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Ordinary Day – Vanessa Carlton

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【歌曲推荐】Ordinary Day – Vanessa Carlton




Ordinary Day


Vanessa Carlton


《be not nobody》


出生于宾州小镇Milford,Vanessa Carlton(瓦妮莎 卡尔顿)的成长过程中总是有音乐相伴,8岁就完成生平的第一部作曲作品,17岁开始在纽约下曼哈顿的酒吧演出。她精湛的钢琴演奏技巧、诚恳真挚的歌声与创作,震慑了音乐大厂Interscope的高层,于是迅速获得一纸合约。 首航专辑《Be Not Nobody》中,Vanessa Carlton以她流行灵魂唱腔诠释从古典到经典摇滚的多元曲风,时而柔情似水、时而热情如火、时而朴实真诚。由洋溢华尔滋风情的″Ordinary Day″揭开序曲,Vanessa Carlton带领乐迷进行一趟游历异想境地的奇幻旅程;清新流畅的首发单曲″A Thousand Miles″一鸣惊人抢滩Billboard流行单曲榜No.5…。
唤醒人类深层欲望、引起强烈情绪共鸣的“Be Not Nobody”更备受专业乐评肯定,滚石杂志将她评选为2002年最值得期待的十位艺人之一、称她为“流行版的Fiona Apple”、赞赏她纯熟严谨的钢琴琴艺,并认为其音乐作品蕴含媲美Tori Amos的古典元素、丰富乐音及的和谐合声。
Vanessa Carlton的声音既空灵,又不是爆发力.这是我非常喜欢的一首歌,有时候我们常常寻找的东西可能就在你的身边,但你发觉的时候,它是多么的平凡而又不可思议. 歌词有点像有音乐节奏打字一样吐出来,不温不活的,当你听着十分期待最终有副歌部分呈现的时候,它却以你这种期待而结束了.就如歌词那样just a day, just an ordinary day .生活的发生在平凡的世界里,期待去发现什么,其实什么都是这个世界的.

Maybe we can find ourselfs’ love just in an "ordinary day", ^_^

Vanessa Carlton – Ordinary Day

Just a day,
Just an ordinary day.
Just tryin’ to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.
And as he asked if I would come along
I started to realize
That everyday he finds
Just what he’s looking for,
Like a shooting star he shines.
He said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don’t you see all you dreams are
Right in the palm of your hand

And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words
Although they did not feel, no
For I felt what I had not felt before
You’d swear those words could heal.
And as I looked up into those eyes
His vision borrows mine.
And to know he’s no stranger,
For I feel I’ve held him for all of time.
And he said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don’t you see all your dreams are
Right in the palm of your hand,
In the palm of your hand,

Please come with me,
See what I see.
Touch the stars for time will not flee.
Time will not flee.
Can you see

Just a dream, just an ordinary dream.
As I wake in bed
And the boy, that ordinary boy.
Or was it all in my head?
Did he asked if I would come along
It all seemed so real.
But as I looked to the door,
I saw that boy standing there with a deal.
And he said take my hand,
Live while you can
Don’t you see all your dreams are
Right in the palm of your hand,
In the palm of your hand,
In the palm of your hand,

Just a day,
Just an ordinary day.
Just tryin’ to get by.
Just a boy,
Just an ordinary boy.
But he was looking to the sky.


Ordinary Day – Vanessa Carlton【WMA】


Ordinary Day – Vanessa Carlton【MP3】


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