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【已解决】Android的ADT调试期间出现提示:The Jar of this class file belongs to container 'Android Dependencies' which does not allow modifications to source attachments on its entries

【已解决】Android的ADT调试期间出现提示:The Jar of this class file belongs to container ‘Android Dependencies’ which does not allow modifications to source attachments on its entries

crifan 11年前 (2013-11-08) 6140浏览 1评论

【问题】 折腾: 【未解决】Eclipse的ADT中调试Android程序时给jar包添加源码以便源码级调试 期间,注意到: 当看不到Class File Editor中可以显示让自己选择源码的是,就有对应的: The Jar of this ...

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