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How to use command in uboot

Uboot crifan 2374浏览 0评论

after press "s" to stop the run, into uboot environment,

you can use the help to get help of command usage:

AS352X # help
?       – alias for ‘help’
askenv – get environment variables from stdin
base     – print or set address offset
boot    – boot default, i.e., run ‘bootcmd’
bootd   – boot default, i.e., run ‘bootcmd’
bootm   – boot application image from memory
bootp   – boot image via network using BootP/TFTP protocol
cmp      – memory compare
coninfo – print console devices and information
cp       – memory copy
crc32    – checksum calculation
dhcp    – invoke DHCP client to obtain IP/boot params
go      – start application at address ‘addr’
help    – print online help
loop     – infinite loop on address range
md       – memory display
mm       – memory modify (auto-incrementing)
mtest    – simple RAM test
mw       – memory write (fill)
nand    – NAND sub-system
nboot   – boot from NAND device
nm       – memory modify (constant address)
ping    – send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
reginfo – print register information
reset   – Perform RESET of the CPU
setenv – set environment variables
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
version – print monitor version

for more details about some command ,you can use: help COMMAN_NAME to get info:
AS352X # help nand
nand info                  – show available NAND devices
nand device [dev]     – show or set current device
nand read[.jffs2]     – addr off|partition size
nand write[.jffs2]    – addr off|partition size – read/write `size’ bytes starting
    at offset `off’ to/from memory address `addr’
nand read[.yaffs2]     – addr offset size
nand write[.yaffs2]    – addr offset size- read/write `size’ bytes yaffs2 image starting
    at offset `offset’ to/from memory address `addr’
nand erase [clean] [off size] – erase `size’ bytes from
    offset `off’ (entire device if not specified)
nand bad – show bad blocks
nand dump[.oob] off – dump page
nand scrub – really clean NAND erasing bad blocks (UNSAFE)
nand markbad off – mark bad block at offset (UNSAFE)
nand biterr off – make a bit error at offset (UNSAFE)
nand lock [tight] [status] – bring nand to lock state or display locked pages
nand unlock [offset] [size] – unlock section

AS352X # help ping
ping pingAddress

AS352X # help mw
mw [.b, .w, .l] address value [count]
         – write memory

AS352X # help md
md [.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects]
          – memory display
about some nand related command usage:

AS352X # nand device 0
Device 0: NAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bit… is now current device

AS352X # nand info

Device 0: NAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bit, sector size 512 KiB

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