折腾gow的过程中,运行了命令make html去测试能否正常编译docbook,结果命令出错:
E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>make html "=============================== cleaning html ==============================" rm -rf ../output/html/single/* rm: cannot lstat `../output/html/single/*': Invalid argument make: *** [clean_html] Error 1
1. 然后尝试了其他一些写法,也还是不行:
E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>where rm E:\dev_install_root\Gow\bin\rm.exe E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>rm ../output/html/single/* rm: cannot remove `../output/html/single/*': Invalid argument E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>rm ..\output\html\single\* rm: cannot remove `..\\output\\html\\single\\*': Invalid argument E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>rm -rf ../output/html/single/* rm: cannot lstat `../output/html/single/*': Invalid argument E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>rm -r ../output/html/single/* rm: cannot lstat `../output/html/single/*': Invalid argument E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>rm -r ../output/html/single/*.* rm: cannot lstat `../output/html/single/*.*': Invalid argument
‘source configure’ gives me:
test: too many arguments test: too many arguments rm: cannot lstat `conftest*': Invalid argument bash": error: cannot run /bin/sh ./support/config.sub rm: cannot lstat `core.*': Invalid argument rm: cannot lstat `*.core': Invalid argumentThe complaints about things with * in are due to different handling of globbing on unix and Windows – a pattern which doesn’t match anything evaluates to an empty list on unix, but evaluates to the pattern on Windows. These problems can be kludged around by creating (using ‘touch’) a file which will definitely match the pattern immediately prior to the line which applies the pattern (which, in this configure script, is always ‘rm *.foo’, so this is safe). There are further problems where bash and some of the external programs it runs have different ideas about line-ending conventions. Having identified which variables are affected, clean them up with code like:
x=`echo $x | tr -d [:cntrl:]`Fuck, can’t reproduce that; now i just get:
or ..r: cannot find sources in configureAnother time, another time …
3. 想要参考:XFS problem…去试试stat,结果gow中却没有此命令:
E:\Dev_Root\docbook\dev\books\docbook_dev_note\src>stat ../output/html/single/* 'stat' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序 或批处理文件。
转载请注明:在路上 » 【未解决】gow下,运行命令时出错:rm: cannot lstat xxx: Invalid argument