[已解决]Swift代码出错:Use of unresolved identifier NSAssert
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-12) 5832浏览 0评论
[背景] 想要把OC代码: NSAssert(newViewControllers.count >= 2, "MHTabBarController requires at least two view controllers&quo...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-12) 5832浏览 0评论
[背景] 想要把OC代码: NSAssert(newViewControllers.count >= 2, "MHTabBarController requires at least two view controllers&quo...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-12) 3246浏览 0评论
[背景] 折腾: [已解决]Swift代码出错:Cannot invoke initializer for type [UIViewController] with an argument list of type (() -> ()) 期间...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-11) 3830浏览 0评论
[背景] 折腾: [已解决]Swift代码出错:Cannot invoke initializer for type [UIViewController] with an argument list of type (() -> ()) 期...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-11) 6690浏览 0评论
[背景] 折腾: [已解决]Swift代码出错:Method setViewControllers with Objective-C selector setViewControllers: conflicts with setter for v...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-10) 3255浏览 0评论
[背景] swift代码: func setViewControllers(newViewControllers:NSArray) { 出错: Method ‘setViewControllers’ with Object...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-10) 2066浏览 0评论
[背景] 代码: var buttons:UnsafeMutablePointer<[UIView]> = UnsafeMutablePointer<[UIView]>((tabButtonsContaine...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-10) 3587浏览 0评论
[背景] 折腾: [已解决]Swift中如何定义NSArray数组指针类型变量 期间,代码: let buttons:UnsafePointer<NSArray> = tabButtonsContainerView?.subv...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-10) 3184浏览 0评论
[背景] 已有OC代码: NSArray*buttons = [tabButtonsContainerView subviews]; 想要转换为Swift代码。 涉及到,如何把 NSArray *buttons 改写为Swift中,定...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-09) 9342浏览 0评论
[背景] 折腾: [已解决]Swift代码出错:Binary operator / cannot be applied to operands of type CGFloat and Int 期间,swift代码: let coun...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-09) 7553浏览 0评论
[背景] swift中,如下代码: let rect:CGRect=CGRectMake(0,0,floorf(self.view.bounds.size.width / count),self.tabBarHeight) 出错: swift:123...