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[整理]如何计算iOS app的build number

iOS crifan 2298浏览 0评论

ios how to calculate build number

Technical Note TN2420: Version Numbers and Build Numbers


For each new version of your App, you will provide a Version Number to differentiate it from previous versions. The Version Number works like a name for each release of your App. For example, Version 1.0.0 may name the first release, Version 2.0.1 will name the second, and so on. When submitting a new release of your App to the App Store, it is normal to have some false starts. You may forget an icon in one build, or perhaps there is a problem in another build. As a result, you may produce many builds during the process of submitting a new release of your App to the App Store. Because these builds will be for the same release of your App, they will all have the same Version Number. But, each of these builds must have a unique Build Number associated with it so it can be differentiated from the other builds you have submitted for the release. The collection of all of the builds submitted for a particular version is referred to as the ‘release train’ for that version.

How these numbers work together

The Version Number and the Build Number values work together to uniquely identify the build and release for a particular App Store submission. For each new version of your App, you will provide a new unique Version Number and you may provide one or more builds (or submissions) each with a different and unique Build Number together with that same Version Number. All Version Numbers used in an App must be unique. You cannot re-use version numbers. Also, as you create new releases, new Version Numbers must be added in ascending sequential order.

Build Numbers provide a way to name each of the submissions you provide for a particular release. As described in the definitions above, the collection of all of the builds that you provide for a particular version of your App is called that version’s ‘release train’. Build Numbers must be unique within each release train, but they do not need to be unique across different release trains. That is to say, you can use the same Build Numbers again in different release trains if you want to. And, as you create and submit new builds for a release, the Build Numbers you assign to them must be in ascending sequential order.

It is normal to use the same Version Number many times over and over again with different Build Numbers when uploading submissions for a particular release of your app.




在提交到Apple(的iTunes Connect)之后的审核期间,还没发布之前




则才会去重新编译build 一个版本,添加上新的(更大的值)build版本号


version number:2.0.1

build number: 1.0.1


version number:2.0.1

build number: 1.0.2


Build number是针对于



每次的build number不一样

这一组的build,叫做该(那一次的version number)版本的build train=编译队列

当然,version number和build number都只能是增加的顺序-》新的比早的值要大

在Project 名字-》TARGETS-》General-》Identity-》Version 和Build




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

本来想去实现:自动管理version number和build number的,结果没有实现。

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