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【整理】swift 页面左滑右滑 侧边栏 左右抽屉视图

iOS crifan 4221浏览 0评论

swift side menu controller

jonkykong/SideMenu: Simple side menu control for iOS in Swift inspired by Facebook. Right and Left sides. No coding required. iOS 8+.

teodorpatras/SideMenuController: A side menu controller written in Swift

教程:How To Add a Slide-Out Sidebar Menu in iOS Apps | iOS Programming

侧边栏: SlideMenuControllerSwift

dekatotoro/SlideMenuControllerSwift: iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift.

John-Lluch/SWRevealViewController: A UIViewController subclass for presenting side view controllers inspired on the FaceBook and Wunderlist apps, done right !


Creating a Sidebar Menu in iOS Apps Using Swift

mutualmobile/MMDrawerController: A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller


pkluz/PKRevealController: PKRevealController is a delightful view controller container for iOS, enabling you to present multiple controllers on top of one another.

chenqihui/NewsFourApp: 高仿网易4.0新UI框架的Demo


molon/MLTransition: iOS7+, pop ViewController with pan gesture from middle or edge of screen.

guojiubo/PlainReader: Plain Reader source code.

仿QQ和仿网易新闻侧滑功能代码初识 – xmnxrl的专栏 – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET

KittenYang/Animations: some test animations, just for fun.

romaonthego/RESideMenu: iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.

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