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todo 20090731

tmp_todo crifan 1587浏览 0评论

1.test different once write data size for 4K/8K , one/two page to test speed is enchaned or not.

2.test change USB package size for 64K/128K/256K .. verify speed is change or not.

3.add interleave =2 or =1, test once write 2/4 pages, test speed changed or not.

4.give option for see report or not. if no, only show report occur error.if yes, show report after prom done, and should wait another several seconds after disconnect USB to wait the erase of left copyed files under update dir.default is not see report.

5.add oob data check is the first two bytes is 0xFF, if not should report invalid oob data. and stop prom.

6.after all prom done, give option to reboot or shutdown. default is shutdown.

7.makesure reserved area is 128M+8+1=137M is work well.

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