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【调研】国外 美国 发送短信 服务

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sms api

best sms api


E.164 – Wikipedia

List of international call prefixes – Wikipedia

SMS API, Text Message API, & SMS Short Code | Plivo

【已解决】什么是短号码Short Code

rest – Recommendations for SMS gateways with API-support – Stack Overflow

SMSAPI – global SMS API service provider

GatewayTest | Clickatell.com

What’s the Cheapest and most reliable SMS API? – Quora



Mashape – Free API Management Platform & Marketplace


REST API: Sending SMS or MMS – Twilio

International support for Alphanumeric Sender ID – Twilio Support

Tutorials – Twilio

Twilio SMS and MMS Python Quickstart – Twilio

SMS API – Twilio Text Messaging for mobile & web apps

SMS by TWILIO – Easy To Use and FREE to Sign Up! #1 API

Twilio Programmable SMS – Features

Shortcode SMS for High Volume Texting – Twilio

SMS Pricing for Text Messaging – Twilio

API Reference – Twilio

REST API: Sending SMS or MMS – Twilio

Twilio Notify | SMS, Push, and Chat Notifications


Twilio Programmable SMS – International Coverage & Connectivity


REST API: Sending SMS or MMS – Twilio


SMS Delivery Reports & Carrier Acknowledgements – Twilio


SMS Pricing for Text Messaging – Twilio

REST API: Pricing – Twilio

Pricing for SMS & Voice to Text & Call via Web API – Twilio


sms notification api

HTTP SMS API – SMS Gateway – Email SMS, Web SMS | SMSGlobal

Twilio SMS and MMS Python Quickstart – Twilio


国外短信验证码 平台

US  sms api

US best  sms api

http – SMS GateWay in USA – Stack Overflow

api – Can anyone recommend a good SMS gateway for PHP? – Webmasters Stack Exchange

(I work for Twilio)

Twilio meets your requirements, with the following caveats:

  • We support short codes with the same simple API http://www.twilio.com/sms/short-codes
  • Opt-in and opt-out capabilities are left up to your application logic
  • We have the cleanest API of any gateway I’ve used (I was in a similar situation as you prior to working here so I have a lot of experience working with many different providers).
  • Our prices for long-code SMS start at $1/month for the phone number and $.01/message. Complete pricing is posted on the site http://www.twilio.com/pricing/
  • We have a PHP helper library that makes integration easy


Twilio 短信


有了Twilio 你也能有自己专用的短信号码

使用Twilio和Google App Engine发送短信名片 – 技术翻译 – 开源中国社区

利用Twilio免费电话收发短信图文教程 | 骤雨打新荷

大家有了解Twilio的吗? – 知乎



开发指南:短信验证码/通知 – 落地电话、呼叫中心等语音和IVR、短信的SDK文档—云通讯平台


SMS API, Text Message API, & SMS Short Code | Plivo

United States – SMS API & Voice API Pricing | Plivo

China – SMS API & Voice API Pricing | Plivo

Documentation | Plivo Docs

Message API Documentation

Plivo Docs – Web SDK for VoIP | Plivo

Plivo Helper Libraries – APIs for Voice, SMS and Text Messaging | Plivo


Plivo Docs for Python Helper Library. Get started building communications apps in any web standard language.

Send a single SMS | Plivo SMS API






United States – SMS API & Voice API Pricing | Plivo





SMS Pricing for Text Messaging – Twilio

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网友最新评论 (1)

  1. Great Infomation
    Bulk SMS5年前 (2019-02-20)回复
83 queries in 0.157 seconds, using 22.13MB memory