2.5. 字符编码相关的函数

2.5.1. 判断字符串是否只包含ASCII字符:strIsAscii

# depend on chardet
# check whether the strToDect is ASCII string
def strIsAscii(strToDect) :
    isAscii = False;
    encInfo = chardet.detect(strToDect);
    if (encInfo['confidence'] > 0.9) and (encInfo['encoding'] == 'ascii') :
        isAscii = True;
    return isAscii;

例 2.27. strIsAscii的使用范例

if(not strIsAscii(extractedBlogUser)) :
    # if is: http://hi.baidu.com/资料收集
    # then should quote it, otherwise later output to WXR will fail !
    extractedBlogUser = urllib.quote(extractedBlogUser);

2.5.2. 获得(最有可能的)字符串的字符编码类型:getStrPossibleCharset


# get the possible(possiblility > 0.5) charset of input string
def getStrPossibleCharset(inputStr) :
    possibleCharset = "ascii";
    #possibleCharset = "UTF-8";
    encInfo = chardet.detect(inputStr);
    #print "encInfo=",encInfo;
    if (encInfo['confidence'] > 0.5):
        possibleCharset = encInfo['encoding'];
    return possibleCharset;
    #return encInfo['encoding'];

例 2.28. getStrPossibleCharset的使用范例

validCharset = getStrPossibleCharset(dataJsonStr);
logging.debug("Now try use the detected charset %s to decode it again", validCharset);