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代理 crifan 3797浏览 0评论
make deploy
sshpass -f /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/common/config/deploy/deploy_server_password.txt rsync -avzh --progress --stats --delete --force /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/generated/books/android_app_security_crack/release/android_app_security_crack [email protected]:/data/wwwroot/book.crifan.com/books
export HTTP_PROXY=; export HTTPS_PROXY=; export ALL_PROXY=socks5://
在此处有代理可用的情况下,加上代理,以加速 提速
rsync 加速
rsync 加速 代理
rsync添加代理加速从远程服务器同步文件 – 我の2020之新出发
rsync -Pavzr
-e "ssh -o 'ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p' -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20" //使用 ssh 做通讯,并使用 sock5 代理,代理地址: ,端口:1080
[email protected]:/home/wwwroot/abc     //from address
/data/wwwroot/abc          //to address
rsync --help   rsync  version 3.1.3  protocol version 31Copyright (C) 1996-2018 by Andrew Tridgell, Wayne Davison, and others.Web site: http://rsync.samba.org/
    64-bit files, 64-bit inums, 64-bit timestamps, 64-bit long ints,
    socketpairs, hardlinks, symlinks, IPv6, batchfiles, inplace,
    append, ACLs, xattrs, iconv, symtimes, no prealloc, file-flags

rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  See the GNU
General Public Licence for details.

rsync is a file transfer program capable of efficient remote update
via a fast differencing algorithm.

Usage: rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... DEST
  or   rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST:DEST
  or   rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... [USER@]HOST::DEST
  or   rsync [OPTION]... SRC [SRC]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/DEST
  or   rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST:SRC [DEST]
  or   rsync [OPTION]... [USER@]HOST::SRC [DEST]
  or   rsync [OPTION]... rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/SRC [DEST]
The ':' usages connect via remote shell, while '::' & 'rsync://' usages connect
to an rsync daemon, and require SRC or DEST to start with a module name.

 -v, --verbose               increase verbosity
     --info=FLAGS            fine-grained informational verbosity
     --debug=FLAGS           fine-grained debug verbosity
     --msgs2stderr           special output handling for debugging
 -q, --quiet                 suppress non-error messages
     --no-motd               suppress daemon-mode MOTD (see manpage caveat)
 -c, --checksum              skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size
 -a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
     --no-OPTION             turn off an implied OPTION (e.g. --no-D)
 -r, --recursive             recurse into directories
 -R, --relative              use relative path names
     --no-implied-dirs       don't send implied dirs with --relative
 -b, --backup                make backups (see --suffix & --backup-dir)
     --backup-dir=DIR        make backups into hierarchy based in DIR
     --suffix=SUFFIX         set backup suffix (default ~ w/o --backup-dir)
 -u, --update                skip files that are newer on the receiver
     --inplace               update destination files in-place (SEE MAN PAGE)
     --append                append data onto shorter files
     --append-verify         like --append, but with old data in file checksum
 -d, --dirs                  transfer directories without recursing
 -l, --links                 copy symlinks as symlinks
 -L, --copy-links            transform symlink into referent file/dir
     --copy-unsafe-links     only "unsafe" symlinks are transformed
     --safe-links            ignore symlinks that point outside the source tree
     --munge-links           munge symlinks to make them safer (but unusable)
 -k, --copy-dirlinks         transform symlink to a dir into referent dir
 -K, --keep-dirlinks         treat symlinked dir on receiver as dir
 -H, --hard-links            preserve hard links
 -p, --perms                 preserve permissions
     --fileflags             preserve file-flags (aka chflags)
 -E, --executability         preserve the file's executability
     --chmod=CHMOD           affect file and/or directory permissions
 -A, --acls                  preserve ACLs (implies --perms)
 -X, --xattrs                preserve extended attributes
 -o, --owner                 preserve owner (super-user only)
 -g, --group                 preserve group
     --devices               preserve device files (super-user only)
     --specials              preserve special files
 -D                          same as --devices --specials
 -t, --times                 preserve modification times
 -N, --crtimes               preserve create times (newness)
 -O, --omit-dir-times        omit directories from --times
 -J, --omit-link-times       omit symlinks from --times
     --super                 receiver attempts super-user activities
     --fake-super            store/recover privileged attrs using xattrs
 -S, --sparse                turn sequences of nulls into sparse blocks
     --preallocate           pre-allocate dest files on remote receiver
 -n, --dry-run               perform a trial run with no changes made
 -W, --whole-file            copy files whole (without delta-xfer algorithm)
     --checksum-choice=STR   choose the checksum algorithms
 -x, --one-file-system       don't cross filesystem boundaries
 -B, --block-size=SIZE       force a fixed checksum block-size
 -e, --rsh=COMMAND           specify the remote shell to use
     --rsync-path=PROGRAM    specify the rsync to run on the remote machine
     --existing              skip creating new files on receiver
     --ignore-existing       skip updating files that already exist on receiver
     --remove-source-files   sender removes synchronized files (non-dirs)
     --del                   an alias for --delete-during
     --delete                delete extraneous files from destination dirs
     --delete-before         receiver deletes before transfer, not during
     --delete-during         receiver deletes during the transfer
     --delete-delay          find deletions during, delete after
     --delete-after          receiver deletes after transfer, not during
     --delete-excluded       also delete excluded files from destination dirs
     --ignore-missing-args   ignore missing source args without error
     --delete-missing-args   delete missing source args from destination
     --ignore-errors         delete even if there are I/O errors
     --force-delete          force deletion of directories even if not empty
     --force-change          affect user-/system-immutable files/dirs
     --force-uchange         affect user-immutable files/dirs
     --force-schange         affect system-immutable files/dirs
     --max-delete=NUM        don't delete more than NUM files
     --max-size=SIZE         don't transfer any file larger than SIZE
     --min-size=SIZE         don't transfer any file smaller than SIZE
     --partial               keep partially transferred files
     --partial-dir=DIR       put a partially transferred file into DIR
     --delay-updates         put all updated files into place at transfer's end
 -m, --prune-empty-dirs      prune empty directory chains from the file-list
     --numeric-ids           don't map uid/gid values by user/group name
     --usermap=STRING        custom username mapping
     --groupmap=STRING       custom groupname mapping
     --chown=USER:GROUP      simple username/groupname mapping
     --timeout=SECONDS       set I/O timeout in seconds
     --contimeout=SECONDS    set daemon connection timeout in seconds
 -I, --ignore-times          don't skip files that match in size and mod-time
 -M, --remote-option=OPTION  send OPTION to the remote side only
     --size-only             skip files that match in size
 -@, --modify-window=NUM     set the accuracy for mod-time comparisons
 -T, --temp-dir=DIR          create temporary files in directory DIR
 -y, --fuzzy                 find similar file for basis if no dest file
     --compare-dest=DIR      also compare destination files relative to DIR
     --copy-dest=DIR         ... and include copies of unchanged files
     --link-dest=DIR         hardlink to files in DIR when unchanged
 -z, --compress              compress file data during the transfer
     --compress-level=NUM    explicitly set compression level
     --skip-compress=LIST    skip compressing files with a suffix in LIST
 -C, --cvs-exclude           auto-ignore files the same way CVS does
 -f, --filter=RULE           add a file-filtering RULE
 -F                          same as --filter='dir-merge /.rsync-filter'
                             repeated: --filter='- .rsync-filter'
     --exclude=PATTERN       exclude files matching PATTERN
     --exclude-from=FILE     read exclude patterns from FILE
     --include=PATTERN       don't exclude files matching PATTERN
     --include-from=FILE     read include patterns from FILE
     --files-from=FILE       read list of source-file names from FILE
 -0, --from0                 all *-from/filter files are delimited by 0s
 -s, --protect-args          no space-splitting; only wildcard special-chars
     --address=ADDRESS       bind address for outgoing socket to daemon
     --port=PORT             specify double-colon alternate port number
     --sockopts=OPTIONS      specify custom TCP options
     --blocking-io           use blocking I/O for the remote shell
     --stats                 give some file-transfer stats
 -8, --8-bit-output          leave high-bit chars unescaped in output
 -h, --human-readable        output numbers in a human-readable format
     --progress              show progress during transfer
 -P                          same as --partial --progress
 -i, --itemize-changes       output a change-summary for all updates
     --out-format=FORMAT     output updates using the specified FORMAT
     --log-file=FILE         log what we're doing to the specified FILE
     --log-file-format=FMT   log updates using the specified FMT
     --password-file=FILE    read daemon-access password from FILE
     --list-only             list the files instead of copying them
     --bwlimit=RATE          limit socket I/O bandwidth
     --outbuf=N|L|B          set output buffering to None, Line, or Block
     --write-batch=FILE      write a batched update to FILE
     --only-write-batch=FILE like --write-batch but w/o updating destination
     --read-batch=FILE       read a batched update from FILE
     --protocol=NUM          force an older protocol version to be used
     --iconv=CONVERT_SPEC    request charset conversion of filenames
     --checksum-seed=NUM     set block/file checksum seed (advanced)
 -4, --ipv4                  prefer IPv4
 -6, --ipv6                  prefer IPv6
     --version               print version number
(-h) --help                  show this help (-h is --help only if used alone)

Use "rsync --daemon --help" to see the daemon-mode command-line options.
Please see the rsync(1) and rsyncd.conf(5) man pages for full documentation.
See http://rsync.samba.org/ for updates, bug reports, and answers
  • -P                          same as –partial –progress
  •      –partial               keep partially transferred files
  •      –progress              show progress during transfer
  • -a, –archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
  • -v, –verbose               increase verbosity
  • -z, –compress              compress file data during the transfer
  • -r, –recursive             recurse into directories
  • -e, –rsh=COMMAND           specify the remote shell to use
ssh -o 'ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p' -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20
ssh --help                              ssh: illegal option -- -usage: ssh [-46AaCfGgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy] [-B bind_interface]           [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] [-D [bind_address:]port]
           [-E log_file] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile] [-I pkcs11]
           [-i identity_file] [-J [user@]host[:port]] [-L address]
           [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port]
           [-Q query_option] [-R address] [-S ctl_path] [-W host:port]
           [-w local_tun[:remote_tun]] destination [command]
man ssh
ssh(1): OpenSSH SSH client – Linux man page
ssh(1) – OpenBSD manual pages
  • -o option
    • Can be used to give options in the format used in the configuration file. This is useful for specifying options for which there is no separate command-line flag. For full details of the options listed below, and their possible values, see ssh_config(5).
      • AddressFamily
      • BatchMode
      • BindAddress
      • ChallengeResponseAuthentication
      • CheckHostIP
      • Cipher
      • Ciphers
      • ClearAllForwardings
      • Compression
      • CompressionLevel
      • ConnectionAttempts
      • ConnectTimeout
      • ControlMaster
      • ControlPath
      • DynamicForward
      • EscapeChar
      • ExitOnForwardFailure
      • ForwardAgent
      • ForwardX11
      • ForwardX11Trusted
      • GatewayPorts
      • GlobalKnownHostsFile
      • GSSAPIAuthentication
      • GSSAPIDelegateCredentials
      • HashKnownHosts
      • Host’
      • HostbasedAuthentication
      • HostKeyAlgorithms
      • HostKeyAlias
      • HostName
      • IdentityFile
      • IdentitiesOnly
      • KbdInteractiveDevices
      • LocalCommand
      • LocalForward
      • LogLevel
      • MACs’
      • NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost
      • NumberOfPasswordPrompts
      • PasswordAuthentication
      • PermitLocalCommand
      • Port’
      • PreferredAuthentications
      • Protocol
      • ProxyCommand
      • PubkeyAuthentication
      • RekeyLimit
      • RemoteForward
      • RhostsRSAAuthentication
      • RSAAuthentication
      • SendEnv
      • ServerAliveInterval
      • ServerAliveCountMax
      • SmartcardDevice
      • StrictHostKeyChecking
      • TCPKeepAlive
      • Tunnel
      • TunnelDevice
      • UsePrivilegedPort
      • User’
      • UserKnownHostsFile
      • VerifyHostKeyDNS
      • VisualHostKey
      • XAuthLocation
nc(1): arbitrary TCP/UDP connections/listens – Linux man page
nc [-46DdhklnrStUuvzC] [-i interval] [-p source_port] [-s source_ip_address] [-T ToS] [-w timeout] [-Xproxy_protocol] [-x proxy_address[:port]] [hostname] [port[s]]
The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun involving TCP or UDP. It can open TCP connections, send UDP packets, listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports, do port scanning, and deal with both IPv4 and IPv6. Unlike telnet(1), nc scripts nicely, and separates error messages onto standard error instead of sending them to standard output, as telnet(1) does with some.
  • -X proxy_version
    • Requests that nc should use the specified protocol when talking to the proxy server. Supported protocols are ”4” (SOCKS v.4), ”5” (SOCKS v.5) and ”connect” (HTTPS proxy). If the protocol is not specified, SOCKS version 5 is used.
  • -x proxy_address[:port]
    • Requests that nc should connect to hostname using a proxy at proxy_address and port. If port is not specified, the well-known port for the proxy protocol is used (1080 for SOCKS, 3128 for HTTPS).
nc -X 5 -x %h %p
  • -X 5
    • SOCKS 5版协议
      • 此处用的是SOCKS5代理(不是http代理)
  • -x
    • 代理地址和端口是:
  • %h %p
    • 应该是对应着:[hostname] [port[s]]
      • 分别表示:
        • %host:当前主机 ?
        • %p:当前端口 ?
另外的ssh的-o 表示option中的:
  • ServerAliveInterval=30
  • ServerAliveCountMax=20
OpenSSH: Manual Pages
  • ssh(1) — The basic rlogin/rsh-like client program
  • sshd(8) — The daemon that permits you to log in
  • ssh_config(5) — The client configuration file
  • sshd_config(5) — The daemon configuration file
  • ssh-agent(1) — An authentication agent that can store private keys
  • ssh-add(1) — Tool which adds keys to in the above agent
  • sftp(1) — FTP-like program that works over SSH1 and SSH2 protocol
  • scp(1) — File copy program that acts like rcp
  • ssh-keygen(1) — Key generation tool
  • sftp-server(8) — SFTP server subsystem (started automatically by sshd)
  • ssh-keyscan(1) — Utility for gathering public host keys from a number of hosts
  • ssh-keysign(8) — Helper program for host-based authentication
ssh_config(5) – OpenBSD manual pages
  • ServerAliveInterval
    • Sets a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received from the server, ssh(1) will send a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the server. The default is 0, indicating that these messages will not be sent to the server.
  • ServerAliveCountMax
    • Sets the number of server alive messages (see below) which may be sent without ssh(1) receiving any messages back from the server. If this threshold is reached while server alive messages are being sent, ssh will disconnect from the server, terminating the session. It is important to note that the use of server alive messages is very different from TCPKeepAlive(below). The server alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel and therefore will not be spoofable. The TCP keepalive option enabled by TCPKeepAlive is spoofable. The server alive mechanism is valuable when the client or server depend on knowing when a connection has become unresponsive.
    • The default value is 3. If, for example, ServerAliveInterval (see below) is set to 15 and ServerAliveCountMax is left at the default, if the server becomes unresponsive, ssh will disconnect after approximately 45 seconds.
  • ServerAliveInterval=30
    • 每次最多30秒
  • ServerAliveCountMax=5
    • 最多5次

export HTTP_PROXY=; export HTTPS_PROXY=; export ALL_PROXY=socks5://

ssh -o 'ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p' -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5
sshpass -f /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/common/config/deploy/deploy_server_password.txt rsync -avzh --progress --stats --delete --force -e "ssh -o 'ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p' -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5" /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/generated/books/android_app_security_crack/release/android_app_security_crack [email protected]:/data/wwwroot/book.crifan.com/books

# for rsync use sock5 proxy
RSYNC_PROXY = -e "ssh -o 'ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x $(PROXY_SOCK5) %h %p' -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5"
# for rsync not use any proxy

RSYNC_PARAMS = $(RSYNC_PROXY) -avzh --progress --stats --delete --force

## Upload all genereted website/pdf/epub/mobi files to remote server using rsync. Create deploy_server_info.mk and deploy_server_password.txt which contain deploy server IP+User+Path and Password before use this
upload: all
    @echo ================================================================================
ifeq ($(SHOULD_IGNORE), true)
    @echo Ignore upload $(BOOK_NAME) to book.crifan.com
    @echo Upload for $(BOOK_NAME)


## Commit generated files to github io
commit: all
    @echo ================================================================================
    @echo Commit for $(BOOK_NAME)
sshpass -f /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/common/config/deploy/deploy_server_password.txt rsync -avzh --progress --stats --delete --force /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/generated/books/android_app_security_crack/release/android_app_security_crack [email protected]:/data/wwwroot/book.crifan.com/books
sshpass -f /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/common/config/deploy/deploy_server_password.txt rsync -avzh --progress --stats --delete --force -e "ssh -o 'ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p' -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5" /Users/crifan/dev/dev_root/gitbook/gitbook_src_root/generated/books/android_app_security_crack/release/android_app_security_crack [email protected]:/data/wwwroot/book.crifan.com/books

  • rsync
    • -e, –rsh=COMMAND           specify the remote shell to use
      • ssh -o ‘ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p’ -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ServerAliveCountMax=5
  • ssh
    • -o option
      • Can be used to give options in the format used in the configuration file. This is useful for specifying options for which there is no separate command-line flag. For full details of the options listed below, and their possible values
        • ProxyCommand
  • nc -X 5 -x %h %p
    • 参数语法
      • -X proxy_version
        • Requests that nc should use the specified protocol when talking to the proxy server. Supported protocols are ”4” (SOCKS v.4), ”5” (SOCKS v.5) and ”connect” (HTTPS proxy). If the protocol is not specified, SOCKS version 5 is used.
      • -x proxy_address[:port]
        • Requests that nc should connect to hostname using a proxy at proxy_address and port. If port is not specified, the well-known port for the proxy protocol is used (1080 for SOCKS, 3128 for HTTPS).
    • 参数含义
      • -X 5
        • SOCKS 5版协议
          • 此处用的是SOCKS5代理(不是http代理)
      • -x
        • 代理地址和端口是:
      • %h %p
        • 应该是对应着:[hostname] [port[s]]
          • 分别表示:
            • %host:当前主机 ?
            • %p:当前端口 ?
  • ssh_config 
    • 参数语法
      • ServerAliveInterval
        • Sets a timeout interval in seconds after which if no data has been received from the server, ssh(1) will send a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the server. The default is 0, indicating that these messages will not be sent to the server.
      • ServerAliveCountMax
        • Sets the number of server alive messages (see below) which may be sent without ssh(1) receiving any messages back from the server. If this threshold is reached while server alive messages are being sent, ssh will disconnect from the server, terminating the session. It is important to note that the use of server alive messages is very different from TCPKeepAlive(below). The server alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel and therefore will not be spoofable. The TCP keepalive option enabled by TCPKeepAlive is spoofable. The server alive mechanism is valuable when the client or server depend on knowing when a connection has become unresponsive.
        • The default value is 3. If, for example, ServerAliveInterval (see below) is set to 15 and ServerAliveCountMax is left at the default, if the server becomes unresponsive, ssh will disconnect after approximately 45 seconds.
    • 参数含义
      • ServerAliveInterval=30
        • 每次最多30秒
      • ServerAliveCountMax=5
        • 最多5次

转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】给用sshpass的rsync加代理以加速




  • 昵称 (必填)
  • 邮箱 (必填)
  • 网址
80 queries in 0.240 seconds, using 22.24MB memory