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【整理】Windows用ssh连接Linux,想要从Linux上面上传/下载文件 -> putty的子工具psftp

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D:DevToolputty>psftp -h
PuTTY Secure File Transfer (SFTP) client
Development snapshot 2011-04-07:r9125
Usage: psftp [options] [user@]host
  -V        print version information and exit
  -pgpfp    print PGP key fingerprints and exit
  -b file   use specified batchfile
  -bc       output batchfile commands
  -be       don’t stop batchfile processing if errors
  -v        show verbose messages
  -load sessname  Load settings from saved session
  -l user   connect with specified username
  -P port   connect to specified port
  -pw passw login with specified password
  -1 -2     force use of particular SSH protocol version
  -4 -6     force use of IPv4 or IPv6
  -C        enable compression
  -i key    private key file for authentication
  -noagent  disable use of Pageant
  -agent    enable use of Pageant
  -batch    disable all interactive prompts



psftp> help
!      run a local command
bye    finish your SFTP session
cd     change your remote working directory
chmod  change file permissions and modes
close  finish your SFTP session but do not quit PSFTP
del    delete files on the remote server
dir    list remote files
exit   finish your SFTP session
get    download a file from the server to your local machine
help   give help
lcd    change local working directory
lpwd   print local working directory
ls     list remote files
mget   download multiple files at once
mkdir  create directories on the remote server
mput   upload multiple files at once
mv     move or rename file(s) on the remote server
open   connect to a host
put    upload a file from your local machine to the server
pwd    print your remote working directory
quit   finish your SFTP session
reget  continue downloading files
ren    move or rename file(s) on the remote server
reput  continue uploading files
rm     delete files on the remote server
rmdir  remove directories on the remote server


1. 查看具体的某个命令的语法


psftp> help open
open [<user>@]<hostname> [<port>]
  Establishes an SFTP connection to a given host. Only usable
  when you are not already connected to a server.

psftp> help mget
mget [ -r ] [ — ] <filename-or-wildcard> [ <filename-or-wildcard>… ]
  Downloads many files from the server, storing each one under
  the same name it has on the server side. You can use wildcards
  such as “*.c” to specify lots of files at once.
  If -r specified, recursively fetch files and directories.

2. 连接linux服务器

open Linux_IP_or_ServerName


3. 更改在Linux的所处的目录 + 查看Linux上面的文件


cd /





4. 查看当前windows目录 + 更改为你想要的目录

psftp> lpwd
Current local directory is D:tmp

psftp> lcd C:
New local directory is C:

5. 感叹号+windows的命令,实现在psftp中运行windows的命令



psftp> lcd D:tmpbatch_test
New local directory is D:tmpbatch_test
psftp> !dir
 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7048-D15B

 Directory of D:tmpbatch_test

04/20/2011  03:29 PM    <DIR>          .
04/20/2011  03:29 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/14/2011  03:48 PM             2,876 batch_file_test.bat
               1 File(s)          2,876 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  35,291,792,384 bytes free

6. 从windows到Linux的上传/下载文件

psftp> ls
Listing directory /home/e516537
drwx——    4 e516537  e516537      4096 Apr 20 06:50 .
drwxr-xr-x   19 root     root         4096 Apr 14 12:20 ..
-rw——-    1 e516537  users        3356 Apr 19 03:28 .bash_history
-rw-r–r–    1 e516537  e516537        33 Mar 31 21:00 .bash_logout
-rw-r–r–    1 e516537  e516537       248 Apr 14 08:57 .bash_profile
-rw-r–r–    1 e516537  e516537       124 Mar 31 21:00 .bashrc
-rw-r–r–    1 e516537  e516537       515 Mar 31 21:00 .emacs
drwxr-xr-x    3 e516537  e516537      4096 Mar 31 21:00 .kde
drwxr-xr-x    4 e516537  e516537      4096 Mar 31 21:00 .mozilla
-rw——-    1 e516537  users        5830 Apr 20 06:50 .viminfo
-rw-r–r–    1 e516537  e516537       658 Mar 31 21:00 .zshrc
-rwxr–r–    1 e516537  users         103 Apr 20 07:11 just_for_test.txt
psftp> get just_for_test.txt
remote:/home/e516537/just_for_test.txt => local:just_for_test.txt
psftp> !dir
 Volume in drive D has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7048-D15B

 Directory of D:tmpbatch_test

04/20/2011  03:31 PM    <DIR>          .
04/20/2011  03:31 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/14/2011  03:48 PM             2,876 batch_file_test.bat
04/20/2011  03:31 PM               103 just_for_test.txt
               2 File(s)          2,979 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  35,291,792,896 bytes free
psftp> put batch_file_test.bat
local:batch_file_test.bat => remote:/home/e516537/batch_file_test.bat


psftp> cd /mnt/linuxdev/Blackfin/FWZ/carifan_15947
Remote directory is now /mnt/beta/linuxdev/Blackfin/FWZ/carifan_15947
psftp> ls
Listing directory /mnt/beta/linuxdev/Blackfin/FWZ/carifan_15947
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     RandD        4096 Aug  4 21:36 .
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     RandD        4096 Jul 26 04:25 ..
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     RandD        4096 Jul 26 04:29 15947
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     RandD        1537 Jul 26 04:33 15947.fwr

-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     RandD          64 Jul 26 04:33 vssver.scc
psftp> lcd D:DevToolfwzmakerfile_to_build
New local directory is D:DevToolfwzmakerfile_to_build
psftp> help
!      run a local command
bye    finish your SFTP session
cd     change your remote working directory

ls     list remote files
mget   download multiple files at once
mkdir  create directories on the remote server
mput   upload multiple files at once

psftp> help mget
mget [ -r ] [ — ] <filename-or-wildcard> [ <filename-or-wildcard>… ]
  Downloads many files from the server, storing each one under
  the same name it has on the server side. You can use wildcards
  such as “*.c” to specify lots of files at once.
  If -r specified, recursively fetch files and directories.
psftp> mget -r *
remote:/mnt/beta/linuxdev/Blackfin/FWZ/carifan_15947/15947/Datastrip_prefix_test.doc => local:15947Datastrip_prefix_tes

remote:/mnt/beta/linuxdev/Blackfin/FWZ/carifan_15947/vssver.scc => local:vssver.scc 





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