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[未解决]Error: jlink_usb_message failed with result=1)

工作和技术 crifan 1977浏览 0评论

Ubuntu 9.04+Jlink V7 +libusb-0.1-4+OpenOCD-0.2.0+TQ2440的板子(ARM920T),
在运行sudo openocd后,出错:
crifan@ubuntu904:bin$ sudo openocd
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.2.0 (2009-10-23-23:02) Release
$URL: http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/tags/openocd-0.2.0/src/openocd.c $
For bug reports, read http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/trunk/BUGS
jtag_speed: 0
jtag_nsrst_delay: 200
jtag_ntrst_delay: 200
Info : J-Link initialization started / target CPU reset initiated
Info : J-Link ARM V7 compiled Jun 30 2009 11:05:27
Info : JLink caps 0xb9ff7bbf
Info : JLink hw version 70000
Info : JLink max mem block 9152
Info : Vref = 3.306 TCK = 1 TDI = 0 TDO = 1 TMS = 0 SRST = 0 TRST = 0

Info : J-Link JTAG Interface ready
Error: jlink_usb_message failed with result=1)
Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
Error: There are no enabled taps?
Error: jlink_usb_message failed with result=1)
Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
Error: jlink_usb_message failed with result=1)
Error: jlink_tap_execute, wrong result -107 (expected 1)
Error: There are no enabled taps?
Warn : no gdb ports allocated as no target has been specified


With an old black color IAR J-Link, it does not see to work. The target is the
Olimex LPC-P2148 board.。。。With a relative new IAR J-Link, the connection seem to work.。。。。
也是同样问题。其换了新版本的IAR J-link就好了。

“> I had a similar issue with the jlink embedded in the IAR LPC-P2378-SK board.

&gt;<em> Not all jlink's use the same USB endpoints. The openocd jlink code hardcodes<br /></em>&gt;<em> the USB endpoint though, so it fails with some.<br /></em>&gt;<em> <a href="https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/openocd-development/2008-October/003390.html">https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/openocd-development/2008-October/003390.html</a><br /></em>&gt;<em> has a patch which worked for me. Hopefully this works for you as well.<br /></em>&gt;“<br />但是,我的和那位一样,也是: ”Unhappily it didn't work here.“”<br />但是具体如何去知道自己的Jlink的USB端口,然后加到代码里面。目前还不会。有机会试试。<br />另外,其用别的板子,好像是可以正常工作的:<br />“Other strange thing is because on i.MX31 I get OpenOCD and JLink working better. ”<br />所以,到底啥原因,未知。。。。<br /><br />3。http://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php?p=74037&amp;sid=17c7e7c6a0cc8f6946a2536a84875227<br />问题也是一样,但是其好像最后是换了个硬件,不玩这个jlink了。。。<br />“<span class="postbody">I also got the amontec jtagkey tiny from<br />sparkfun as it's fully supported by openocd (in case fighting jlink<br />ends up taking too much of my time).</span>”<br /><br />4。我故意去把Jlink的连到板子上的线去掉,然后运行openocd,错误返回结果不一样了:<br />。。。<br />Error: Vref too low. Check Target Power<br />Info : J-Link JTAG Interface ready<br />Error: jlink_usb_message failed with result=5)<br />。。。<br />所以,可以尝试去看看代码,到底之前返回的1是啥意思。

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