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Swift crifan 4703浏览 0评论

swift viewcontroller visible

swift viewcontroller current

ios – How do you check current view controller class in Swift? – Stack Overflow

swift – Get top most UIViewController – Stack Overflow

ios – Get current view controller from the app delegate (modal is possible) – Stack Overflow

Find the current top view controller for your iOS application · GitHub



extension UIApplication {
    class func topViewController(base: UIViewController? = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
        if let nav = base as? UINavigationController {
            return topViewController(nav.visibleViewController)
        if let tab = base as? UITabBarController {
            if let selected = tab.selectedViewController {
                return topViewController(selected)
        if let presented = base?.presentedViewController {
            return topViewController(presented)
        return base
            if let topVC = UIApplication.topViewController() {
                print("topVC=\(topVC), relatedConversationItem.msgTVC=\(relatedConversationItem.msgTVC)")
                if topVC != relatedConversationItem.msgTVC {
                    //topVC=<JianDao.ConversationViewController: 0x7ffcfc874230>
                    //relatedConversationItem.msgTVC=<JianDao.MessageTableViewController: 0x7ffcfca4e7d0>
                    //not in current message vc, so need update badge
                    conversationItemList[relatedConversationItemIdx].badgeValue += 1
                    //topVC=<JianDao.MessageTableViewController: 0x7fc8397de3c0>
                    //relatedConversationItem.msgTVC=<JianDao.MessageTableViewController: 0x7fc8397de3c0>
                    print("in current message UI, not need update badge")

转载请注明:在路上 » [已解决]swift中判断当前视图控制器是否可见和当前正在显示的是哪个视图




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