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Lose You – Linda Sundblad

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【歌曲推荐】Lose You – Linda Sundblad


Lose You

Linda Sundblad




Linda Sundblad是和2004年瑞典偶像冠军DARIN同一批涌现出来的瑞典流行歌手


Lose You – Linda Sundblad

Pounding heart on a Saturday night
sneaking peeks down my velvet skirt
Cutie talk not to witty or bright
but your beauty was the kind that could hurt
l could tell from the look in your eyes
l was trigging your insanity
l just knew l could see it
that l would lose you
That l will lose u
That l will lose you right from the start
That l will lose u
That l will lose you right from the start
Blushing cheeks and kisses so sweet
and that song on the radio
Getting wet from the steam and the heat
l was dripping from my head to my feet
made a stop at the end of the road
closed my eyes took a final breath
Right there and then l just knew it
that l would lose you
That l will lose u
That l will lose you right from the start
That l will lose u
That l will lose you right from the start
That I will lose u
Flowers and the seeds are flying
Mama come get me l’m dying
Am l in heaven Ooh
Am I in heaven Ooh
Am I in heaven Ooh
Am I in heaven Ooh
That l will lose u
That l will lose you right from the start
That l will lose u
That l will lose you right from the start
That I will lose u
That I will lose u
That I will lose you right from the start
That I will lose you right from the start
That I will lose u

Lose You – Linda Sundblad【MP3】

Lose You – Linda Sundblad【WMA】

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网友最新评论 (2)

  1. 爱能化解仇恨16年前 (2009-03-01)回复
  2. Good~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8错~~~
    JoyPisces17年前 (2008-10-24)回复
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