【已解决】carthage update出错:Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Operation timed out
crifan 8年前 (2016-10-26) 7026浏览 0评论
Mac中去carthage update出错: brancepengdeMacBook-Pro:keyoutong minglong$ carthage update *** Fetching SwiftHTTPStatusCodes A sh...
crifan 8年前 (2016-10-26) 7026浏览 0评论
Mac中去carthage update出错: brancepengdeMacBook-Pro:keyoutong minglong$ carthage update *** Fetching SwiftHTTPStatusCodes A sh...
crifan 8年前 (2016-10-15) 4310浏览 0评论
折腾: 【已解决】Xcode8中carthage update出错:Required plug-in compatibility UUID for plug-in at path RealmPlugin.xcplugin not present in...
crifan 8年前 (2016-10-15) 3180浏览 0评论
在Xcode升级到8.0之后: 折腾: 【已解决】Xcode中导入Carthage编译的库报错:Module compiled with Swift 2.3 cannot be imported in Swift 3.0 等期间,看到Carthage...
crifan 8年前 (2016-08-23) 5941浏览 0评论
别人那里: 对于正常的Carthage的配置,比如: github “SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON” 去更新: carthage update –platform iOS 结果...