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【已解决】Additional information: Proxy XmlRpcUrl attribute or Url property not set和error CS0592: Attribute ‘XmlRpcUrl’ is not valid on this declaration type

C# crifan 2771浏览 0评论



class openPost : XmlRpcClientProtocol
    //metaWeblog.getPost (postid, username, password) returns struct
    //The blogid, username, password and publish params are as in the Blogger API. newPost returns a string representation of the post id, again as defined by the Blogger API. The struct is where the juice is.
    public string getPost(string postid, string username, string password)
        return (string)this.Invoke("getPost", new object[] { postid, username, password });


An unhandled exception of type ‘CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcMissingUrl’ occurred in CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll

Additional information: Proxy XmlRpcUrl attribute or Url property not set.

Additional information Proxy XmlRpcUrl attribute or Url property not set






D:\xxx\OpenPostViaPermaLink\openPost.cs(73,10): error CS0592: Attribute ‘XmlRpcUrl’ is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on ‘class, interface’ declarations.


MetaWeblogAPI C# Code Sample


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using CookComputing.XmlRpc;

namespace OpenPostViaPermaLink
    class CrifanMetaWeblog : XmlRpcClientProtocol
        //metaWeblog.newPost (blogid, username, password, struct, publish) returns string
        //metaWeblog.editPost (postid, username, password, struct, publish) returns true
        //metaWeblog.getPost (postid, username, password) returns struct
        //The blogid, username, password and publish params are as in the Blogger API. newPost returns a string representation of the post id, again as defined by the Blogger API. The struct is where the juice is.
        public Object getPost(string postid, string username, string password)
            Object retInfo = null;
            retInfo = this.Invoke("getPost", new object[] { postid, username, password });
            return retInfo;

// calling function
void xmlRpcTest()
    CrifanMetaWeblog crifanBlog = new CrifanMetaWeblog();

    string postid = "7064";
    string username = "yourname";
    string password = "yourpassword";
    Object retPostInfo = crifanBlog.getPost(postid, username, password);


retInfo    Count = 22    object {CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcStruct}

[“permaLink”]    “https://www.crifan.com/tmp_test_open_post_via_permanent_link/”
[“wp_post_format”]    “standard”
[“postid”]    7064
[“wp_password”]    “”
[“wp_author_display_name”]    “crifan”
[“date_created_gmt”]    {4/2/2012 2:25:00 AM}
[“mt_text_more”]    “”
[“mt_excerpt”]    “”
[“description”]    “<p>内容:用于测试通过帖子固定链接打开帖子。</p>”
[“mt_allow_pings”]    1
[“title”]    “title of test open post via permenant link”
[“wp_slug”]    “tmp_test_open_post_via_permanent_link”
[“wp_author_id”]    “1”
[“userid”]    “1”
[“mt_keywords”]    “tmp”
[“post_status”]    “publish”
[“link”]    “https://www.crifan.com/tmp_test_open_post_via_permanent_link/”
[“dateCreated”]    {4/2/2012 10:25:00 AM}
[“custom_fields”]    {object[1]}
[“sticky”]    false
[“categories”]    {string[1]}
[“mt_allow_comments”]    1


转载请注明:在路上 » 【已解决】Additional information: Proxy XmlRpcUrl attribute or Url property not set和error CS0592: Attribute ‘XmlRpcUrl’ is not valid on this declaration type




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