourcecode/luyten/v3.4.8/com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar procyon-decompiler com.huili !!! ERROR: Failed to load class com.huili.
➜ v3.4.8 CLASSPATH=/Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/company/xxx/projects/crawl_data/小花生app/xiaohuasheng/exported_jar_sourcecode/luyten/v3.4.8/com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar procyon-decompiler com.huili.readingclub.model !!! ERROR: Failed to load class com.huili.readingclub.model.
➜ v3.4.8 CLASSPATH=./com.huili.readingclub.jar procyon-decompiler com.huili.readingclub.model !!! ERROR: Failed to load class com.huili.readingclub.model.
1.7 MB
的语法是针对于“October 2016 procyon 0.5.32”
/usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler -> ../Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.30/bin/procyon-decompiler
➜ v3.4.8 ll /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.30 total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 crifan admin 587B 4 1 18:17 INSTALL_RECEIPT.json drwxr-xr-x 3 crifan admin 96B 4 1 18:17 bin drwxr-xr-x 3 crifan admin 96B 4 1 18:17 libexec ➜ v3.4.8 cp ./procyon ➜ v3.4.8 cp /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/android/reverse_engineering/Procyon/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar ➜ v3.4.8 mkdir /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.34 ➜ v3.4.8 cp /Users/crifan/dev/dev_tool/android/reverse_engineering/Procyon/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.34 ➜ v3.4.8 cd /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.34 ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll total 3512 -rw-r--r--@ 1 crifan admin 1.7M 4 1 18:30 procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ mkdir bin ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ mv procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar bin ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll bin total 3512 -rw-r--r--@ 1 crifan admin 1.7M 4 1 18:30 procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll ../0.5.30/bin/procyon-decompiler -r-xr-xr-x 1 crifan admin 115B 4 1 18:17 ../0.5.30/bin/procyon-decompiler ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll total 0 drwxr-xr-x 3 crifan admin 96B 4 1 18:30 bin ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ cd bin ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ ll total 3512 -rw-r--r--@ 1 crifan admin 1.7M 4 1 18:30 procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ chmod +x procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ ll total 3512 -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 crifan admin 1.7M 4 1 18:30 procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ mv procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar procyon-decompiler ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ ll ../../0.5.30/* -rw-r--r-- 1 crifan admin 587B 4 1 18:17 ../../0.5.30/INSTALL_RECEIPT.json ../../0.5.30/bin: total 8 -r-xr-xr-x 1 crifan admin 115B 4 1 18:17 procyon-decompiler ../../0.5.30/libexec: total 3456 -rw-r--r-- 1 crifan staff 1.7M 8 31 2015 procyon-decompiler-0.5.30.jar
➜ 0.5.30 git:(master) ✗ cat INSTALL_RECEIPT.json {"homebrew_version":"2.0.6","used_options":[],"unused_options":[],"built_as_bottle":false,"poured_from_bottle":false,"installed_as_dependency":false,"installed_on_request":true,"changed_files":null,"time":1554113860,"source_modified_time":1440952406,"HEAD":"649d1427f5fe41323c436608f5c21513f8f34f71","stdlib":null,"compiler":"clang","aliases":[],"runtime_dependencies":[],"source":{"path":"/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/procyon-decompiler.rb","tap":"homebrew/core","spec":"stable","versions":{"stable":"0.5.30","devel":"","head":"","version_scheme":0}}}%
➜ 0.5.30 git:(master) ✗ ll total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 crifan admin 587B 4 1 18:17 INSTALL_RECEIPT.json drwxr-xr-x 3 crifan admin 96B 4 1 18:17 bin drwxr-xr-x 3 crifan admin 96B 4 1 18:17 libexec ➜ 0.5.30 git:(master) ✗ cd bin ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ ll total 8 -r-xr-xr-x 1 crifan admin 115B 4 1 18:17 procyon-decompiler ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ cat procyon-decompiler #!/bin/bash exec java -jar /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.30/libexec/procyon-decompiler-0.5.30.jar "$@"
➜ bin git:(master) ✗ cp procyon-decompiler ../../0.5.34/bin ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ cd ../../0.5.34 ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll total 0 drwxr-xr-x 3 crifan admin 96B 4 1 18:31 bin ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ cd bin ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ ll total 8 -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 crifan admin 115B 4 2 10:16 procyon-decompiler ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ vi procyon-decompiler ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ cat procyon-decompiler #!/bin/bash exec java -jar /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.34/libexec/procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar "$@"
➜ procyon-decompiler git:(master) ✗ ll total 0 drwxr-xr-x 6 crifan admin 192B 4 1 18:17 0.5.30 drwxr-xr-x 4 crifan admin 128B 4 2 10:17 0.5.34 ➜ procyon-decompiler git:(master) ✗ ll 0.5.30 * ➜ procyon-decompiler git:(master) ✗ cd 0.5.30 ➜ 0.5.30 git:(master) ✗ ll * -rw-r--r-- 1 crifan admin 587B 4 1 18:17 INSTALL_RECEIPT.json bin: total 8 -r-xr-xr-x 1 crifan admin 115B 4 1 18:17 procyon-decompiler libexec: total 3456 -rw-r--r-- 1 crifan staff 1.7M 8 31 2015 procyon-decompiler-0.5.30.jar ➜ 0.5.30 git:(master) ✗ cd ../0.5.34 ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll * bin: total 8 -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 crifan admin 115B 4 2 10:16 procyon-decompiler libexec: total 3512 -rw-r--r--@ 1 crifan admin 1.7M 4 2 10:17 procyon-decompiler-0.5.34.jar
➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler lrwxr-xr-x 1 crifan admin 58B 4 1 18:17 /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler -> ../Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.30/bin/procyon-decompiler ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.34/bin/procyon-decompiler /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler ln: /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler: File exists ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ rm -f /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.34/bin/procyon-decompiler /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler ➜ 0.5.34 git:(master) ✗ ll /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler lrwxr-xr-x 1 crifan admin 66B 4 2 10:26 /usr/local/bin/procyon-decompiler -> /usr/local/Cellar/procyon-decompiler/0.5.34/bin/procyon-decompiler
➜ v3.4.8 CLASSPATH=/Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/company/xxx/projects/crawl_data/小花生app/xiaohuasheng/exported_jar_sourcecode/luyten/v3.4.8/com.huili.readingclub8825612-dex2jar.jar procyon-decompiler com.huili.readingclub !!! ERROR: Failed to load class com.huili.readingclub.
- mac中brew install出来的0.5.30的
- 还是最新的直接下载到的jar包0.5.34
Decompile a single class from a jar: $ CLASSPATH=myJar.jar procyon com.example.Foo
转载请注明:在路上 » 【无法解决】用Procyon导出某个jar包中指定的包名的代码