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Android 中




android read email programmatically

How to get gmail mails programmatically in android – Stack Overflow

android – programmatically read incoming/outgoing emails for Google Account (Gmail App installed/not installed) – Stack Overflow

Android – Reading *.txt attachment in email throught imap/pop3 programmatically – Stack Overflow

Is there a way to read/access emails or inbox in Android programmatically? – Stack Overflow

[Solved] How to read any mail programmatically – CodeProject

[Solved] problems in sending email using free smtp server in asp.net – CodeProject

Android – Reading email throught imap/pop3 programmatically – CodeProject

programming – Programmatically retrieving e-mails from a remote server – Mathematica Stack Exchange

android read email contacts

android read email friends

Get only email address from contact list Android – Stack Overflow

How to use email and contacts on an Android device – How-To – PC Advisor

android – How to fetch email addresses of Google plus circles (Friends added in Google plus circles) – Stack Overflow

android 获取邮箱用户

Android中如何获取设备的默认邮箱地址 – Android人的问与答

android获取google邮箱 – FlyHome – 51CTO技术博客

演示ContentProvider使用–获取通讯录所有联系人号码、email的例子 – 「行到水穷处,坐看云起时」 – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET

android获取手机联系人信息(电话,邮箱,姓名,头像) – qndroid的专栏 – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET

ios get contact email

objective c – Get all E-Mail addresses from contacts (iOS) – Stack Overflow

iphone – How to get contacts with Email from AddressBook in iOS? – Stack Overflow

ios – How do I get an email address from the address book programmatically using Grant Access? (Objective C) – Stack Overflow

iphone – iOS: How to get owners email address? – Stack Overflow

Fogh/AFAddressBookManager: Get contacts from iOS Address Book by their phone numbers and email addresses. Works on iOS 6+.

Alterplay/APAddressBook: Easy access to iOS address book

ios read email contact

ios read email programmatically

ios read email api

ios – is that possible to programmatically read email from inbox on iPhone – Stack Overflow

Google Code Archive – Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

iphone – How can I read & render the email inbox of an email account in my iOS app? – Stack Overflow

iphone – Does ios have the API to read email account? – Stack Overflow

ios read email friend


iOS Google OAuth, retrieve friends email adresses – Stack Overflow

ios – How get list of friends and email using Facebook sdk – Stack Overflow

ios read mail programmatically

email – How do I show the mail setup page programmatically on iPhone? – Stack Overflow

MFMailComposeViewController Class Reference

email – Open mail client of iPhone programmatically – Stack Overflow

How to send email programmatically from an iPhone app without user interface – Quora

SmallSockets download | SourceForge.net

iOS Programming 101: How To Send Email in iPhone App with MessageUI

iOS Programming Tutorial: Create Email with Attachment Using MessageUI Framework

ios8 – XCode 6 MFMailComposeViewController does NOT work – Stack Overflow

MFMailComposeViewController not displaying in iOS 8 – Stack Overflow

转载请注明:在路上 » [研究]iOS中app中读取邮件通讯录




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