1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Function: 【示例】Python中处理json的示例代码 Version: 2013-06-23 Author: Crifan Li Contact: https://www.crifan.com/contact_me/ """ import json; def python_json(): print "--- 1. Demo json to object value (here is dict) ---" ; inputJsonStr = """{"list":[{"ArticleId":7392749,"BlogId":1158641,"CommentId":2182295,"Content":"偶是来测试评论滴,哈哈","ParentId":0,"PostTime":"2分钟前","Replies":null,"UserName":"crifan","Userface":"http://avatar.csdn.net/E/D/E/3_crifan.jpg"},{"ArticleId":7392749,"BlogId":1158641,"CommentId":2182254,"Content":"mark__","ParentId":0,"PostTime":"52分钟前","Replies":null,"UserName":"mars_tl","Userface":"http://avatar.csdn.net/9/3/0/3_mars_tl.jpg"}],"page":{"PageSize":20,"PageIndex":1,"RecordCount":0,"PageCount":0},"fileName":"7392749"}""" ; #print "inputJsonStr=",inputJsonStr; convertedDict = json.loads(inputJsonStr, "utf-8" ); print "type(convertedDict)=" , type (convertedDict); #type(convertedDict)= <type 'dict'> print "convertedDict=" ,convertedDict; # convertedDict= {u'list': [{u'UserName': u'crifan', u'PostTime': u'2\u5206\u949f\u524d', u'Userface': u'http://avatar.csdn.net/E/D/E/3_crifan # .jpg', u'Replies': None, u'Content': u'\u5076\u662f\u6765\u6d4b\u8bd5\u8bc4\u8bba\u6ef4\uff0c\u54c8\u54c8', u'ArticleId': 7392749, u'ParentI # d': 0, u'CommentId': 2182295, u'BlogId': 1158641}, {u'UserName': u'mars_tl', u'PostTime': u'52\u5206\u949f\u524d', u'Userface': u'http://ava # tar.csdn.net/9/3/0/3_mars_tl.jpg', u'Replies': None, u'Content': u'mark__', u'ArticleId': 7392749, u'ParentId': 0, u'CommentId': 2182254, u' # BlogId': 1158641}], u'page': {u'PageIndex': 1, u'PageCount': 0, u'PageSize': 20, u'RecordCount': 0}, u'fileName': u'7392749'} #now can output some field value filename = convertedDict[ 'fileName' ]; print "filename=" ,filename; #filename= 7392749 # dictList = convertedDict['list']; # for eachDict in dictList: # print "eachDict=",eachDict; print "--- 2. Demo object value to json ---" ; jsonStr = json.dumps(convertedDict); print "type(jsonStr)=" , type (jsonStr); #type(jsonStr)= <type 'str'> print "jsonStr=" ,jsonStr; print "=== more about json can refer: docs.python.org/2/library/json.html ===" ; if __name__ = = '__main__' : python_json() |
1 | convertedObjVal = json.loads(inputJsonStr); |
1 | jsonStr = json.dumps(objValue); |
转载请注明:在路上 » 【示例】Python中处理json的示例代码